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new group: One Month To My Wedding Day

oh gosh, it's only one month left till the big day! last chance to try to get in a right shape. anyone in the same situation? join me, let's count down the days together!


Sun. Jan 27, 6:14pm

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If you're interested, Jillian from The Biggest Loser has a new book - a 30 day program that's designed to whip you're behind into shape. I looked through it and loved the workout routine - nothing I'd ever put together on my own. It looks like an intense 30 days, but I can see how you'd get results.

Good luck!

Sunday, January 27, 2008, 8:16 PM

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Congratulations! That's so exciting!!!

One warning for you - not saying this will happen to you, or trying to discourage you, but this happened to me...

Right up until about 3-4 days before the wedding, I was consistently but slowly losing weight, or at least not gaining. Then in the 3 days before my wedding (right after my final dress fitting), I hardly ate a thing, and still gained like 3-4 lbs. I think it was just the stress, but whatever I did, I kept gaining! I ended up popping a couple buttons off of the back of my dress during the ceremony/reception! Good thing I had long hair and a veil, b/c no one could see (and the dress had a zipper under the buttons anyway), but, just wanted to warn you - don't expect to lose too much right before the wedding, and make sure you have breathing room in your dress at the final fitting!

Have so much fun!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008, 4:31 PM

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wedding souvenirs

First of all, i like to congratulate you for your wedding. Because you said that only 1 month is left for it. Also you can get wedding services from wedding souvenirs for interested girls easily. Ye, i ill count the days with you. And tell me how is the preparation of the wedding going.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 1:49 AM

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