Members profiles: |
I am 28 years old, live in the deep south and feel a complete detachment to it. Love to read, write, watch movies and spend time with my boyfriend and our cat.

Hello gals. I am a 28 year old, 5'5" at 185lbs. I am very fortunate to hold my weight well but still want to lose at least 15lbs. I work as an admin. I have a M-F 830-430 schedule. I have gym and try to run as much as I can. Right now on the treadmill I can do 2-3 miles at a 4..8-5.0 speed. I would like to improve this the best to my ability. I hope that with encouragement of others we can all reach our goals.

I'm a 21 year old philosophy undergraduate. Asian (chinese), and a recent convert from pescetarianism to vegetarianism. I used to be an athlete (till i was 16). After I stopped training, I went up from 105lbs to a high of 130lbs in about 3 years, due to bad dietary habits (junk food addiction) and a pretty much sedentary lifestyle. Lost 5lbs after I started eating less junk, and another 10lbs from diet (about 1500cals/day)+exercise. Trying to maintain my weight now, and improve my health and fitness in general by eating right and exercising regularly but not excessively.
My interests include art (painting especially), movies (the arty farty types), literature (i usually avoid horrors, thrillers, chick-lit... the mainstream stuff) and music (i've been through many phases. but i can say for certain that i'm just incapable of appreciating hip hop, dance and trance music.)
I also like supermarket-browsing.

I am 53 years old and I smoked for most of my life. I've always worked out and still do so that is not a problem for me. I'm finding that my appetite has increased and I snack all night long.

Married mom of 2 children whom I homeschool. Work full time as houseparent to 13 teenagers. Love my job being a "full-time mom". But as a mom, it is difficult to stay healthy. There always seems to be a good reason to not find me time to exercise....and eating healthy is a challenge....This is something I need to do for me...and really be committed to.

46 yrs old and married. I love animals, walking my dog, horseback ridiing, outdoor activiites. I have some health concerns related to careless dietary habits and would like to gain control before these progress any further. My lifelong way of eating needs revamped.

I used to be a server and would bike to work everyday. A lot of activity. Now I have my degree and am an accountant sitting on my butt all day long and all night (studying for the cpa exam). Im working on biking to work again but its hard with a suit! I might have to wait until spring.
Since I always biked around I was always in shape without thinking of it as exercise. Now I have to become purposeful.
I have two terriers that need daily walks but i need more of an intense workout. So I thought running would be a good way to start.

Almost 30, software developer, single. Never really had a consistent exercise regimen, but now I need one. My weight was always average and I'd never had a problem with it, but now I'm starting to put on pounds and I'm sick of it. It's time to take charge. Write fantasy novels in my spare time (not yet published). Left the Air Force in 2001.




30 something mom.

I just has my second child 4 months ago and I work full time. My job reguires me to have lunch and dinners with clients so its hard to stay on a diet



I am 44 years old and I have lived in the Twin Cities for 5 years. I have been married for 23 years and I have two daughters, 20 years old and 17 years old. I will have an emply nest after next summer. I work fulltime as a CPA, but my schedule is fairly flexible.

I'm 25 years old, but feel 50. I'm a chronic depressive which means I'll basically be on antidepressants for the rest of my life just to function - read: emotional eater. I've never been thin, but I'm at my heaviest right now (5'6" 188lbs) and would sincerely love to be able to wear a bikini while still in my 20's. I'll celebrate my fourth wedding anniversary next month. We don't have kids yet, but definitely will in the near future.

I am 25 years old and I've been out of school for almost 3 years and have gained 10 lbs. each year! I don't intend to continue this route! :)


I work a lot. im putting myself through college by working as a nanny. finding time to work out is hard, but health is important to me.

I'm in the Air Force, and i'm a terrible runner. I always stuggle with my annual PT test (only the weight and run.)

33 year old female

I am a 29 year old jack of all trades. I fell off the continuous workout and general fitness wagon long ago and keep getting back on only to continuously fall off again and again. I am still searching for that/those motivators that will keep me on for good.

I'm a teacher in Belgium, teaching English and Dutch at a high school near Brussels.




24 year old law student looking to get back into shape while having extensive time commitments to school.
I was in great shape in College, so I'm trying to get back to that fitness level.


Im a obsessive 21 year old female student who needs to stop living in the fictional word and start living in the real one, and possibly loosing ten pounds to be in the healthy range instead of stuck right above it


I'm a 23-yr old recent college grad. I began working full-time about a year ago and have put on ~10 lbs. since (some ups and downs).
I've been so focused on work lately I can scarcely remember what my hobbies are! For fun I like to go out to new places (stores, restaurants, coffee shops, parks, basically any change of scenery).

I'm a Financial Adivisor working outside of Reading, PA. My husband and I have three sons (2 away), eight dogs, three cats, one guinea pig (all rescues), and what seems like 200 fish. My 87 year-old mom lives with us too (also a rescue haha)


My name is Aoife and I'm 21, from Ireland. I am currently 160lbs and I want to lose 40lbs. I have been overweight and on a diet for most of my life, and I'm just sick of it. I really want to loose it this time, and lose it for good!

I work for for a large state university. I am currently a graduate student at that same university studying Educational Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics. I love spending time outdoors and have recently been turned on to running. I'm looking forward to sharing joys and struggles as I try to beat the MD heat and get out on my feet.


I am a 33 yr old stay at home mom of 2 beautiful girls ages 6 and 3. I stay busy chasing after them but that is about it.

i'm pretty active i play hockey for my university but can't stay away from the junk food!

My name is Kelly! I am 22 years old and have been overweight for most of my life. I CRAVE to make that different. I want to be 80 pounds less than what I am now. I have just become a nurse, and I want to be a picture of health to all my patients, friends, family, etc.

I am a 35 yo stay at home motheher of a 9yo daughter. I am 5"8' and weigh 230lbs. I am afraid to do this alone but am really ready to transform my life for the better.
