I'm Kim. I'm twenty one years old and currently living in a small town in Pennsylvania where I go to college. I'm a psychology major with a minor in philosophy and I'm finishing up my second year. I'm originally from Pittsburgh and I absolutely love any metropolitan area, although Philly and NYC are my favorites. I love to just wander around and see what I find. I spend most of my time reading(memoirs mostly), listening to music(kindof pop-punkish and alternative, I guess), hanging out with friends, shopping, and learning things I'll never need to know.

I am 24 years old and am currently getting my second bachelor's degree. I am doing Weight Watchers and I am easily frustrated. I need to make a change in my diet/fitness immediately.

On the road for business and with eating at the hotel all the time, I've gained some weight. My goal is to shed 15-20 lbs by the end of July/Aug (vacation time).

21 year old student/legal assistant who needs motivation to keep exercising and eating right. I get frustrated when I don't see immediate results.

I'm a single 24 y/o who is super super busy. I work two part time jobs which ends up equalling more that one full time job. I work as a Research Assistant and also as a Substance Abuse Counselor working with teenagers. I am also a full time Grad Student.
I have a bad habit of going out on the weekends and canceling out all the hard working out and dieting I do during the week with cocktails and eating out.
I had thyroid cancer when I was about 17 which I think is why I was a pretty chubby teenager. I think my highest weight was about 165 (at 5'1'). After dealing with the thyroid issue I lost about 10 lbs per year while in college and have been "stuck" for the past couple years. I seem to gain and lose the same 8 pounds all the time. I'm down to 125 but I would really like to lose 10-15 lbs more.


I'm a student at the University of Utah. I used to be more active, but with school and work, I've let my health fall off the priority list. I want to use this summer to develop good exercise habits I can continue in the fall when I go back to school.

I'm a 23 yr ol stay at home mom. My daughter is almost two, she is a kick in the ass! I love to hang out with my firends and go dancing. I want what every mommmy wants...my pre-baby body back.

I'm 23 years old and go to Texas Tech University. I'm graduating in May 2008 and I want to leave this school skinny and healthy. I want to enter the real world as an attractive person, because we all know, being attractive helps to acheive other goals. It's a sad truth. I want to be an actress, and there just aren't alot of plus size actresses out there!

I am 23 years old and have always been active in athletics, coaching and general exercises. I graduated college one year ago in which I began working a 9-5 job immediately. I love my job, but it keeps me parked on my butt for a large portion of the day. I work out in the evening, but probably not as much or as often as I should. Consequently I've gained about 20 pounds in the past year and now that I am settled into a routine I am ready to start kicking some ass!

I'm a 20 year old college student in Ohio. I used to be an athlete and I have always thought that proper diet and being active are important..unfortunately I can never really get motivated!

I am 20yrs Old I Live in the Washington, DC Area. I am taking classes at the community college and I work from 2-6 M-TH Just for mad money. My friends are all like hot girls who like to club and party and I just dont enjoy going with them because all the guys just flock to my friends. And even though I have a boyfriend its nice to be hit on and I just really dont enjoy looking in the mirror at my stomach and my boyfriend is constantly asking when I am going to loose the weight and I say I am trying but I am not really giving it my all and I think that I am ready to give it my all that I can give.

I am a 23, college graduate, and married! I was very active in college and lived with 3 very active girls which constantly kept me motivated. But since graduating college and getting married, there have been A LOT of changes that has resulted in A LOT celebrating...and as a result quite a bit of weight gain. Boo. My husband is in the Navy, and we live Spain. I love living abroad, but also with all the new experiences there is even MORE celebrating! My weight has been up and down the past year, and I want to get down and maintian a healthy weight.

I just finished up my freshman year at college. I run cross country and track, but food is my weakness. I don't consider myself fat, but I can definitely improve my eating habits. I eat when I'm bored, when I'm stressed...I have tried eating better, but I always give in after about a week or two. Running keeps me in shape, but I still know that I can lose some extra pounds that I've gained the past year by just having some control over what I eat.

I am a psychology student at Texas A&M University. I just turned 20 and realized that I do not want to be fat any more. I do not want to constantly think if someone is treating me differently because I am fat. I want to gain self- confidence. I've been brought up to believe that guys only go for thin girls. I have to admit that this scares me and I have never been in a relationship. Hopefully I will overcome this fear and will not have to stress over my weight soon enough.


I just graduated from college in June and moved to the city - I've always had a pretty unhealthy relationship with food (DEFINATELY an emoitonal eater) and a bad body image - it got REALLY bad in college though, lifestyle was hard and now that it's changed so completely I want to focus on listening to my body - eating only when I'm hungry, stopping when I'm full, exercising because it FEELS good not to look a certain way.

I'm 24 years old and work at the YMCA.

I'm 24 years old, work full time and Im trying to finish my degree. I am at the point in my life where I looked in the mirror and said "What happened to me?" I am ready to lose this weight I have put on since I have been able to drink legally.

i'm 24 and stare at a computer all day. i need to get more active and less lazy!

I'm 23, about to start my second year of law school. I played volleyball all my life through college so basically I could eat anything I wanted because athletics were my life! Even so, I was always one of the bigger girls on the team - I could always bulk up but never slim down! Now that volleyball's over I'd like to drop a couple sizes from where I was while playing ball!


I am a 23 y/o professional just one year removed from college. I have a BS in Supply Chain & Information Systems and I live in Pittsburgh, PA and work in an office from 8:30-5. I am an on again off again dieter/exerciser and I am looking for some serious motivation. I hope this is the right place!

I am 24 years old and I am almost done with college. Having a boyfriend and working in a restaurant are two hard things for me eating habits wise because my boyfriend likes to eat out a lot or just eat bad things and at work I tend to snack on things I should not.

I am 5'7" and 20 years old. I am a runner but unfortunately was just diagnosed with shin splints after a bone scan which really hurt being able to run off the end of the school year diet during exams and parties and such. Last summer I ran with my neighbor's dog a lot, Gus, he is this huge labradoodle who is so fun and whenever I go visit seems so upset I am not there to run with him because I can't :-( the only way i know to shed weight seriouysly has been running. Last summer I was on steroids for a rash I had from a dru interaction and gained a bunch of weight. By the end of summer I was running 6 miles a day on average and slimmed down to 135 lbs which I felt confident at. I am working full time in an internship so I sit at a desk but I have been excercising in the companies nice gym everymorning at 6 am before work. I am hoping this helps. I have been doing their spinning class which really works me hard, last week one guy had to quit before the end of class. I also have a horse who I love to ride after work and on weekends. I love going upnorth to my cottage and waterskiing and swimming.

i am 23 years old and a recent UCSB grad. i work full- time as an event planner and have a part-time job hostessing at night - which creates little time to devote to exercising and eating well. i'd like to change that and become more fit and fabulous!


I'm 22, I gained a lot of weight within the past 5 years or so due to medication, stress, inactivity and simply not eating right.

I am 23 years old. My husband and I recently moved so that he could go to school. I'm a teacher, and last year was my first year, and it was very stressful. Unfortunately, when I get stressed out, I eat.

I am 24 living in Chicago and working in web design. would like to lose 15 pounds and feel comfortable in my own skin.

I'm 22 years old and I'm a programmer and self declared geek. I just graduated in May with my bachelor's degree and am looking forward to starting a new chapter in my life. This includes losing 100 lbs to get down to a healthy weight. I've always struggled with my weight - I've been overweight since I was a kid. What has really hit home lately is the fact that, since I started college, I have gained about 70 - 80 lbs. I used to be 175 lbs and a size 14 (I'm a tall girl) and now I'm 252 lbs and a size 20. I'm sick of being this way - I want to be healthy and I want to feel good about myself. I want to feel good in my own skin and I want to fit into the clothes that I've always wanted to wear. It has been a long time since I have felt truly good about myself. I am going to stop procrastinating and I am going to do this.

I'm a 23 y/o professional who has always had just a little extra weight. I'm comfortable with my body, but would love to see some of it go. I'm a runner, and will be doing my second marathon this fall in Chicago and I need some help being motivated to train.

21 and loving life in hawaii. Lots of surf, sun, and swimming!

I'm 26, married, no kids. I just moved from California to Texas. My husband is overweight and I have a hard time not eating the unhealthy foods he likes to buy. I'm not overweight, but I'm a little chubby. I'd like to get in shape and get back to looking fit and lithe.

I'm a Jersey girl,living in AZ. Love to read and watch the world.

I am a huge horseback rider and it is hard to ride when I am not in shape. I barrel race! I want to train performance horses and riding in many disciplines will make me a better rider and trainer. I put on a lot of weight in college, lost some of it, and then got pregnant.


I'm 19 and currently work as a certified nursing assistant. I was going to school full time for social work but decided that wasn't the road I wanted to go down. Now, I am currently waiting to get into the registered nurse program at my local community college. I love meeting new people, shopping, and spending time with my boyfriend.

I'm a second year law student -- 1 1/2 years out of college -- which means that I spend a lot of time sitting (either in class, in the library, or at my desk). I've gained about 18 pounds in the last two years, and I finally hit a breaking point. In high school and college, eating well and working out were just part of my everyday life, and since becoming a sedentary grad student, I feel it in my energy level and in my jeans. I've always been comfortable in my skin, even where I am now, but I miss that lightness that I felt when I was healthier.

I am a 23 year old teacher. I was just hired for my first year of teaching and am really excited about it! I have lost weight in the past twice and have gained it back each time.

I am 24 year old architect, so I spend a lot of time on the computer, and thus sitting on my butt! I live in Sweden and work in Denmark so I commute about 3 hours every day. Which gives a lot of time for sudoku but not for exercise.

I'm a recent Masters degree grad and need to get rid of the excess body fat and weight that keeps creeping up on me! I love lots of sports - played basketball in highschool. I've always been overweight and would like to reverse that a little.

I am 24 years old (will be 25 in August). I am a stay at home mom and I am currently attending the University of Phoenix online to obtain an Associates degree. I have two year old daughter and have been married for three years.



I am a college student. I love running. I gain weight from binging. I recently lost some weight only to gain some back in the past three weeks due to binging.

I'm only 21 years old and after high school I have been putting on the pounds, as I'm sure we all have, but I am a dancer and need to get back in shape so I can make more parts in my college dance department. I'm 5'8 and weigh about 160 pounds. I would love a chance to just lose 20 pounds and feel great about myself.

I am a 25 year old disabled veteran.My husband and I celebrated our 2 yr anniversary thousands of miles apart. He's in Iraq. I have 2 American Bulldogs to keep me company. Thankfully I also have my Mama in the same city. I'm starting college this winter to become a dental hygienist. Terrified because I've been out of school for 8 years. Already the mind isn't the sponge it used to be. I'd love any advise from students or teachers :)

I'm a senior at University of Delaware. I love singing and laughing. I have been slowly gaining weight throughout college and it is never drastic so I just let it go but I have started to really notice I don't like the way my clothes fit me or the way i feel about myself so I need to DO SOMETHING!

26 y/o medical student, stressed about the changes in my life from my overseas trip to now being back in the states and a little bit about beginning the new school year. peer trainer helped me lose 8 pounds before and i am calling on it to help me just through this 1 week before school starts back. i just want to maintain my calm and not turn to food for 'comfort'/'distraction. i eat a lot and think a lot about silly things when i am not busy, and right now i have nothing (pressing) to do!


I'm 24 years old I'm an admin asst. for a great company I have a beautiful son that I can't get enough of and wonderful parnets/extended family.

I'm a 22 year old college grad working 2 jobs and getting ready for the big move to my first apartment in September. After 4 years of college consisting mostly of animating and computer goodness, I am out in the world and out of shape! Now that I'm not worried about homework and projects, it's time to shift my priorities to my health. I love animation, graphic design, and anything to do with computers and technology. I'm working on getting my website updated and finding a nice job/internship in my field.

I'm a 25 year old Automotive Technician, I've had trouble with my weight and binge eating pretty much all of my life. Since 9th grade I've hovered right around 310, but about 2 years ago I let myself go and reached 405, then through diet, and just working at my job I got back down to 325 without too much trouble. Then I got comfortable again and let myself go and found myself back at 360, I've been dieting a couple weeks and I'm back down to 345.


I am 21 and recently graduated from college. Sitting at a desk for eight hours drives me crazy Mon-Fri, so I like to travel a lot and go out on my off time. I most enjoy planning activities and trips for my boyfriend and I and decorating the apartment I just moved into with a friend from college.

I'm 24 years old, I live in New York City and I'm the Creative Director of a company who is in the e-commerce industry. I moved to New York in Nov 2005 after living in Dominican Republick for 15 years.

I'm a 22 year college student and soon will transfering to UC Berkeley


I am a 22 recent college graduate. I work at a newspaper. I am pretty outgoing and can make anything fun. I let all the lunchhall banquet style food get to me while at college.

I'm a 24 year old graduate student. Between classes and clinic hours it's pretty hard to prepare healthy meals/snacks. I have always struggled with my weight but it seems to have gotten more difficult over the past year.

I am 20 years old and I am tired of buying a bigger size every time I need new clothes.

I am a 22 yr old church going girl & urban fashionista...I just graduated from College in May of 07 with a degree in Public Relations...Right now I'm working full time and living in LI on my own. I'm guilty of late night diner visits with the girls, and since I"m on the go so much I was eating lots of fast food and fried stuff...I've been overweight since about the age of 9...however I've always worn it well and was pretty popular because of my fashion saavy...However through out highschool and college I was still uncomfortable though I covered it up. At 5'9, my 190 pound frame wasn't extremely tough to look at, but I am tired of being in the double digit sizes. Currently I wear between a 12 and a 14, although my recent weight loss has made a few of my 14's a little loose. I began my own weight loss journey on 7/7/07 and so far I've been doing well. However just began the formal Fat Smash diet on 7/20...I'm hoping to drop about 25 more pounds in the next 2 months...

Hi world and fellow teamates. My name is Devonna and I am on a mission to reach my goal for 2008, forget new years resolution, it starts now! I am also 21 years old trying to develop a healthy life spiritually and physically. I believe God to help me during this effort I can't wait to get to my goal.

I am a 20-year-old college student, living (and cooking) by myself for the first time as I take a semester to intern and take classes in DC. It's going to be a tough semester -I'm an English major taking a full course of government classes for this program, so I'm a little out of my comfort zone.
I am learning how to cook lots of healthy, low-fat vegetarian meals. I am through with excuses, "cheating," and mindless eating.
I am hoping that joining a group like this will give me the strength and help I need to make it work this time. I joined because when I stepped on the scale a couple of days ago and clocked in at 157, I knew I couldn't stay idle any more. I felt I needed to lose weight ten pounds ago -- IT'S TIME!

I'm a 21 year old college student, and have packed on the pounds since I started college in 2005. I'm with the man of my dreams, and we're getting married soon, so I would like to look and feel beautiful just as any bride should on her wedding day!

I am 23 years old. I just graduated from college and am about to begin a new job that requires a lot of traveling and social events. It is going to be a huge challenge not to gain weight, much less lose weight.

I am a 20 year old student. I am majoring in finance. I work full time and attend school full time and I am having trouble balancing school, work, and eating right.

My name is Jessica and I just started my 3rd year in college in the nursing program.
I used to be a runner and a swimmer in high school, but since the two years I've been in college, I have really let go of some good habits and aquired some bad ones.
I'm 20 years old and I feel like I'm cheating myself out of my youth/college experience by being unheathly and out of shape.
I have found that when I'm in relationships, I let myself gain weight and when I'm single, I eat less and work out more.. but I'm in a long term relationship now and I'm a little too comfortable. So I'm trying to overcome that =]


I'm 22 years old and right now stationed in Germany with the US Army. I was married last Jan. and want to be the best wife I can, and be as healthy as possible. I sit at a desk most the day, and work out everyday for the Army, yet have gained weight when I got here to Germany.

I'm a film major in university and have been struggling with racking up motivation to get out and exercise and to just eat right. So here I am to fix that.

I'm 17, and I'm in my last year of highschool, and I'm hoping to lose some weight so I can feel much more comfortable in my own skin!


I'm 22 and I'm ready for a change. I avoided the scale for years, but here it is- I weigh 430 pounds. I've been obese most of my life. I've always been an outgoing person, but on the inside I've felt empty and unhappy. Recently my weight has started to slow me down more than I thought it could. I just wrote another blog about how I've just realized that I deserve to be happy and that I've been caught up with thinking that I can't do this because I've never succeeded before. All of this is going to change, and I honestly don't think I would have ever been able to get started or lose any weight if I hadn't realized the fact that I am worth it. I'm done pretending that life is great. I'm not happy and I'm doing something about it because I have dreams to achieve. I'm already doing a lot of things that make me happy, but getting healthy will make them better! I'm more ready to do this than I have ever been in my life!


I'm a 22 year old female from England, I'm an art student and I work as a community carer. I'm tired of letting my weight stop me from wearing the things I want and doing the things I want! My hobbies include playing guitar, live music, graphic and web design, illustration, painting, reading and hanging out with my friends.

I'm a 20 year old college student, living off campus and therefore completely in control of what I eat. When I was younger, I was VERY physically active, and have therefore never really been "sloppily" overweight. I have a naturally larger frame (broad shoulders, ample chest, musuclar thighs, with a relatively smaller core) but luckily, this combination actually looks preeeeetty good at a lower weight... so long story short, the goal is to get there and STAY there!

I am a 23 year-old college student. I love to workout but I also love to eat. Normally, it's only healthy stuff. I don't like fast food too much. My goal is to lose 37 pounds and I want to do it by my next birthday (in 6 months)!
What I will be/things I will achieve:
I want to be 125-130 lbs.
I want to be an awesome dancer. Pro at salsa, merengue and hip hop.
I want to learn jui jitsui.
I want to be able to run.
I want to be good at volleyball.
I want to have better endurance.
I want to be a better daughter.
I want to be more patient.
I want to finish college and get my degree.
I want to pay off the little amounts of debt that haunt me.
I want to start a travel fund and travel to one place every year.
I want to go back to church.
I want to be a more active philanthropist.
I want to be a better example for my two younger brothers.
I want to be a great soccer player.
I want to have awesome, defined abs.
I want to be an example for my friends.
I want to drink less.
I want to be more strong in my faith.
I want to learn to play tennis
I want to learn how to fence.
I want to learn to play piano.
I want to learn to play guitar.

I'm a 22 year old Australian girl who wants to lose the few kilos I've gained in my last two years of university and since falling in love! I work in communications and though my job is hectic and often stressful, there's not much physical activity. At the end of often long days, I'm too tired to get to the gym or work out much, and food is often my crutch through stressful, emotional or confronting times.


I'm a recent college graduate establishing life in the real world. Three years ago my body went through a severe allergic reaction and since that incident I have gained about 70 lbs. My doctors do not have answers for me, but somehow thing my ever-sluggish thyroid was triggered into being much less active during the allergic reaction. I have not been able to accept my new body and want to get back to where I was before it happened.

Lost 30lbs but have been in a platue for a long time. I'm WILLING really WILLING to lose 60lbs. this year.

I'm a 3rd year University student and I have been overweight my entire life. I'm getting pretty tired of feeling bad about myself and I want to change!

I'm 20 yrs old and was always active in high school, but I LOVE to eat. I need some help staying with my exercise plan and eating right not only during the week, but on the weekends too.

I am 5'9 first and foremost. Currently in college, 21 years old, have been struggling with weight since I was a child. At age 12 I had to get two sinus surgeries and dramatically went from huge to an unhealthy 117 lbs. As most people know once you lose weight you aren't always happy because there's extra skin and problems from being big. Anyways, I am fluctuating in the 140/50/60s lately and goal is to be back in the 140s! Peer groups always help so leave me comments :)

I work long hours and always find myself snacking at night because I was stressed when I got home. I need to do better and start moving!

I'm 25 and I work in the hospitality industry and also part time in a restaurant. When I'm not working, I like to RELAX! I love movies and reading. I try not to be such a couch potato, but sometimes it's fun!
I'm in an on-again, off-again type of situation with a guy and when we're on, unfortunately, I keep up with him in terms of eating and drinking, so I think I've put on some weight and changed too many of my good habits.
I was a huge fan of PT about a year ago, but got away from it, but since it worked before, here I am, back for round #2!

I am 25 years old and I've been out of school for almost 3 years and have gained 10 lbs. each year! I don't intend to continue this route! :)

I am a 21 year old college grad who will soon be taking the MCAT and applying to medical schools. I also do pageants in order to win scholarship money and pay for my schooling, so I get judged while wearing swimsuits and high heels, and at only 5'0", ANY extra pounds show on my small body. I used to be able to eat anything I wanted and not gain a pound, but since high school I have gained 25 lbs. I have lost 4 lbs, but would really like to lose 5-10 more, along with getting toned up! The extra weight is centralized in my belly, butt, and thighs, so those are the areas I really want to target. I have been eating healthy for about a month now, and lost 4 pounds, but I seem to be stuck and can't lose anymore, although I'm not gaining, either...

I am 23 years old, I have gained at least 10 pounds since I graduated from college in May 2007. That is a lot of weight in such a short period of time (Well, actually I guess that's only 2 pounds a month, funny how weight sneaks up on you). I have always felt kind too big, and it ends up being a source of insecurity. I am going to get a handle on this weight issue because I believe that everyone deserves to be happy and feel comfortable in their own skin. I do not want to spend my life insecure or overly concerned about my weight. I want to be able to pick up and go to the beach when ever I want or pick something out of my closet to wear and not have to ask myself... "do I look fat?" I have never been that big, although I have felt that way ( mostly because I have big hips and a butt... think beyonce. *lol* As I've gotten older I have grown to love my curves, I just want to reduce my size overall)
Oh and I love running and the rest of the time I'm studying... I'm a first year medical student. [change] I am a SECOND year medical student
I ran a half-marathon in 2005
a Marathon 26.2 miles in 2006
another half-marathon in 2007
(So I must say, this is why I feel guilty constantly complaining about my body. My body has done some amazing things and I want to be proud of my shape. This is the reason, I am going to change my life style and lose weight for good! I deserve it... and you do too!

I'm 23 years old, just graduated from university in June. Now I'm taking a year off of school and working as an au pair in Belgium. Hoping to take this oppotunity to make some changes in my eating/exercising habits

I'm 23 y/o and a year and a half removed from college (although it feels like a lot longer). I work full time, and find that my eating habits have gone downhill, as well as my exercise habits.

I am a senior in college, always struggled with my weight. Im not going to let it control me anymore, because I can change it and will. life is all about choices.

i had major brain surgery and i'm trying to recover from a loss in my equilibrium and balance. PT will help me stay on track with a healthy diet. I really have to push myself to get the results i want!




I am 24 year old law student and I am getting married next August. Over the past year I have lost about 13 pounds--I used to maintain a weight of about 153. I had been on weight watchers and gotten down to 130, a weight I like, but I can not seem to maintain that without a great deal of focus. I woul like to get down to 125 and then maintain. I am currently 138 pounds. I enjoy running and I am traing for a marathon with my fiance.


Me? Well... I love food way to much and good food even more! Time to get rid of the pudge that I has been my tummies constant companion!

Almost 20 and half way through University. I have always needed to lose weight but felt ashamed to try at home, these years away are my chance! I want to go back to Colorado/California and live the life i always dreamed, without the extra weight.

My name is Amanda. I'm 21 years old in my fourth year of college. I told myself that I didnt want to go into my 20s overweight and now that I'm here, I'm so dissappointed in myself. Leaving my home, getting an appartment, moving back home, then moving into a dorm on campus has made my eating habits horrible. I'm trying to make more sensible choices and incorporate some exercise into my days, but i have soooo much trouble getting motivated. I've lost about 6 pounds in the past month and I want to keep up the momentum if not increase it a little. Here's hoping!


I am a 20 year Old education major in Oshkosh Wi. I have always been the chunky kid in school. And I don't want feeling like the fat kid in school to folow me to a teaching position. I have finally decided that it is time for me to live the life that I want and to stop making excuses.

I'm a university student in Toronto Ontario. I'm 24 years old and I have a wonderful boyfriend who supports me 100% in everything that I do. I gained the weight three years ago partly because I was in a very unhealthy relationship. I haven't been able to shed the weight though. I hate it and I hate how I feel most of the time. It's a little difficult for me to excercise and eat right because of my busy schedule.

I am 5'5 and now weigh 186 which is 10lbs below the worst I have ever gotten. My goal weight is around 140 but the closest I have ever gotten was 155 and I was freaking hot. Needless to say I need to find my way back to being 155!!!!
I am 23 and live in Addison, TX. I just graduated with my undergrad in May and now have some serious weight to lose that was accumulated throughout college! I enjoy exercise when I do but my motivation BLOWS!!!! I like to cycle and walk (running isn't my forte but I do that occasionally too.)
I have been dieting all my life so now I just need to loose the weight and keep it off!!!! Oh did I mention I have a food problem. I binge eat... then eat really healthy for a while and then go crazy!


My name is Jonathon. I am twenty one years old..almost twenty two. I used to be in good shape, but a lot of stress, unemployment, and my enrollment in college have all stacked against me. I am now 281 pounds, and I have never felt the way I do now about wait loss. Now is my time.


I am a 19 year old girl from a small town in Ontario. Ever since I have realized the substacial amount of weight I have gained I have tried this and that and diets but now more then I ever I have become serious about diet and excesise and loosing the weight. . I am still very young and can change now to start living a healthie life style. I am vey upbeat and energetic and am wiling to give this everything I have got.

I'm Kara... I'm 21y/o female... I go to college full time, I work ALMOST full time, I'm a volunteer EMT / CPR instructor and I drive an ambulance 1 day per week. I have never been skinny, but I have put on a great deal of weight. I reached my max recently at 172, and hit the gym! I am now down to 160 (YAY!) and I have realized that I need motivation from others to reach my goal.


I am a full time student at the University of Alabama majoring in Business. I am supposed to be graduating in December so I would also like to be healthy and in shape for that as well. All throughout my life my weight has been a roller coaster. The highest I have been was 197 in highschool and right now I am 186 which scares me. I'm 5'7 so my ideal weight is between 140-155. Since I am paying for school I haven't been able to afford to join weight watchers or things that cost a lot of money so I am hoping that this site can help me out.

I'm a 24 year old woman, working my first teaching job and taking on the crazy adult world. I've struggled with my weight my whole life, topping out at 203 the first year out of high school, far too much for my frame of 5'5. I've managed to consistantly keep off 30 pounds with the help of weight watchers and basic exercise. However, as I start a new stage in my life as a new homeowner and finally dating the right guy, I'm ready to complete the package....for me.


I am a 22 year old medical student so I don't have as much time as I used too. However, I know I make excuses and just get lazy about exercising.




I'm a 22 year old lady from South Carolina. I'll be graduating in May of 2008 and then starting my career (ah! big word) in August. I want to teach second grade (may change). My passions are God, children, and life. I love to laugh, sing, hike, spend time with my family (esp. my niece and nephews) and friends, and just have fun. I also enjoy photography, movies, playing the guitar, and sleeping.

I am 23 and a Graduate Student studying Public Administration. I want more definition, bigger arms and chest.

I'm a twenty year old college student. I'm shy and eccentric, and have a passion for the arts. I've lost ten pounds, and would like to lose another ten or fifteen pounds. My height is 5"11.

i am 21, studying engineering at pune university, India.Hectic college has made me lazy...and as a result fat!

I am a busy working single mother of 2. Work 8-5 pick up the kids, make dinner, take the kids to their sports....BUSY BUSY

I'm a 22 y/o working in an office setting. I sit around all day and by 5 pm I'm ready to go home and crash. I will be starting school in January (Surgical Tech) .

I'm 23 and preparing for grad school, which begins in the Fall of '08. Dun-dun-dun. I live in the Northwest and work at a natural foods store. I've learned that just because some dark chocolate can be organic and is high in antioxidants, it's not okay to eat an entire 3-ounce bar each and every day (Who knew?!?). I've been working on cutting back to a half bar daily (ha!), but it's difficult - sugar, especially in the form of chocolate, is about as mentally addictive for me as cigarettes and coffee are for other people. I am liberal, love animals, nature, reading, folk/acoustic music, and yoga.

I am a 24 y/o living in Florida, originally from new jersey . i am a full time retail slave lol and i'm also engaged, a lot has changed for me over the past year, so 2007 has def been a year to remember


I'm a 23-year-old recent university grad. I love to cook healthy, vegetarian meals, BUT, I also have a sweet tooth and indulge too much in late-night couch snacking! Since I live with my boyfriend, I also consume liquid carbs (a.k.a. beer) on a regular basis.


I am 20 years old will be 21 next month. I have a fiance and a 2 year old little girl. I will be planning to have another in a couple months. I will be starting school also in Janurary. I love being active but am not right now that is why I have gained all this weight I have never weighed over 125 and it is killing me.

Name: Kirrilee
Age: 23
Married with 2yr old son
full time mum, part time studying graphic design, part time house cleaner

I'm 22 years-old, 5'4", and 210lbs. This time last I was 230lbs, which was the most I've ever weighed. I've been a vegetarian for almost 3 years now, but have never been big on animal products/food. I'm starting graduate school within the next year and would love to shed some pounds before hand to keep stress down. I also have a wonderful boyfriend who I live with. we've been together over 2.5 years and he keeps me motivated. He goes to the gym with me and keeps me healthy in every way.

I am a divorced 25 year old and ready to commit to this weight loss thing once and for all. I got married in mid 2004 and was shocked at a doctor's visit to find that I weighed 215 pounds. I always said I would never weigh over 200 pounds. Shortly after the doctor visit I started a regular walking regimine and lost 10 pounds then got the divorce. Depressed and feeling like a failure, I settled with myself. Late last year I decided that things needed to change and lost 20 pounds in about 2 months. I fell off the wagon but maintained the weight. I had short term motivation and lost 10 more pounds a few months ago. Currently, I am 5'1 and 177 pounds. I am willing and ready to make the full commitment this time, and I think a support group is just the thing I need.

fourth year engineering student just trying to be healthy and lose some unnecessary body fat,

I have a huge appetite in winter, and really like biscuits, cakes, french bread, scones, buns whatsoever starch, which is the only food make me fat. I've once put on 5 kilo in just 2 weeks becuz I wanted to eat, and couldn't stop until I stuffed myself to death. Maybe it's a mental distortion....

I'm 19 years old and was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, one side effect of which being weight gain. I've always been overweight and being in a group of absolutely beautiful friends, i'm just over it. The medication for POS makes you hungry aaaaall the time, so that doesn't make anything easy. I am currently 103kg (220 pounds or so), the biggest ever and have decided that after 2 years at University, there is no better time than now as I look for work experience and begin the end of my degree.

I am in college, i study alot therefore sit alot and eat really bad food while im studying. I need motivation

I once played soccer 3+ hours a day and ran 10-15 miles a week. I had ACL reconstruction a few years back and failed to become active again. I went to the gym religiously for a while and still go every now and then. I'm really lacking motivation and I feel like I'm never going to meet my goal. Update- I played one last soccer season and felt great. I lost all of the weight but I've gained it back (again) over the course of two years

I am a college graduate, on my way to obtain a Masters in Psychology. I was raised in a family that had a lot of unhealthy eating habits, and now I'm trying to change my life for the better.

-Just graduated finally w/ my Poly sci & Communications BA degree
-19 became super skinny after 1st bf breakup.
-22 gained lots of weight b/c diet/binge/over exercise cycles.
-Now at 25, I want to reach a comfortable ideal weight, eat what I want in moderation, & enjoy exercise.

I am 24 years old and just finished nursing school. I gained about 15 lbs since the beginning of the 1 year program. I have a membership to a 24 hr gym but I need the motivation to go more often.


I am a 22 year old teacher. Recently graduated from university!

I am 23yr old female married when I was 20 and was 125 on my wedding day I am craving to be that size again I have saved alot of my cloths because this has been my goal for a while now and I think its time I took this goal and put it to work...

Im a 23 year old male, here’s my history: I started a landscaping company when I was 16 and therefore my work was my exercise, I gained a lot of muscle and trimmed that fat. I sold that company January 2007, since then my body has suffered. I started working out July 2007 in preparation of getting married in August 2007. Since then I have not been exercising or eat right. I recently went to the doctor and they weighed me in at 151. I feel like I have lost some muscle and my weight has risen 15 pounds in the past 2 months. It was merely a year ago I looked ripped and had a fat test done and was only about 5% fat and that felt great!

I'm 22 years old and living in Canada. I recently graduated from university with a degree in psychology and moved across the country for work. I have always been heavy but after joining the Canadian military I dropped 35lbs very quickly the weight stayed off for a couple years then the weight (just as quickly) crept back up. I would like to get fit and begin to have more healthy eating habits since I`m stuck with my eating habits from when I was thin.

I'm 20 years old (february 8th 2008 I'll be 21). I want to lose about 20lbs in the next 2 months, but its hard. I was never skinny but I was extremely active, having been a cheerleader and a ballet dancer (I even danced on pointe). But by my senior year of high school I was more focused on academics and was not physically active at all. Add that to 3 more years of college and I'm HUGE now. Stretch marks feel like my badge of shame and I want to get back to being active enough to dance on pointe and fit into a pair of True Religions or skinny jeans from Rock and Republic. Oh I'm funny and outgoing and I love making new friends!!!!

I am a hard working, city-dwelling, 24 year old woman. I have always felt confident and sexy regardless of my fluctuating weight until about 5 months ago when my weight gain made me begin to feel unhealthy, tired and ugly. I currently weigh 160. Not terribly overweight, I know: but I am unhappy. None of my cloths fit anymore. I am popping out of all of my pants. I can't take it anymore! I'm ready to get back on track! Most of my life I have been a comfortable 120-125 lbs. That is my goal weight. I am still young enough to change the course of my life and NOT become overweight like both of my parents.


I am 24yrs old about 35lbs overweight. Most of it is in my belly. I have recently joined the local gym and started to eat a lot more healthy. I am looking for support and ideas to help me.

I'm a 23-yr old recent college grad. I began working full-time about a year ago and have put on ~10 lbs. since (some ups and downs).
I've been so focused on work lately I can scarcely remember what my hobbies are! For fun I like to go out to new places (stores, restaurants, coffee shops, parks, basically any change of scenery).

I'm a 24-year old college graduate. I just moved to Washington from Wyoming and am in the process of figuring my life out here. I work 10+ hour days and am busy quite often. I used to play college soccer, but since graduating I have gone through several injuries that have slowed me down. I'm here to get some help with motivation and finally get back to an ideal weight.



I'm a 23 year old guy in full-time employment, and a self-confessed computer nerd. I'm normally not one to be very active, but I'm looking to hopefully get into shape a little.
Years ago I used to play some sport, and my weeks now involve going to work, being on my PC, and sleeping.

I am 18, an art student, and currently living in the Boston area. I used to run cross country and now I run for fun. My vices are red wine and low fat soy lattes.

I am 21 yrs old male. I'm a full time student perssuing a major of Social Work. I am also a substitute teacher.I am trying to finally get in great shape.

I'm a 25 year old full-time college student. I've been overweight most of my life but once I stopped ice skating at 16 i gained a lot in a short period of time. I also gained 10-20 more pounds when I went to college at 18.

I've lost almost 30 pounds. ******UPDATE - I've lost almost 40 pounds! 165 to 126. Took almost 3 years. *** Feel free to read my daily notes for tips on using this site, and for other helpful ideas to help you with your weightloss and fitness journey. Let me know your thoughts!

I'm 23 years old and work in the city. I'm Jamaican but have lived in the U.S. most of my life..I'm a New Yorker! but i love west indian fatty foods!! I love to dance and am pretty healthy except my cholesterol is borderline and I want to fix it before it gets bad.

i'm a 24 year old mechanical engineer in minnesota. i have always been on the heavy side, but i gained a lot in college - i tend to eat more when i'm stressed and tired. my husband is going to night school starting this fall, and when he's at class, i want to be exercising, instead of sitting on the couch eating junk food.

25, network technician

I'm a student at the University of Minnesota majoring in English and Studies in Cinema and Media Culture with a minor in Japanese. I used to weigh around 145 when I was competing in Miss America local preliminary pageants. ...then I went to college. I'm back up to 175 and I'm looking to get my pageant body back!!

im 20 almost 21, i have an almost full time job at tesco, i like mountan biking, sci fi, reading and gadgets. i weigh around 240lbs and i want to lose 100lbs.

I'm a fun-loving girl who loves to go out and have a great time. I graduated a little over a year ago from UC Santa Barbara and now work full time in living in San Diego with a job with CH Robinson. I love to go out and party and this seems to be my biggest weakest in the weight loss struggle

I am an undergraduate student at WashU studying in the business school.

I'm 24 years old, married for 3 years, and have a 2 1/2 year old son. I gained 70 pounds during my pregnancy, which shot my weight up to 196. I am down to about 165 now, but want to be around 130. I'd really love to be in a swim suit this coming summer!!
I work for the government, and unfortunately sit in front of the computer most of the day!

Hi there, I'm a 22 yr old female student, who recently graduated University and moved back home. I'm working 2 jobs applying for masters and trying not to hate my life!!.
More than the number I want to get back to actually liking my body. I want to feel and look good in my clothes and when i'm naked. I've been holding steady for the last yr or so at 150 lbs (i'm 5'4) and i'd like to get back down to my pre-university weight of 130.
Here's the embarrassing part!..I took kinesiology in school and i'm currently working as an exercise therapist/personal trainor. My problem is not NOT knowing what to do. I'm comfortable in a gym, I know whats good for my body and how it works...however i can't seem to stick to anything!!.
I figure I can help out with fitness and health questions and hopefully get some support and people to hold me accountable through blogging!

I do not have a problem exercising its just i have a problem eating... if its around I'll eat it. if i'm bored I'll eat. i love juice, i dont drink soda but lots of juice and kool-aid. i do drink water too but not as much as i used to. I like exercising but I stopped managing my time efficiently. Going to school and procrastination and deadlines and work gets overwhelming.


I am a 25 year old male, married with 3 kids (what can I say, I am an over-achiever), living in Hawaii. I work 3 jobs to support my family, and that means I have a hard time for any excercise. I use to work a high stress job that involved being on my feet, but a year and a half ago I started working a desk job for 8 hours a day, plus 2 hours in traffic. By the time I get home, eat dinner, and put my kids to bed, I am to tired to even think about excercise.


20 year old college student


I'm a 24 year old guy from Alabama. I'm a software engineer, I work contract jobs through a small business that I own. Some weeks I only end up working 20 hours and other weeks I may put in 80 hours. So it's hard for me to keep up a consistent routine. I'm single but I do have a beautiful 1 year old daughter. I'm optimistic, love life, and am determined to get in shaped before next summer!

I am 20 years old and am turning 21 in the summer. I would like to start having "The time of my life" soon.


I'm a 25 year old desk jockey for a bank, helping with the internet/computer systems. I spend about nine hours a day in a chair, and the rest of my time just trying to keep up with every day life! I am very happily married with an eight year old daughter who I love dearly. I used to play soccer and backpack, and would love to be able to share those things again with my daughter and wife who love the outdoors!


I am 23 year old software engineer. I like to play video games, read, and watch movies.

Soon to be 22 years old, full time university student in an art-related field. Body image is very important, and I've been slacking since stress, all-nighters, and take-out food aren't very conducive to keeping in shape.

I am a 20 year old college student who lives on the coast of California and wants a gorgeous bikini bod!


I am a 22 year Jersey girl through and through! I drive a Firebird love ACDC and big hair haha oh and of course I am italian.

im a 23 yr old doctor from india.married an engineer in boston a yr ago.birth control,family stress and a miscarriage later,im 20 pounds heavier than a year back.i wqant to lose that weight and keep it off

I'm 21, in my final year of Uni studying English and Creative Writing. I suffered from anorexia as a teenager, weighing as little as 84lb at times (I'm 5'10"). Since hitting 19 I've virtually recovered. Unfortunately the illness has K.O'd my metabolism and I've gone from a healthy 120lb to 193lb in the last two years. My weight has fluctuated in that time, but now I'm marooned in the deep end and I'm damned if I'm staying there!



I'm a 24 year old female in the Metro Atlanta area. Right now I weight 250 lbs. and would love to loose about 50 lbs this year. I'm really eager to possibly find another female to be friends with and begin working out with.

I'm a current senior at Caltech whose heavy workload and double major has basically tied me to my room doing work. I'd like to lead a more healthy lifestyle as well as find a good source for relieving the stresses of daily work, etc.

I recently got married on May 12th to my hero, my Marine. I work two jobs and attend graduate school for mental health counseling. It seems that it's easy to give everyone else advice on weight loss and self-esteem but hard to listen to myself at times! (Hopefully that is why we have one another)

I'm 24 years old and work in the materials department of a hospital. I have a great and wonderfully supportive boyfriend. We would like to start a family semi soon, but I know I need to be in better shape before then.


Student at the University of Nevda Las Vegas. Member of the cheerleading team and want to lose weight and tone up.



I'm 22 and i'm in the Navy. I've never really had to worry about losing weight until i got to my ship and gained 15ilbs.


I'm a 20-yr-old undergrad student majoring in Environmental Science. I'm very active in my college's Theatre and Dance Department, and my hobbies include singing, horseback riding,

I am 19, i am attendening college at the local community college until I decide what i want to do. I love to read, horses, and be with people.







I am a recent grad from the University of Phoenix, where I have also worked for the past year and a half. I have my B.S. in Accounting. I want to go into non-profit work or my craxy dream of producing a TV sports show.

I have recently graduated and am currently working as a supply teacher. I am very interested in fitness but can't seem to stick with anything for very long. I have struggled with my weight since high school but have never been very much over weight. I want to be able to get this weight off so its not something that I think about everyday.

I travel the country with my band so when we're on tour we're usually stuck with fast food. This really slows me down. On top of that we often have to drive through the night so I rarely get enough sleep while on tour.

I'm a 21 year college student that just graduated with a Bachelors in International Business. I would like to get active again and be able to stay active while returning to school. I would also like to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle when it comes to eating and trying to lower my stress levels!

I'm 21 and a senior in college. I have had issues with my weight for years – throughout my teen years to the present. My heaviest was 180 and my lowest was 145. After gaining 20 lbs in my first two years of college, I got serious about becoming healthy and changed my eating habits and exercised religiously. I got down to my goal weight of 145. After beginning a new medication a few months ago, I have gained about 15 lbs. and am currently at 159. I try to eat healthfully and exercise 6 days a week. I have a serious family history of cancer. I want to remove this extra weight as a personal risk factor permanently, be in optimal health, and feel better about myself and my body.

I'm 27, living in Washington, DC

I'm a mom of 3 boys (5 & 3), married, and i work WAY TOO MUCH! I have a full time day job that brings home the paycheck... and then I'm also co-owner of a Digital Scrapbooking website, a Digital Scrapbook Designer, and a Custom Memory & Photo Artist (Professional Scrapbooker).
Don't have much time for anything with my never ending to-do list, but i'm trying to find my balance between work, family, and self.

I'm artistic and crafty. I love to crochet and knit, and I make and sell my own jewelry. I've been with my boyfriend Tyler for almost 2 years and attend my local community college. I'm generally happy and fun! :)

21 yr old-female

College student living on campus - but home often. About five months from graduating. I've been overweight my whole life, but really shot up in high school. I know I can lose the weight pretty fast once I start an exercise routine -the problem is sticking to it.

22, Married, graduating college in March.


21-year-old female. Senior spanish major at U of I with job lined up after graduation! I've always been heavy for my height (5'2") and may be the curviest girl alive. Lost 30 lbs. a few years ago and felt fabulous (but stayed curvy) but gained it back plus some due to overeating and lack of physical activity (aka college happened). Want to get rid of it again! Want to look great and feel confident by the time I move and start my job in the real world.

I am 20 years old. I am a Unified Childhood/Special Education Major with a concentration in Health Science. I was always active growing up , I played soccer, volleyball, and lacrosse. I moved to Rochester about 3 years ago, and my weight sprung (highest at 174 around Feb 2007), I was inactive, lazy, and just ate whatever I wanted. I started playing lacrosse again in March 2007, the weight came off a bit since then. I transferred schools and I am training right now to play lacrosse there. So my starting weight January 2 was 163. Right now I am hovering around 157.


I am 23 and teach Kindergarten. I enjoy being busy. I love learning new things and challenging myself. I am pretty dedicated to staying happy and healthy. When I don't feel like I'm making the right choices, I get pretty down on myself. I go to the gym 6 days a week.

I am 20, soon to be 21. I have been overweight most of my life. I am a Junior in college, in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Although I am overweight, I have maintained a healthy social life and to many peoples suprise am in a sorority. I want to make the lifestyle change that I should have made a long time ago.

i'm a 20 year old college student. i'm not really overweight, but i'm short and feel the need to tone up and lose a little weight to boost my confidence and overall health


After sitting at a desk all day long and working late nights when I was in college while eating fast food and drinking more than I should have, I managed to add 30 pounds to my figure and I don't even feel like myself anymore. My diet is better but I'm hoping this will help me get out of the swivel chair and into the gym more often.

I'm currently a student at ECU and my major is Exercise Physiology, so you can imagine this website and my goals are important to me. I want to someday go into cardio rehab or physical therapy, but I'm not sure which one yet.

i am 21 and a senior in college and i play on my college softball team. Lately i have been having trouble with overeating and have now become uncomforable while playing and my jeans are startin to fit a bit snug so i figured i should do something about it. i am majoring in early childhood education and should finish up school in the winter of 08. I am engaged and hope to lose some weight so i can go shopping for my wedding dress.

I'm a tall active girl with a tendency to overeat. I weigh around 160 but probably look about 140...I'd like to actually weigh 140 haha, anyways I'd really like to take control of my eating habits


21, just graduted frm university.5'9" weigh 187lbs.size 10 top and 14 down{i;m pear shaped}

I'm 20 years old, and a pharmacy major at Ohio Northern University. My major is so demanding, and it's very hard to find the time and motivation to stick with a program. I've started working out with a friend, and things seem to be going well. I just need the extra motivation to reach my goal!

I am a college sophmore and trying to loose the freshman 15 I gained last year along with the weight that I gained as a camp counselor over the summer-yeah it most deff. was a fat camp- everyone gained at least 10 pounds

hey, i'm relatively young and have a love for theatre and volleyball.
wanting to lay off any kind of junk food for two months and loose twenty pounds.
Height: 5'9"
Currently: 160
Goal: 140

I'm an actress. Been battling with weight.



i am a 20 year old graduate of nursing. im currently waiting for the result of the board exam here. while i was reviewing, the stress of taking the exam made me eat a lot so i gained weight. i would like to lose the pounds i gained.


I am 20 years old and college student. I am excited that I've joined peertrainer and hoping that I lose weight by joining here. =)


My name is Chelsea, 22 y/o, working as a paralegal and hostess at night at a wine bar and eatery. It's been tough getting the motivation to go to the gym (especially trying to get up at 5:30 to go before work) So I thought I'd join...can't hurt..right?


Im 25 years old and I work for the Division of Children & families. I've also been dating someone for 8yrs now. Last year 2007, was not a pleasant year for me, It was extremely difficult. I also lost 22lbs that year on Weight Watchers but due to many different things I managed to gain most of it back. Im going on Vacation in March somewhere warm & I would love to feel good in a bathing suit, lol!! I am determined to make 2008 my year!!!!

I'll be 21 really soon and all the fast food and eating out and catering to a man hav caught up with me. I'm entering a new chapter in my life and I'd like to enter it with total confidence.

I am a 22 year old college graduate. Right now I'm teaching English abroad in Spain, traveling as much as I can on weekends and trying to become a better writer. I'd really like to lose those last 10 pounds and have a flatter, firmer stomach. But I'd also like some peace of mind, a healthier way of thinking so I can be more productive, especially with my writing.

I am currentley in cosmetology school and lost about 30-35lbs last summer with the help of peertrainer, a personal trainer and a very strict diet. I have only lost ONE POUND since July 07 so I never reached my ultimate goal of weighing somewhere around 140lbs. I am currentley 164.4 and ready to GET THE WEIGHT OFF FOR GOOD!!

Almost 22 from Saint Paul, MN. Current weight is about 205, would like to lose at least 50 pounds.


My name is Jessica and I am finishing up my last year as an undergraduate. Ive always played a sport which has helped incorporate some type of evercise into my life, but now it seems as if its not enough. ive changed my diet and am begining to eat healthy, but even with that i feel like i still need add more exercise but i cant seem to get motivated.

I am a 21 year old currently studying for my masters. I have been trying to lose weight for quite a while and have managed to lose upto 3 stone over a period of 3 years. It took a while but I was so happy when I did so. Now im looking to reduce my weight more.

20 years old. Studying and working.

I am 22 years old, married and a stay at home mom of a lil one year old boy. I am currently 189lbs...but I start calorie counting jan 2nd and have lost 19lbs since then over all I have lost 29lbs.


i am a 23 year old tattoo artist and i used to be happy when i looked in the mirror. I was a heavy gal in high school and managed to get rid of it. Now, i am so caught up in my own life, i havent payed attention to my body, and almost all of the weight is back. However, I am more than determined than ever to keep it off, and hopefully, this will help get me there.

My name is Elissa. I am 20 years old. I recently moved to the Seattle area from my hometown and have lost my workout buddies. Now I need to stay motivated on my own- well hopefully with the help of fellow peer team members.


My name is Ashlie. I am 20 years old from the Tri-Cities, WA. I am going to school to become a nurse, and learning that its hard to work out in the process!

I am 20 years old and an aspiring Law student. I love to go to the beach with my dog, read and plan events for my clubs. I have strong willpower to reach any goal I have, and I want to lose weight in a healthy way. In the past I have dieted in an unhealthy way, and this is a destructive cycle that I hope to break and I want to stick to a plan.

20 years old, 21 in about 2 months! Finishing up my last few weeks in college. I love music. I am the drummer for my church's worship team! I am very active in my church, and church youth group. I like to read, and play music, as well as listen to music.

I am 25, in college, and work at bestbuy. My major is Sociology And Education. I have always been on the plus side but as I mature I see that my life style is not a health one.

I go to school in NYC. I really like to bike, dance, sing, learn...
other info:
I'm 5'10"
my starting weight: 177 lbs
my current weight: 160 lbs

I just moved to Anaheim for an internship. I was an Irish dancer for 11 years, and as soon as I stopped dancing my body changed tremendously. I work long hours, and I am still trying to get settled, which is causing me to gain weight quickly


Well, I am 22 years old and my family and I just moved to Carthage, MO. I have a wonderful husband and we've been married 3 years. Besides my husband, I have two other little men in my life... my sons Logan who turned three in September and Landyn who is 10 months old. I had him January 7th 2008 so I'm trying to get rid of all this baby fat!!! Sooo I'm a stay at home mom while my husband runs our business.

i'm 21 going on 22 this year. I'm a student and i also work.

I am 24 years old and graduated from college in '07, where I majored in Bio and Psyc. I am going back to get my MS in Counseling Psychology in September 09. I also work in psychology research. I live in Boston with my boyfriend of 6 years. I am really into living a healthy lifestyle and trying to be as 'Green' as possible, and hope to use that to try and loose weight.
I have struggled with weight as long as I can remember, and lost about 40lbs my sophomore year of college. Since then I haven't been the 'fat girl' anymore, but I still struggle with the habits that got me there. Hoping to make changes that last for good so I can get the last 20-ish lbs lost!!



I am 23 years old. I have bounced around from school to school and am currently presueing an MLT career. Still not real sure if that's what I want, but it seems fitting for the time being.

I'm currently 22. I actually love being active. I have always played softball, volleyball, and a number of other sports in the past. I just choose the wrong foods, and the wrong drinks, and the wrong time to eat them in the last few years. I always seem to slack off even more in the winter, which is when I gain all the weight back that I might have lost over the summer. I joined a gym the beginning of this year that I love going to! The people are very nice, and it has a tanning bed and sauna so I go to relax and workout too!


I am 23 years old, curently a part-time student and I am working full-time. I have always worked in the food business. My boyfriend owns a pizza and italian food restaurant and I work for the top catering company in my area. Taking that into consideration I pretty much eat out every day. I used to be a competitive figure skater but stopped during the end of high school to focus more on my schooling. Ever since then I seem to have been struggling with my weight.
I used to weigh about 145 lbs but it was all mucsle. By not keeping up with my workouts and my bad eating habits, I know weigh in at about 200 lbs. Even though I do not look my weight I need to regain control of my life and get my life on track.
This week I am starting week two of my diet. I am currently on day 5 of a six day body cleansing diet. This diet is not recommended and it is quite hard to follow. It is an extremely high protein diet with almost no carbs. I do not recommend anyone following this unless they know what they are doing and taking the proper supplements

20-year old male. I have been an athlete my entire life, but still struggled with my weight. I've just found out I that have high blood pressure, so I am really motivated to finally stop the yo-yo-ing and lose weight for good.

I'm 23, 5'4" and looking to lose about 10 lbs, be in good shape, and STAY in good shape.


I am 24 years old and looking to lose about 10-20 lbs. I was always pretty active in high school and didn't exercise much in college. The only active sport I do now is snowboard but I eat more than I burn so looking to head back to the gym.

5'1, 23yrs old,115 lbs, I am a xray tech, and i LOVE my job. I live with my cousin and his gf, in my home. I have a boyfriend of 10 months, who lives 40 mins away. I have known him for over 2 yrs.

I am 22 years old and just finished college. In the last year the 15 lbs and then some caught up to me bringing me to a whopping 175. This is my highest weight ever.

I am a 21 year-old college student from Maryland. I am a sprinter/jumper on the track team. I would like to develop healthier eating habits and lose 10-15 lbs. I have gained 8 lbs this year (4 while trying to diet in the past 2 weeks!) and it has had a negative impact on my performance

I'm a 22 year old student facing graduation and the real world, moving out on my own, and facing the fact that I need to start making better life decisions.


I am 24 years old and my husband of almost 2 yrs is in Iraq and due home in less than 60 days. I have been dieting and exercizing since Jan 1st in an effort to look and feel sexy again when he comes home.

I wanted to lose weight about a year ago but I gave up.
Now I'm even heavier. My clothes look horrible and I feel horrible. I'm also getting married next year. These two things feeling horrible and getting married will hopefull motivate me to lose a bit of weight.

I'm in college right now, this close to graduating! I don't know what I want to do in my life, but I do know that I want to be happy with who I am and confident enough in myself to pursue anything I'd like to. I'm hoping by changing my physique I can change my self-esteem as well.

I am a 21 year old college student who currently weighs 133 pounds and i would like to lose my last 10 pounds. At my heaviest i weighed 157 and over the years i was slowly (VERY SLOWLY) lost the weight but i am really struggling with the final 10 pounds.

I am a college student, in my 4th semester. I really like to read, and play with my two cats. I live alone, which makes it so easy to slip up and eat crappy food, which by default is cheaper than healthy food wouldnt you know! I struggle every day with the way I feel about myself, and how I think others feel about me. I just want to lose the weight, but instead I keep packing on the pounds.

I am a professional musician (vocals, piano, guitar) and an aerobics instructor. Just yesterday I got my PiYo certification. PiYo is a pilates/yoga fusion class that I find particularly awesome. Also, I teach salsa aerobics. I love an active lifestyle... but I am bound by some health problems.

21 year old who has struggled with weight her whole life.
ready to change.
I can't be a teacher who can't keep up with my kids right?

I'm a 20 year old female hanging around the capital of Australia, going to university and working part time from home. I want to take advantage of the excesses of free time I have as a student to build healthy habits I can take into my inevitably stressful working life =)


22 year old college grad. b.s. in linguistics. work at a lawyer's office...plan to start doing full time ministry with campus crusade for christ in fall 2008 :]

I am 22 years old and have lost about 10lbs just by changing my eating habbits. I am very active outside of my desk job and because of my sports I would love to get myself more fit and toned.

5'7", 24 years old, mom of two, MD/PhD student (full-time), married. Trying to study AND lose the weight. I used to be 140 to 145 lbs max, then I went through a period of great stress and gained 30 lbs in about three months. I crept all the way up to 190lbs. I never looked it, because I carry weight very well in my tummy. So now I am 180.4 lbs right now and I'm working down to 135 lbs. My goal is to hit the 170s by this weekend, and to hit 135 by Sat May 17th.

Graduate student, so it is hard for me to keep a routine. It gets even worse at the end of the semester.

I am a 20 year old college student who is sick if picturing herself looking one way in an out fit and then stepping in front of the mirror and looking completely different in a not so great way. I'm also sick of being surrounded by perfect skinny barbies!

First thing is first, the name "hvyraines" is an shortened version of my nickname, "HeavyRaines". 'Raines' being my last name and 'Heavy' being my body type. If I ever became a professional wrestler, this would be my name.
24 years old, married, fat. Used to be fatter. It was late 2005 and I weighed 301 pounds and I was sick and tired of being out of breath after walking 30 feet! I changed nothing about my diet except what I drank (all water, all of the time) and I was down to 275 within a few months. Then I made changes to my eating habits (smaller meals, healthier food) and lost another 15 pounds before October of 2006. After that, I started going to the gym and working out and I got down to 213 pounds as of May of 2007!
Then, something happened. My motivation disappeared. I could rattle off a list of "excuses" (no reasons) why, but I started getting some weight back. I didn't go to the gym as much as I used to, I started drinking more beer than is conducive to weight loss, and I would "cheat" more often than I ever have. In fact, it was more rare for me to eat healthy than not.
Here I am in march of 2008 and I am at 238 (as of this morning). I keep telling myself that I need to do better and get back in the swing of things but it never sticks. I said the same thing this morning and then I partook in a continental breakfast at my work after already eating a healthy bowl of cereal. I felt disgusted afterwards but not enough to not sneak a Milky Way after lunch.
I am ready. I am ready to prove to myself that I am worth it. I am ready to prove that I have more willpower than a candy bar. I am ready to win.


I'm a student in my 3rd year of college.

I am a 21 year-old new mom (7 months!) I am looking to get healthy and fit. I will need a lot of support because I know that I am super lazy & can sit for hours in front of the tv, with a laptop. That is partially why I have set a high goal, because if i said some small number I could talk myself into procrastination.


I'm a 21 year old student who has been working in a office for almost a year now. The constant sitting and snacking has taken affect and I have gained about 12 lbs in the last year. I would like to maintain a healthier diet and become more concious about what I eat.




I'm a 21 year old college student in Boston, MA, an econ major and an active Hillary volunteer. I'm hoping to get connected with people and motivate and inspire each other for the long haul!

I am a 22 yr old, who has always been "chubby" I've decided I wanted to stop being "chubby" once and for all and start taking steps to healthy living.

I'm 22 years old and finally serious about reaching my goal weight. I've tried numerous times to lose weight however have been unsuccessful. I'm happy that I am finally becoming successful.
I currently work as a Youth Worker and absolutely love the job! However, being more active and physically fit will make it that much better. Hence, my current determination to lose weight.


College senior, very athletic, loves to workout



I am 23 years old and working in Southern California at a contract pharmaceutical research company. I live with my parents, for the time being, and I would really like to be more active. Most of my friends have moved out of the area and so it's hard to get out and do things with people. Staying fit would be a bit easier if I could go out and run around playing soccer or frisbee with friends instead of forcing myself to go to the gym. I'm not severely overweight--I'm actually probably just average size--but my body fat is a little on the high side and I would really like to lower it to a healthier level and lose some of the belly fat!

Hi! I am a 23 year old college student and I've been slowly gaining weight the last year and a half. I went through a breakup and lost 20 pounds after without doing much. I think it was mostly stress. It didnt last long and I've gained about 25 lbs since the middle of last year. I worked at Curves and I learned a lot about diet and exercise and I know what I "should" be doing but I just cant seem to kick it in gear. I'm looking for some help with my motivation and hoping to find it soon before I gain anymore!!
Oh yeah I work in a resturaunt with really good food and that doesnt help much either.

I am 23, and a recent college graduate with a BA in English. I am currently working at an Ivy League institution in their fund raising office. At the same time, I am starting grad school and hope to have two Masters degrees in three years (we'll see how that turns out!). I live with my husband and two cats in rural New England. I am a major book fiend, love photography and travel as well as just sitting on the couch and watching a movie. All fo these things add up to not having a lot of time to work out.

I'm a 22 year old almost college grad. I currently finishing up my last clinical internship as an MRI and CT technologist. Life during college has not been easy with my mother being ill and me running between home to school 3 hours apart. Fast food had become my addiction. Now, my life is starting to balance out. My mother is getting better and I got engaged to my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years. I now have some sort of routine, but my eating habits are still awful. I am now up to 315 and have high blood pressure and absolutely no energy.

I'm 21 5'2 and 140 pounds I've gained about 20 pounds in 3 years after losing lots of weight in the hospital when I was too sick to eat. I was told to gain the weight back which I did sucessfully and then some!

Well I am a 20 year old student and I have never been overweight, but living in an apartment on my own for the first time really led me to gain about 10-15 lbs. I have a very pudgy stomach now and I can't stand it anymore.

I am a 23 year old nanny. I am married to my best

22. College Student, getting ready for graduate school. Lost my interest in exercise and developed bad eating habits after I stopped playing soccer in 2006. Need to lose a serious amount of weight and get my arms and legs back to what they used to be. I like to lose fast and then switch to normal maintenance diets. I am not patient and if I don't see results within 2 weeks I lose my focus.

Im 22 and in dental school. I have a pretty busy lifestyle with school, but I need help putting it in order and setting a routine where i can workout and eat healthy.

I’m a 22 year old newlywed. I’ve been with my wonderful husband for 4 years and packed on 60 lbs in the process. I currently weight 180 lbs, and I’m determined to lose down to 125 lbs!

I am a 22 year old elementary music teacher in Florida. I am marrying the love of my life, (we'll call him NE) in early June. NE and I graduated from the same teacher education program (only in different years). We carry on a long distance relationship, since he is a teacher in Georgia and I reside in Florida.
Let's see if we can sum me up in a nutshell: extremely empathetic, passionate about people, learning to go green, lover of God, musician for life. :c)



I'm 24 years old and just finishing my 5th year of University. I'm getting married this fall and would really like to slim down for the big day, but it's hard work esp. because I have a thyroid problem.

I'm 23 and have just started my first proper job after finishing my masters.

I'm a 23 year-old college student. I've always struggled with my weight, but never can go through with doing something about it. I'm ready now!

over the summer, I maintained my weight because i worked everyday on an organic vegetable farm. but once work was over, my diet did a 180 degree flip and I'm eating foods I never would have eaten before! I want to lose all the weight I've gained and get back to being happy :)



I am 20 years old and studying biology at Indiana University.





I am a stress eater! I also eat a lot when I procrastinate and study for tests. I am a full time student and full time worker, which means stress is always lingering. I live by myself which makes it a little bit easier to aviod "friend eating" as I call it.

Im 22 years old,and live with my boyfriend in Central California. I weight 311 pounds and am 60 pounds heavier than I have ever been. I have been dieting on and off since I was 15 and am tired of "yoyo-ing" back and forth. I have gained almost 100 pounds since November 2007 and feel horrible about it.
My biggest issue right now is that I lack the will power to stick to anything, so I am trying to take this one day at a time and not overwhelm myself.




I'm 22, I moved to Dubai from the UK 8 months ago. I was already in pretty bad shape, but the life style out here has caused me to put on an additional 14 pounds since I've been here. Once i get into a habit of working out i really enjoy it. I like dancing, going out with friends, and generally having a good time.



Only 20 years old. At a very competitive college. Finally changing somethings in my life. Before I can be happy with myself, This weight needs to go.


I'm 24 and am a FT waitress. I have my BA in Biology and am currently working on my application for the RN program. I live with my boyfriend and our dog.

24 year old, working, currently have a ncie lifestyle. In general happy except the torment of my weight. I have struggled since i can remember myself with constant dieting, guiilts and then binging. I want to solve it once and for all.

22 years old, roller coaster weight loss and gain, hoping to make a change for good by losing the weight and keeping it off. Hardest part is getting started and sticking to it.

it's hard for me to lose the pounds cuz i'm lazy. but i'm trying to break the habit...

I'm 22 and I will be graduating from Physical Therapy school next May. For the last year and a half, I have lost about 20 lbs. I would like to lose 20 more lbs but can't seem to move past the plateau I'm in. I like to work out and I try to eat good. My problem is "free" food - offered at parties, etc - and going out to eat. Another problem is my time management - I can't seem to get motivated to work out when I have so much studying to do. I'm hoping this group will help!


I am 20 yrs old, currently a University student. I carry a heavy course load and work two jobs and for the ENTIRE semester have neglected my personal fitness needs. I eat relatively healthy, but feel out of whack and unbalanced w/out exercise. :-/

i model ..i am college graduate




I'm a 21 year old university student, travel-lover, ready to reach my goal weight for life!
I am a law student from Australia, currently study in Copenhagen. I live a pretty busy life and travel a lot. I love running and the buzz afterwards, fashion, art, film festivals, cooking and a fun night out dancing!
- Height: 175cm (5'9")
- Starting weight: 74.6kg (164.4lbs)
I am looking forward getting back to my old weight of 61.2kg (134.9lbs), but have a goal of reaching 64.2kg (141.5lbs) first and maintaining it for a few months. I have been struggling with this for 4 years, and I know the time is now to loose weight and make the changes so for the rest of my life I'm happier, more confident, invigorated and alive!

i'm an actor/writer
male 23
5'10" 195lbs
i've got some meat on me recently and i want to get it off.

am stay home mom so that mines alot of food at home


I'm a 22-year-old college student. I currently work as a CSR in a chain retail store. I recently received a diploma from vocational school, and now I'm in "real" college working on a nutritional science degree. I'm engaged, broke, and trying really hard to be as healthy as I possibly can be.



i weigh 170 at the moment, i use to weigh 165 two weeks ago but i gained because of birth control pills.... well i plan on losing that 5 pounds plus more!

I am 19 years old, and finishing my first year at junior college.

I'm a full time college student, I love the outdoors and playing with my puppy!


I am a 22 yr old Australian girl and I weigh 63 kilos and I am 177cm tall (138 pounds and am 5'9). I need to learn to eat more healthily and increase my exercise due to high cholestrol and polycystic. I tend to eat junk food whenever I need to study, when I am bored or just when I have had a long day at work and need to relax.
At the moment I eat about one kilo of chocolate per week as well as desserts and sweets at every opportunity. I am doing ok with the exercise, I tend to go for about two jogs a week and two walks a week with my dog, but I could definitely up the anti.
My goal weight is 55 to 58 kilos. I aim to get there by routinely focusing on what I am eating and how much I am exercising through this website.



22 year old military wife with 2 beautiful little girls ages 2.5 years and 6 weeks as of May 1st. My husband and I have been together for over 7 years now but will be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary at the end of May :)



I am 24, graduated college two years ago and have gained almost 20 lbs in 2 years. I went from being 117 before graduation and am now close to 140. As a person of a 5'3" height the weight gain is noticeable and depressing, I see my old clothes in the closet and get depressed because i no longer fit them. Want to change my lifestyle, eat out less, exercise more and have more energy.


I like to be optimistic and the first to speak. I am a 27 year old female trying to obtain a healthier lifestyle. First for myself then for my future husband and children. I recently found out I have a genetic thyroid issue(now under control) and extremely high triglycerides: pushing me forward in my search for health.

I am 23 years old. I am trying to get my life in order and desperately want to feel good about myself.

My name is britany and im 20yrs old. I am a Pharmacy technician. I;m really ecited about losing weight its not really about the weight its about a healthy lifestyle. I am 5'2 and i weight 190lbs which ir horrible but i do have alot of muscle. Most people i talk to say i dont look that heavy but i am so just ready for a change!

Im a college student who has biiiiiiggg tummy:(

Ok so I am 26 years old I work part time as a paralegal as well as with horses. I am not sure what to tell everyone about myself other then I need to loose some weight and I need help and this looked like a good place. I am 5'10 and 180lbs i just recently lost 14lbs in the last 3months.. I carry all my weight in my thighs butt and hips.

I am 21 years old. I work at the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino...GRAVE YARD!!! That's the main reason I gained about 15 pounds in the last year!!


I am a 23 year old female and played sports through college. Post graduation left me with my horrible eating habits and a steady increase in body fat and weight. I got back into shape when I ran my first marathon in January, but since have fallen off the deep end and am back to my pretraining size.

I am 21 years old and a graduate student at Hampton University.

I am 21 year old young woman who works a full time job, studies part time and lives with her boyfriend and finds it really hard to find time (or motivation) to exercise regularly and get healthy!


I am married, 20 years old, senior in college, and I have a 4 year old daughter.

I'm 23 and want to change my lifestyle and get more active. I want the weight loss to be permanent. I just graduated from university and want to enter the job market feeling good!




I'm a full time law student who has just turned 20, and will be lean and healthy again by Christmas time!


I'm a 25 year old mommy of two. I stay home now but will be attending nursing school once my youngest begins school. I've been married for over 6 years and have a really terrific life.

My name is Brenden, I am 24 and I live in Rutland,Vermont. I work for Rutland Mental Health and Sears. I live with my roommate Jessie and my 2 cats Gus, and Jack. I have tried so many diets growing up being overweight most of my life, or at least as far back as I can remember, so looking to really jump start things to a more healthy life style this summer !

I am a twenty year old college student, was extremely active in high school (5 sports: volleyball, cross country, basketball, softball, track). Was extremely self-disciplined back then, weighed 110 pounds, but eventually let my hunger and starvation lead to bulimia.
For the past 3 years I have been on a weight rollercoaster. I gain 10 pounds, lose 10 pounds every few months, and the emotional eating is at the root of my problem. I have never really had a problem with motivation to exercise, but when it's the days after I binge and purge that I feel worthless, like I've already messed up and "it's a lost cause" and I feel dehydrated and weak. I'll sleep too much, feel groggy and depressed.
Lately, I have been able to limit these days to a minimum, but I am ready and willing to get rid of them altogether.
These days I workout frequently, I am training for a triathlon and I am in pretty good shape, but I need to lose 10-15 pounds and stop the occasional binge/purge.


I am 22 and am into computers and hanging out with friends.

I am recent college graduate, I am 22 years old and a scorpio, I have a total of seven months to get my health and fitness in order because I am moving to the midwest to attend graduate school where I will be obtaining a Double Master's so i want a handle on my weight so that I dont gain excessive weight from stress while in grad school.

I am a 20 year old college student. I've been wanting to go to the gym but don't want to go alone so I just go running. I used to be very active in high school (cheerleading) but my senior year I got on the pill and gained about 20 lbs and it's all been downhill from there. I'd just like to be a normal healthy weight and change my eating habits permanently.


I'm currently a college student in the Boston area double-majoring in Political Science and Theology. I'm a former 2-sport athlete. In high school my weight was at about 150 but looking at pictures, I realized that I looked completely emaciated, so, I figrue dropping from 180 to 160 sounds reasonable.



5"2"; Desk job; Very serious about the gym

I'm 20, 5'7", and 130 pounds.

I am 23 and gained a lot of weight in college

A full time teacher, who seems to have an ever diminishing amount of time to train, but a growing need to get my fitness back on track.


I'm a 5'10", ~20 year old female who had a stable weight of 160 before getting sick. At one point my high weight was 187. My weight stabilized around 177, and in the past month and a half I have gotten down to 164 (loss of 13 pounds). I am looking to lose 9 pounds more by July 4th (to be 5 pounds below my original weight), and more after!

I'm a 19yo university student.
I love to play pool, poker, etc...

I'm a former Division I athlete, but 2 years after graduating, I am having a tough time maintaining the body I had as a competitive rower. Working 45 hours a week, I struggle to find the time to workout consistently, especially given the distractions of everyday life.


I'm a 20 year old student and I am really sick of watching my butt get bigger.

Hi. I'm 21. I'm a full-time law student and also have a full-time job.
I used to be very active but lately all I'm doing is studying, reading, and going to class and work. I want to lose weight obviously, but also become more fit and toned. I used to be on various competition teams up to about 2 years ago when I had a couple injuries both new and old come up and put that on hold.
Since then I've gained some weight and am now back in the process of losing the weight again. Being healthy is very important to me also, so whatever I do needs to be good for me too.
My problem I think is that I really do enjoy good food and pasta. I love having fun and joking around.
I guess my main goal is to not feel self-conscious when I'm out with my friends, at the beach, or in photographs. I have a little more curves on me than the rest of my friends which has always made me a little self-conscious, and also means pictures always bite.

I'm a 21 year old philosophy undergraduate. Asian (chinese), and a recent convert from pescetarianism to vegetarianism. I used to be an athlete (till i was 16). After I stopped training, I went up from 105lbs to a high of 130lbs in about 3 years, due to bad dietary habits (junk food addiction) and a pretty much sedentary lifestyle. Lost 5lbs after I started eating less junk, and another 10lbs from diet (about 1500cals/day)+exercise. Trying to maintain my weight now, and improve my health and fitness in general by eating right and exercising regularly but not excessively.
My interests include art (painting especially), movies (the arty farty types), literature (i usually avoid horrors, thrillers, chick-lit... the mainstream stuff) and music (i've been through many phases. but i can say for certain that i'm just incapable of appreciating hip hop, dance and trance music.)
I also like supermarket-browsing.


I am a TSU student entering my third year in the psychology program. I also work full time as well.

I am 24 years old and work as a production scheduler for Kimberly Clark. This means that I sit at a desk from 7-5 everyday. I am getting married on June 27 2009.


I am a student at Middlebury College and am interning in southern California for the summer. I'm 21, 5'4 and 145 lbs. I played tennis in high school, which kept me pretty fit. I've always eaten to my heart's content and never thought my being slightly overweight was an issue, but it was not until last summer at my internship (and with more time on my hands to read up on fitness and nutrition) that I realized I needed to be more health conscious. I may have been one of the few college students who consumed flaxseed and wheat germ on a regular basis that summer =). Even my 30-40 yr old colleagues were shocked.
So I lost about 7lbs last summer with the help of really healthy eating and 24 hr workout classes. After gaining that weight and then some when I went back, I now hope that this summer is the year to really change my habits and change my life-- physically, mentally, academically.

My name is Emily. I'm 20 and in school to be a nurse. My life is pretty hectic as I am a full time student and have 2 jobs. I love to be active and eat healthy, but I'm finding myself getting further and further away from where I want to be.

I am a college student that enjoys healthy food.

I'm American and living in England with my husband and three kids.

My name is Aoife and I'm 21, from Ireland. I am currently 160lbs and I want to lose 40lbs. I have been overweight and on a diet for most of my life, and I'm just sick of it. I really want to loose it this time, and lose it for good!

I'm 22, 4'10ish and currently 157lbs.


I'm 22, and work two jobs, both computer related. This pretty much guarantees that for 54 hours a week, I'm going to be at a desk. I've never been in great shape, but I've never been as out of shape as I am now. I have trouble staying motivated and find it hard to get the ball rolling. Hopefully that will change this time around.

22, female

I love my life.

I'm a 20 year old female full-time university student in a bachelor of kinesiology program - I'm still trying to decide between kines and bio. I live on a horse breeding farm and help back and train young horses for sale, as well as competing my own. I'm also a certified coach so I coach horseback riding in my spare time. During the summer I work full-time in an office (yuck!) and ride and teach in the evenings.

I'm 24 years old in the property management industry in Miami. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 12. Around the age of 20 I noticed I was haveing small problems with my weight. I went from 105 - 145 in about 2 years! I'm currently down to 136 and looking to loose about 21lbs and get back into my dancers body. I don't care so much about the number as I do body fat percentage and clothes size. I don't eat what most people would consider junk food. My weekness is Kellogs special kay. I try and only eat organic and i run on the elliptical 1-1 1/2 hours 4 miles everyday.

Well im 22 years old im 5'3 and my current weight is 235 i just had a baby three months ago...And i got preelamcsia (high blood pressure when pregnant) so i balloned up..my weight before i got pregnant was 235, when i got pre eclampsiea i got put in the hospital i gained 10 pounds in one day and my weight then was 287ish i believe that was all water weight.... how ever once i had my son in a week i went from 287 to 235. i have been big since i got out of high school..:( I really want to lose weight for my self, ill feel so much better but it's just so hard to do it by your self..

20 years old, college student who totally lost it after coming back home with parents. Lost weight dorming and gained it all back and more when I left!

I'm 21. Between school fulltime, work part time and studying I don't have much energy left for working out. Two of my best friends are newly engaged and I now have 9 months before I have to fit into the first of two bridesmaids dresses! I need all the motivation I can get!

Pretty active but lately have not been working out or eating healthy. Used to have a borderline eating disorder but since getting over that I have gained about 30lbs and am scared to start losing the weight because I think it may jump-start the eating disorder mentality again and I was not a happy person during that time.


I am a college student, double majoring, in a sorority, and very active on campus.


I'm 5'2" and 115lbs. While, I'm at a good weight, I have lost a bit of my fitness in the past year and want to get it back. I recently graduated college and have started working fulltime.

25 yo M, busy grad student, in a long distance relationship and see my gf every month, would like to lose 5 pounds next time I see her and ultimately 15-20 pounds... and hopefully get some nice abs

College student trying to ditch the freshman 15...

I have been on diets as long as I can remember. I used to think being fat was "who I was," and I let it run my life. Luckily, I don't feel that way anymore, and I have lost 60-70 lbs over the last year and a half. Now that I've started, i want to go all the way and finish this weight battle! I have about 40 pounds to lose, and I intend to make it happen :)


I enjoy working out, playing with my puppy, and I am a full time college student.

I am 21 years young. I'm just an ordinary girl, who appreciate the harmony of friendship and enjoy things from simple to just plain wacky.
I am currently depressed with my weight everyday of my life. When I think about it i go straight into depression mode. I just want to feel like me again, be the me I use to know. Sexy curvy body, instead I have more to love at the moment (smirk) . I use to weight normally 125 and I am currently at 152 i desperately need help. so sad.
I am a big fan of PROCRASTINATION when it comes to diet and exercise. If I lost a pound for everytime i put my diet on hold i would be one sexychick.



Well i'm 21 years old. I have 2 boys a 5 year old and a 11 month old. I am currently enrolled in school and I'll be done in April. I have gained weight with both my pregnancys over the years and i'm not happy with where my body is. Excercise isn't my problem, its the temptation that gets me everytime.

I'm lazy, crazy, stubborn, and demotivated...


I'm a grad student at the U of O. I have been steadily gaining weight since I graduated from high school (when I stopped playing sports... hmm?) and have gone from 155 to 178. My ideal weight would be 145, but I don't know if that is realistic, so I'm shooting for 150.

I am 23, and married.
I want to lose 25-30 pounds. I have about 7 pairs of pants and tons of shirts I don't feel comfortable in anymore- or can't even get buttoned. I want to wear the clothes I have...not go out and buy bigger clothes.

I'm an 18 year old college student ready to lose those extra pounds and tone back up to my shape last year.

I am a 23yr old graduate, working as an accountant, weighing 184. I was on some other extreme programs which helped lose the weight, but not keep it, and now I have struggling to lose the weight.


I am a 19 year old sophomore marketing major. I am looking to get my body in tip top shape for summer time. My main thing that keeps me from looking great is overeating. I try to minimize that by portion control through plating more vegetables than anything else on the plate. But there are still some foods especially pasta that i still tend to overeat.

I need to get in shape and lose weight. I am 22 years old. I was once 180 pounds years ago and i finally lost 30 pounds over time. I got down to 145 over the summer and i gained a good 15 pounds these last couple of months. I seriously hate looking at my stomache its so gross and it smiles at me lol. i hate it. When i do the fat smash diet i see results so quick. Im lucky that i have a body type that loses weight quickly- but also gains it quickly. I need help getting back in the healthy mode. Its starting to depress me!

I am 22 years old, turning 23 in a few months. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I can remember being overweight even in grade school. I am a nutrition science major and know the health risks and what to do to be healthy. However, my family and friends have never supported me in my weight loss struggle.

I'm a 24 year old who works in the human services field. Going back to school soon to get my masters in special education

Well, I am a 22 year old, online college student. I have been trying to lose weight for the past two months and have gotten no where. Everytime i see a picture of myself or sometimes even myself in the mirror I get depressed. I miss my old body and the personality that came along with it. Life threw me a lot of hard curveballs....and I wonder if I can ever get to my goal weight. Help!

I am a 20 year old from Saskatchewan, Canada. I have always been very concerned about my weight. I have never been "overweight" but I have always had issues with the way i look. In high school I was very disiplined with my eating and excerise. After high school i started working in a resturant and gained 15-20 pounds. I have been struggeling for the last year and a half to lose the weight. I have trouble keeping a routine going becuase of my hectic schedual and emotional eating. I would just really like to be proud of myself, and that means having a more stable, healthy and active lifestyle.

I just finished school and have a degree in Elementary Education. I have always been chubby and am just sick of it.


I'm 22, I work full-time and attend college. I started gaining a few extra pounds around 20 and 21. This was mostly from going out more, drinking alcohol, and fast food. It is so much easier for me to pick something quick up to eat rather then cooking for one.


What really gets me is the food!! I love carbs and large portions. =) Love pita chips, the bread basket, rice, noodles, etc.!

Im almost 23 yrs old. Attending graduate school while working full time as a substance abuse counselor

I am a recent DePaul University graduate currently looking for my perfect career job and also exploring grad school options. The search has been much more complicated than I was expecting. I'm being patient though, and I know my time will come.


22 years old, tired of being the fat girl. I love the arts, movies, music, mostly things creative. I am very shy. I want my life back, I dont want to hide anymore. I want to be beautiful.

I just graduated with my master's degree in May and since then I've lost almost 40 pounds. I moved home (and back in with the parents, blah) while I've been job searching and have been basically stuck ever since. I love photography, finding adventures, meeting new people and being artistic...I also love to cook, which can be a blessing or a curse.

I have been watching my size increase over the last few months, and I have been really good at ignoring it. So now it is time to take control....I feel I am finally ready to take this commitment.

22 year old electrical engineer, just graduated and in training. I love dancing and music and play the oboe in a local orchestra.



In one year I have gained 21 lbs. My goal is to get down to 103, but it will take one step at a time.


I am 23, 5'6", and I've lost about 100 pounds in the last two and a half years. Not a lot of real effort went into the first 40. I'm a manager with Victoria's Secret, and I'm addicted to my job. I love singing, theater, cool restaurants, movies, and reading fiction. My roommate, Josh, is a heavy man and my boyfriend, Marlon, is even heavier. It's hard when they both want to treat me to food all the time. (hard life, right?) I'm a happy girl, and want my exterior to reflect me! I want to be pretty and sexy!



I'm 21 and just graduated from Ithaca College with a B.S. in theatre arts management and am back at home until I find a job. I recently realized I put on a bit too much weight during my last year of college. While I'm jobless, I'd like to make the most of this time and get fit.

I'm a full time student, and find it difficult to work out on a regular basis at the gym. I've never been a huge gym-rat, and running on a treadmill bores me. In high school being active was easy because I was on the swim team and danced, but was never really on my way to do a college sport. I'm a very social person and since I don't have any friends who like to work out (i have many such friends back home) it's difficult to stay motivated, so here I am!
I hope to lose 2 lbs each week..that will get me super close to my goal weight before I go home for the summer yayy!
2/1 - 148.5
2/20 - 145.5

I'm 23 years old 5'6 and 190 pounds YUCK


I guess I wouldn't say that I am your average person because I have a variety of interests and a very fast paced life. I am a college graduate with a major in Criminal Justice and emphasis on Offender Treatment. Currently I work as a social worker serving clients with a variety of different issues.
I am a very active person; I have 3 horses - 2 that I am training myself. In addition to my equine hobbies I also enjoy doing cardio work outs and strength training. During my down time I enjoy reading, movies, shopping and spending time with my husband and my family.

5'6" and 190 lbs, I am someone who loves to watch movies, read books, and spend time with my family and friends. I'm at a dask for my job, doing payroll for a construction company. I love to shop, go for walks, meet new people, and I generally like to try anything.

i am 23 years old. i have gained some weight, and lost some muscle, since ending my career as a college dance major. i currently am in the middle of the beginning of my professional dance career. my goal is to get my body in peak physical condition.


I am a 21 year old mother of 2. My son is almost 3 and my daughter is 6 months. I only gained 35 lbs pregnant w/ my son but I had just lost all of that weight when I got preg w/ my daughter. I also quit smoking while preg w/ her and you try fighting off preg cravings and nicotine withdrawal cravings so needless to say, I gained 65 lbs w/her!!! In high school, I was 135lbs so that is what I would like to be. I weigh 170lbs. My goal is to weigh 125lbs. I have 45 lbs to lose.

Hello! My name is Phoebe, and I am twenty. Right now I am in school, majoring in biology and physics, and i believe the stress is one reason i am having so much trouble losing weight. I am hoping to get my body back before the summer, but mostly would like to start a diet i can stick to, and to keep the weight off permanently.

My name is Ebony, I'm a friend to many a mother of two kids Nyla and Nazir and a wife for almost eight years and still going strong...I'm from Brooklyn NY, but I currently live in Orlando Florida(I don't like it here,to much of a city girl) lol..I should be moving back to my old stomping grounds in two months! yayyy!!! lol...I'm here to get my sexy back!.Ever since I had my second child I gained an extra 50lbs.I've manage to drop most of the weight through eating right and exciseing EVERYDAY. Right now I'm trying to drop these last 13 stubborn pounds so that I can feel like me again!

I'm a 21 year old girl from Singapore, hence the metrics system ;) Start weight at 95kg, 178cm, BMI 29.9. I'm aiming to lose 20kg by this year.

I love swimming, running and anything outside on a sunny day.

I'm 21. I'm from Oregon. I like being outdoors and organic foods. I'm also a college student.

I'm 23 yrs old grad student..who would like to lose ten lbs! I always set goals, and try to get into exercising everyday then before I know it four days go by and I haven't done anything. My motivation waivers but always comes back to the fact that I want to make exercise and healthy eating a way of life- forever.

I am a single parent and law student


I am 21 years old.
I am going to school full time, working part time. It is hard for me to stay motivated when it comes to working out.
i have a bad habit of eating late at night due to night classes and work.

I'm a 23 female and I work out about 4x a week. I'm really interested in finding a workout buddy to even workout with me one of those days. I prefer a female 20-25.


*****Attention: I've moved to myfitnesspal.com for my weight loss goals. I've so far lost 34 pounds since Sept 2010.*******
My name is Jenn. I'm 23 years old and have a 15 month old son named Rowan. I am currently going through a divorce and one of the reasons he's leaving me is because of my weight.



hey iam a 20 yr old just tryin to lose weight and not find it!

I am 24 years old, I have always been an athletic person until about 2yrs ago. I had a herniated disc which limited by ablility to workout. I had surgery last august and have had no problems since, I just have no motivation. I work at 3am so sleep is very important to me and when I get home I am beat!

I am a 25 year old elementary special education teacher. I am only about 5'4 and weigh 165. I am going to be in a wedding in June, and I want to look awesome. I want to not have to worry about "looking fat" in the clothes I wear. I am young and still enjoy going on summer vacations with my friends, so it would be nice to not have to worry about how I look when those vacations roll around.

I'm a 21 year old female, who is 5'10 and have stuggled with my weight since I was about 15 years old. Always being on average of about 20-30 pounds over what I should be. I have probably tried every diet out there... slim-fast, low-carb, etc.etc. Nothing ever works because these "fad" diets are a temporary solution to a problem... a problem that affects your overall well being. I'm sick of being out of shape and am determined and commited to shed 50 pounds in a way that I can keep it off for good!
I have recently been looking into finding out my BMI... I was in shock and horror when I realized my BMI was a staggering 29.4. It let me know that at 21 years old I am prone to health risks, which I feel is unacceptable! So seeing it has given me the motivation to get fit for good!!

I am a 25 year old single female living in Calgary, AB. I am a teacher and usually have a busy day, with little time for food. I love getting out to the mountains to go for hikes and soak up the sun. I have always been "pleasantly plump" and have struggled somewhat with my confidence. I feel I look good and I am happy with my body most of the time but it is not the body I want.

improv comedienne/actess living in NYC



I'm 20 and potentially beautiful. I weigh 154lb and I want to weigh 133lb.

I am a 20 year-old student who is tired of being looked at differently because of my size.

I am 25, lost a little over 30 lbs in the last year. Would like to maintain that and also lose more fat/gain more muscle. I want to be healthier in all aspects.

I'm 23 yo and currently attending Iowa State University for engineering. I love doing any exciting or new things and meeting new people. This site looks great, I'm really looking forward to using it

i am a 20 year old collage student from PA. I am going into my second year of school for envirnmental biology.

I am 24 years old graduate. Married. Working. All normal stuff. Except for my love for food and sweeties. I used to be 115lb...but gained 41lb. Managed to lose 19 two years ago. But I cannot lose anymore, every time I start a diet I stop after 2 weeks....everytime the same...I lose few pounds then as fast I put them back on.....typical yoyo...
I cannot join weight watchers as my bmi is 24 which is considered to be healthy average...which I don't look like....So I really hope that this time I will be able lose those 30lbs and keep them off.
During one month all I lost is 2lb O.O As ususally I started pigging out after 2 weeks of normal eating and excercising....
Getting back on track)))))Slowly.....

really busy nursing student and having a hard time balancing my time and maintaining a healthy diet with my outrageous schedule. i just completed my first half marathon but i honestly gained more weight. i now have fat and a combination of muscle making me look big and bulky for a really small girl. Im really short so i want a longer leaner, less bulky figure

I've always been the "fat" kid of my social groups, but I've never felt that reflected who I truly am. On the inside I'm ambitious and energetic, but I keep allowing my weight to hold me back. Well, NO MORE!

I am a college student leaving to study abroad in Sweden this next year. I have always done sports all through school and upto this past year, I could eat whatever because I burned so many calories and I was a thrower in college now that I'm not working out as much it is hard to change my eating habits and get the motivation to workout as much as I use to. I hope going away will be a fresh start to healthy eating and a more balanced routine.

Im 23 years old, recently enrolled back into school full time, and work full time as well. Before I started dating my boyfriend I weighed 115 and was a size 2/4. Since then I have gained about 35 pounds and cant fit into ANY of my old clothes. Because of my massive weight gain I have had major self image issues and want to change all of that. I dont want to give up as I have before. I am open to all comments and suggestions. please feel free!! and Im new to this so HELP!!

I am ` years old and I am so unhappy with how much weight I have gained. I lost a lot of weight 3 years ago and go down to 120 pounds. Now I am 180 pounds and 5'5. I have lost weight in the past by unhealthy diets, yes by either starvation or purging, but I am not going to do it that way this time!
I am a very picky eater which makes eating healthy almost impossible. I hate salads, and love meats, so I guess I will just have to watch my portions


I am a young mother and i am trying to find a way to stick with my weight loss plan.

i am 21 yrs old female living in hawaii. i come from a loving opinionated family. i am the middle child and if that wasnt bad enough i am also the biggest lol..im looking forward to making a change and sticking with it. ill need help along the way and hope ill find some here .

I'm a 20 year old college student who gained more weight than she'd like to admit since high school and is now trying to be rid of it. I'm also a competitive dancer and the weight gain has definitely affected my dancing so losing the weight would really help me improve my dancing as well.

I'm a 23 year old Masters student who has a goal to lose 70 pounds. I'm tired of being the 'heavy' friend and feeling bad about my weight. I stood on the scales this weekend and saw 255 register and thought 'where did I go wrong?'. Last year at Christmas my grandpa teased me about my weight and it really stung, I got off to a new year with a typical resolution that I didn't keep and now thinking forward I need to lose weight not only for my image, but also my health. I am certainly at risk of many diseases or health concerns associated with being overweight. I have a real problem with letting my friends and family down but sometimes I seem to have no problem with letting myself down. I want to make a change for my health, image, life, and happiness.


im 22 love life love abercrombie ..

I'm 21 years old, recently graduated college and have a year before I start med school. Currently I am working full time doing research at Cornell. I've been overweight for most of my life, at least since elementary school.

I am actually pregnant right now with me second son, due in just a few weeks. My new years resolution is to be a healthier me. Not just to go on a diet, but to CHANGE my diet for good. I want to eat right and exercise daily. I need motivation and inspiration to get me goin', and to keep me goin'.



Hello everyone! I'm a fun loving theater student currently in NYC, looking for love and acting gigs. I love my family, friends, and life in Manhattan. I am an active person and have hovered around 238 pounds all my life. I want to take the extra steps to get my weight to a healthier place. I took off some weight and put on muscle over the past two years, and was happy with my progress. Then, the other shoe dropped, I was just diagnosed with spondylolisthesis, and while I can't undo the damage to my spine, this was a red flag in my life that I need to kick this weight loss into high gear. I'm ready to combat this back pain and problem with weight loss, and change my life forever.

I'm a 25 year old college student graduating in May 2010. I'm ready to finally transform my body like never before and lose the weight and feel better about myself and have confidence that I've never really had.



Hi my name is Crystel and I am a 20 year old full time college student. I weigh 185 pounds and have been overweight all my life. I live at home with my parents and I feel like they are not supportive at all. Since I was a child I remember them telling me I am fat and need to lose weight. Last summer I felt so unhappy and realized that it was due to my weight. I began exercising and eventually lost 15 pounds in a month. I was losing weight and I was very motivated to keep going and to never stop. However, when school started up again, I began eating unhealthy and stopped exercising because I was too exhausted after school, work, and homework/studying. Seven months later, the 15 pounds I lost, I gained back. I kept convincing myself that I will exercise soon and begin my diet again but I know it will never happen if I keep avoiding it. Today I bought a new dress and showed my mom. Not surprising, she said, "you need to lose weight." I was upset but did not think much of it because it IS something my mom says to me constantly. Then I went to work and a customer asked me, "when is your baby due." That was the last straw and now I am motivated more than ever to lose the 40 pounds I have been wanting to lose. I joined peertrainer in hopes of support from others who also have the same goal as I do.

Well what can I say I am just an average woman, That feels shes not getting enough sopport from her husband.... I have a 8 month old baby ...

I am a 19 year old student from NYC. I am passionate about the film industry, but for the time being, I would like to try modeling. To that end, I'm trying to lose as much weight as possible before the summer starts so that I can send my photos out while I'm not in school.

19 year old college student studying for her criminal justice degree.

was obese from age of 13, since puberty . before that was very lean .. tried almost everything.. nothing seems to be working to reach to fit and healthy body. I was 200lbs when i was 17 yrs old. then slowly and steadily started loosing weight... with immense hard work. today after almost 5 years have only been able to reach to a level of 165lbs. with a height of 5'5" , i think i have along way to go.. but my immediate goal is to shed out some side tyres to my wedding on 1st week of December 2009.

Southern Cal. Vegetarian.

I'm a super busy 24 year old female. I like to exercise and do fun and interesting new activities. Despite my crazy schedule and demanding program at school, I like to try and unwind and not let the stress get to me.


I have struggled with emotional eating, restriction, and binge eating for a LONG time. I want to stop, but lack the support.
I'm ready to lose weight healthfully and practice healthy eating habits!

I am 20 and am a student. My biggest problem is that I love eating chocolates and cant resist temptation.
My studies leave me no time for exercise.



I am 25 years old and I have a bachelors degree in Psychology. I work between 45 and 50 hours a week at two jobs. I have a boyfriend who I have been with for 9 months. I love to travel and I love arts and crafts. Since July of 2009 I have gained 15-18 pounds.


This is not going to be one of those times, when I was doing really well for 1 month but then I lose track. This is NOT going to be one of those times when, in 4 months from now I say: Man, I wish I would have stuck with it. Not this time. I'm a music major at university, a really positive person, I just have all this extra weight and its time to get serious and to get healthy. For me.

I took my metabolism and my weight for granted after I developed a binge eating disorder due to stress and depression. 3 years later- I am at my heaviest once again. I feel as though I have been struggling all of my life but I am only 22. 3 years of disordered eating, negative body image and depression I am feeling better and sexier.
I know I can learn to love my body and lose the excessive weight I packed on.

I am 20 years old. through out college I gained a lot of weight since i didn't swim any more, and because I ate what ever I wanted in huge quantities. I now weigh 148

I'm a 24 yr old grad student who will be marrying my best friend in 5 yrs. I've always been over weight, but I got worse during my senior year of under grad and in the past year. I want to get to a weight I haven't had since high school and maintain it.

I am 18 years old, turning 19 in 2 and a half weeks. I currently weigh in between 201-203 lbs and 5'2" (its getting hard to get away from the 200s Grrrr...) I started out at 223 lbs on March 12 and have lost about 10 pounds a month so far and plan on keep going strong. I want to get down to about 135 lbs by November this year. I am a bubbly person, great to be around. I never noticed I managed to gain 80+ pounds in 2 years until I stepped on the scale one day and it said a horrific number. I hope to find someone about the same height, weight, and age and support each other to keep going. I tend to get discouraged easily but I really need to lose weight for my health.


I honestly need to lose 100 lbs. 50-ish would make me happy. 100 would make me healthy...and hot. So...I'mma go with 100. =)
But for now I'm going to start with my first platform:
18 LBS to get down to 235.
Til Busch Gardens!!

Entering my third year of college, and working this summer!

I am a volunteer for an environmental organization. I am going back to school in the Fall. I weigh 235 pounds, that is at least approximately 60 pounds too heavy. My biggest wish at this time is to lose this excess weight already!


I'm 22 and have a steady job that i love, a boyfriend whom I adore and a cat. I am looking to get in shape, but have a motivation problem, and commitment issues....with dieting anyway.

I'm a 20 year-old from Texas, trying to shape up and start a healthier, more manageable and likable lifestyle.

I'm a young college student (as if that wasn't stressful enough) trying to establish healthy habits. I'm new to the vegan diet but after reading several books about it and experimenting a little, I decided it's for me ("The Kind Diet" by Alicia Silverstone is an excellent book about becoming vegan, by the way). I've never had weight problems but since my student budget isn't the largest, I found it much easier to live off of Mac n' Cheese and Ramen Noodles rather than cook decent food for myself, naturally this led to a few extra pounds that I don't really need (I'm 5''7.5in at 140lbs). Not to mention I didn't feel my greatest during that time. I'm transferring to a new university this fall and I want it to go a lot smoother than my first university experience. Having a workout routine and some cooking expertise up my sleeves in time for the new semester would, no doubt, only make my college experience more fulfilling.

I’m a 19 year-old university student/ holistic health practitioner

I'm a 23-yr-old in her last year of college. Had always been pretty active (grew up as a dancer, worked out religiously & ate like a health nazi) up until I went through some crazy stuff this last year that resulted in a manic episode, and now experiencing some depression and bulimia (which resulted in some major weight gain 20+lbs). Basically, I went from a free-spirited crazy happy go-go dancer / sorority college girl with a fit body to a sad self-loathing average BMI girl. Determined to recover and gain my health and happiness back! Let's do this! :D

I started on a weight loss journey a long time ago. I first started when I was 15. I weighed 189, got down to 168 and got down to size 14. Then, over time, I gained back the weight, and then some. I tried again, when I was 19, at 202.8, and got down to 167 by April 2009, but didn't fit size 14. But 2 months later, I found out I was pregnant. After having my son, was down to 177. So, I recently strted doing Zumba twice a week. 2 weeks ago i was 173.1 and this morning (7-16-10) im up to 175. 1. Not sure why I'm gaining weight.

anthropology/journalism university student, news director at school's tv station

I'm 22 and have just graduated from college. I'm moving into the "real world" and after dancing around my issues and making false starts for the last 10 years, I know I need to make some real changes.
I've been reading PeerTrainer's daily tips for years and for some reason I've always held back on fully joining the site. Today I and a friend talked for a while and I realized I need to be here.
Looking forward to meeting you!


I'm 21, a senior in college studying marketing and can't wait to rock my bikini body for my birthday in late September :)



I am 23 years old, 5'3 and weigh 155 pounds. If you were to see a picture of me, you would think different. I have been told I carry my weight well because I look like I weigh around 135, which is where I would LOVE to be. I also gain muscle very easily so I believe some of that is strictly muscle weight. I recently lost around 13-14 inches for my wedding back in June. I began using a personal trainer in March of this year and continued with her until about 3 weeks ago. She is my sister-in-law and her obsessivness over her own diet and workout regime was really putting a damper on my own goal. I decided not to use her anymore and was determined to do it all on my own. Have I? No sir! I even have a clubhouse in my neighborhood with a fitness center and sidewalks throughout the neighborhood as well. Unfortunately I have a HUGE lazy bone and need motivation! Not only that but I work at a financial institution where people bring in "bad food" for snacks and leave in the break room for all of us to have...temptation is a "you-know-what" :)

I'm 22 years old and have been married for a little over a year. Due to the many nights of going out to eat and such I have gained some weight and want to lose it for myself.


I am a 1st year special education teacher. Absolutely love what I do. I live with my boyfriend, my cat Juicee, and my dog GusGus. I live in the middle of nowhere so support groups are few and far between. I'm very self motivated but require reassurance from others that are more knowledgable than myself.

I am an outgoing, funny lady who loves music and the arts. I have met the man of my dreams and we hope to be successful together in our challenge of weight loss.
Before I met my man, I was thinner but was not using healthy weight loss methods ( not eating at all..) and now I am going to try to change my lifestyle to be healthier, in turn achieving my goal.
My digestive health is horrible and I am trying to find a balance between eating a healthy alkaline diet. I have been on too much medication for ulcer/stress treatment and believe that my horrible diet has also done me no good in that department either. I am taking NO medication and refuse to at this time, I am on the journey to find better health without the drugs.

I am 18 years old and going off to college this fall! I am 4'11 and 115 pounds. I want to get in better shape before I move away! Hopefully with good exercise and eating habits I wont gain that awful freshman 15!

I am a 21 year old student/retail manager. I have been overweight since I was a child but I am tired of using that as an excuse- I'm ready to be fit and 'hot'. My boyfriend and I are planning a wedding for April 2012 and I would like to not be self concious about my double chin and flabby arms...and there is no time like the present!


I am a senior at WCSU

I am a 23-year-old college student on the cusp of finishing up my Masters degree. I feel that this is a great time to lose weight as I will now have more time to devote to diet and exercise. My highest weight was 219lbs but my current weight is 185lbs. I have lost and gained weight all through college however, the past 9 months was my greatest success over a sustained period. My ideal weight would be 140lbs but I would be very satisfied if I maintained around 160lbs (I am 5"9').

I am 23 years old 5'6 and currently weigh 131.3 pounds as of March 27, 2011. I have lost a total of 26 pounds in less than 5 months. So now I am eating healthier and going to the gym almost every single day. I have increased my cardio by 2 hours and i can definitely see a difference on my weighloss i tend to burn 600 calories an hour so that's comes up to 1,200 calories oer 2 hours. I tend to go to the gym 7 days a week for 2 to 3 hours a day. As for nutrition I tend to have chicken at least 4 days a week with some sort of steamed vegetable such as broccoli, green beans, asparagus, carrots, corn. i absolutley love rice so i switched it up to brown rice whole grains are so much better for you. Anyways I am gradually becoming aware of what is most important to me and that definitely has to do with me being in shape. I keep track of all of my Calories with Peer trainer but also with my Apple application LOSE IT. THese programs really help me in the sense that I choose what foods I will be able to eat in advance and then i decide if it's worth it or not. Anyways I am so excited to see where this new lifestyle take me. I envision myself skinny wearing short shorts and my belly showing in the summer :D

im 5'5 and i weigh 175lb ive never been skinny in my 20 yrs of life. ive tried to diet so many times but i can never stick to any diets i try. all i want is modivation from others that are going through the same.

I am 23 years old. I just graduated college and want to start fresh at this incredible transition in my life. I am more than 100 lbs overweight and want to regain my health and self esteem.


I am 25 and I live with a loving supportive boyfriend. He sees me as beautiful, and I love him for that, but I want to see that too. I am applying to get into nursing school. I love to cook and bake. I also love to go out to eat, which is my downfall. I want a Pug and to name it Ruby. One of my passions is reading and writing.. if I could write youth fiction and get paid that would be a dream! I love to go dancing and love to shop, but haven't done much of that lately. I am a lively, friendly, caring person who hasn't felt much alive lately.

I am 23 years old and preparing myself to prepare for my wedding! My wonderful fiancee is of course very tall, and very slim. I on the other hand stand at 5'1 on a good day and weigh..... 225 lbs! How in the world I've let myself get this far is beyond me. My guess is a few too many chicken mcnuggets and mt. dews. Nonetheless, here I am. I fully intend on losing this weight and never looking back. I want to be a beautiful bride, and when the time comes, a healthy mother. I DO NOT WANT TO BE A FAT MOM!!!! So, i'm going to cut out the fat part before I even attempt to have children. And, I want to live a healthy life. Being able to walk up a hill or play sports or even walk around a theme park without back pain or feeling faint would be awesome as well. :)


I'm a 22-year-old graduate student in Informatics and work full-time as a financial software analyst. I'm 5'6'' and currently 163 lbs.
I've always had issues with being pudgy and my family is made up of rather large beings as well. I usually go through ups and downs over the course of a few years as far as my weight is concerned and now I'm in a 'down' again.
I was working out very intensely about two years back and lost around 20 lbs due to weight training and correct eating but after I sustained a calf injury and getting into a new relationship I stopped working out and started eating ice cream and cookies instead. So now it's time to shed the pounds again!


I'm 21 and live in Houston. I'm engaged and my wedding is in March of 2012 so I'd like to get the extra weight off now so I don't have to worry at the last minute. I work from home so I have a pretty flexible schedule (which can also make you become lazy really fast). I have two energetic dogs to help keep me motivated cardio-wise, but am having trouble getting the motivation to get any strength training done.
Start date: 2/1/11
Start weight: 166

I'm 19 and I want to get back in shape for the summer


I am 24 years old and graduated college. Currently, I am working on getting my license as a pharmacist. After graduation, I've come to realize that it's time for a change. Education was my main priority but now I want to make my health my #1 priority.

I'm a 22 year old Female. I have been married for two years. My husband and I do not have any children. I currently weigh 215 lbs. I am pre-diabetic and take medication for it.

I'm a 20 year old college student who is having a really hard time keeping the summer weight loss going. I don't have much of a support system, so I joined here to get me motivated!

I am a 21 year old college student. I started gaining weight after I left high school and moved in with my current boyfriend. Growing up from the time I could walk I was a year round athlete. I never watched what I ate until my junior year when I started doing pageants and modeling competitions. I was the lightest I had ever been at 145lbs @ 5'10. I felt great about myself and confident. It took about 2 years to get to the weight im at now. 50lbs over weight has left me with no confidence or self esteem, something that I never lacked before. I don't have much support from my bf who is an unhealthy eater and no longer workouts. I need to fill my life with people who encourage rather than discourage.

I'm 21, and currently a 3rd year in college studying English. I have always been overweight and underactive, and I feel like now is the time to start changing my lifestyle. I deeply care about the people in my life and want to spend my time helping others. I think the best gift I can give is getting my weight and health under control, so I can be my best self!
My goal is to feel healthy & happy, be physically active, and avoid disease and health issues down the road. Focusing on an "ideal weight" (I wish I was a size 3! I wish I was 106 lbs like a supermodel!) has personally not worked for me in the past, so I'm shifting my ideas away from this attitude.



My family owns a candy store, so I'm constantly surrounded by temptation! I also tend to be quite lazy, so I have a hard time motivating myself to exercise, even though I know I should!

I gained about 15 lbs in the past 6 mnths from the stress of moving and the holidays would really like to get back to a comfortable weight but finding it difficult to find time to exercise! Not gonna make excuses anymore want to feel good this summer!

I'm 21 years old and I enjoy writing and listening to good music. I really enjoy the summer and I know I'd enjoy it A LOT more if I was happy with the way I look.

I am a 5'7 19 year old legal assistant and I would like to lose 10 lbs and get back to 105 lbs and be thin again!

5'2, 24 years old, busy with three jobs, one being a bar with late night hours. yo-yo dieter. aiming to lose 20lbs and get into shape permanently. my weakness is overindulging in huge meals.

I am a 22-year old senior in Mechanical Engineering at Kansas State University. I am a member of the marching band and the pep band, where I play the trombone. I am also a member of the Aero Design team, where we design build, and fly R/C airplanes. I want to lose weight to become a healthier person, but I need someone to keep me motivated!

I'm 22 years old. I'm a type 1 diabetic. I'm very active I love being busy and involved in a million things. I work at a pharmaceutical manufacturer and I'm an account manager. I love fashion and I'm obsessed with shopping to add to my glorious collection <3



I am a 19 yr-old college student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. I am pretty healthy but I have steadily gained some weight since coming to college. I am 5' 7" was down to 140lbs and had even lost a little weight right before starting school, but now I am around 150lbs- my heaviest- and would like to loose about 15lbs. I have a pretty bad sugar addiction and not-so-consistent workout plan in addition to other factors which make it difficult to loose weight. I really want to get back on track and loose weight in order to start living a healthier lifestyle and to look good too!

College sophmore. I workout 6 days a week unless I get very deppressed or have a million assignments.


I am 20 years old and i'm in college. i'm going home for the summer and it's my goal to really lose it this time. i'm excited. i think i'm prety, too pretty to be fat and miserable. this one thing, these few extra pounds, have been plaguing me for my whole life and i deserve more happiness that i'm letting myself have. no tastey food and being lazy not going to the gym lifestyle is worth being unhappy. i get to eat whatever i want, sure, but i'm unhappy and anxious about it. i get nervous when people see me eat. i'm a frequent secret eater because i'm so embarassed about my weight. well, i'm really tired of it, and i'm really trying to get back in control. I've never actually ever been skinny, and feel like i'll only be young for so long. so i've decided i want to try out skinny while i can still enjoy being young and beautiful.

I am a 23 year old law student. I've struggled with body image issues almost all my life. I thought I was overweight even when I was fit and healthy during my teenage. As a result, I have put on quite a bit of weight. I now wear a size 14-16 at 5"6". I am a fabulous cook, I love music, reading, dancing and working out.

I'm a 21 year old college student.

20 year old college student

i starting gaining weight in 5th grade when i started getting my monthly. i was a smalll child who ate all she wanted and was hyper active till the end of elementary where everything changed and turn im guessing from the hormonal shift. i have been trying to lose weight sense 8th grade and have dealt with a lot of heart ache and pain and humiliation. being made fun of and me hating how i look and the cloths i wore and life. i have struggled so much and finally am were i wanna b but am so scared i dont know if maintaining weight is possible. how do you go from working out all the time and eating a little of healthy foods to working out less and eating more healthy foods i just it scares me after this dramatic loss i have had in weight and i hope i keep it off i have tryed and done and gone threw so much :'(

I'm 24 and in law school, and the stress makes it really hard to stay on top of my diet and exercise plans. I lost about 55 lbs before starting law school, and I'd like to keep going!

I am a 19 year old girl. I have always struggled with my self image. I will be going back to school in August and I want to be in the best shape I have ever been in!

I am 18 years old, but I feel like a middle-aged woman in weight-loss years!
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am going to college next year.

I am 23 years old. I have a moderate fitness level, but a love of sweets! Recently have been working extra long hours and have let the fitness/healthy lifestyle slide. Just need some accountability.

I am a 25 year-old architecture student in Cape Town. I love running and rowing (both on the water and at gym). I am in the second year of a weightlifting program and have recently taken up swimming. I enjoy gym and feel that, with only moderate cheating where food is concerned, I would rapidly attain a healthy and beach-ready weight. However, I binge consistently and hard. I enjoy reading, writing and painting, as well as French cinema. Some of the weight issues are a little sharper because I'm gay, and the body standards of younger gays can be very demanding.

I've been wanting to lose these 20 pounds for 3 years now, and I hope that this will be the year, I want to be hot! I need to stick to a diet plan this time. I lost 15 pounds 3 years a go and I was so content with myself that I just rode out 175 for 3 years and thats not the body I want.

I'm 20 y/o living in the most depressing state Portland, Oregon. Soon to be college student, currently working a hectic rotating schedule for target. All my life I've struggled with losing weight and being the person I want to be. I've always been so self conscious that I end up having trouble making friends and opening up to new horizons. I want to be able to change my life style, make better choices, and not be so concerned about what others think about me but what I think of myself.


I love music, improv comedy, craft beer, cooking, and hiking. I'm 23.

I am 24 years old. I live with my boyfriend and we have 2 dogs.
I am 5 foot 3 and weigh 170 pounds. Ideally I would like to weigh 120-130 pounds. With my height and body type I do not like the way I look, nor the way I feel.
I enjoy many things. I enjoy art, graphic design, interior design, photography, and anything creative.
I also enjoy the outdoors. I like hunting, fishing, camping, riding, or anything in the outdoors.

I'm 20 years old from South Africa but currently working in Scandinavia for one or two years. I grew up running and used to be quite good. Giving it up was the worst thing I ever did and now I'm trying to regain my fitness and kick most of my unhealthy habits.
