I'm all about having fun and living life.
I was a chubby lil girl but slimmed down in high school.
Swam in High School, played water polo in college,
have been riding horses my whole life.
Have always been active.
Now just trying to stay healthy and achieve that body I've always wanted the healthy way. :o)


31 year old public interest/public international law lawyer in The Hague.

I'm 32 years old. I'm 125 lbs. Would like to lose about 10 lbs to be 115 (ideally 112). Was always slender in my 20's but now that I've hit my 30's I've gained about 10-15 pounds that I can't seem to shake. I've switched to eating whole foods and exercise regularly but it doesn't seem to be enough.


I'm a 22 year old lady from South Carolina. I'll be graduating in May of 2008 and then starting my career (ah! big word) in August. I want to teach second grade (may change). My passions are God, children, and life. I love to laugh, sing, hike, spend time with my family (esp. my niece and nephews) and friends, and just have fun. I also enjoy photography, movies, playing the guitar, and sleeping.




Highschool senior, member of dance company, looking to pursue dietetics in college.



I'm 21 and 5'2. I'm a dance education major, and I'm trying to double major art, but that's proving to be difficult and nearly impossible. The dance part takes up a looot of my schedule, but I sneak art in whenever I can!
I know that my weight is fine now. I'd just like to be a litte fine-er.. :) I'm also a modern/ ballet dancer and have to run around in tights and leotards all day every day, and losing a little weight would make me a little more confident.
My boyfriend is in Iraq, and he'll be home november/decemberish. So I need something to keep my mind off of missing him. I also want to look smokin' when he gets home! :) He says I look beautiful, so I know he'll think I'm smokin' no matter what, so this is for me.
I'm on this site because I love to hear about people losing weight! It makes me really happy when someone accomplishes something like that. Sometimes I think I can't change, and I'll weigh whatever my body wants, so it's nice to have a reminder that I can change! I also really like to motivate people. That, in turn, helps motivate myself. I can't tell someone to do something and not do it myself. I think this site will be really good for me. I'm excited about it.

I'm a 26 yo student, cramming for my boards at this moment... ( talk about stress! ) , I'm not overweight , I actually have a pretty healthy BMI. I look thin but i'm "flabby"... and I hate it! I am totally to blame, my once active life has completely dissipated.. and now I am a sedentary book worm that lives on fast food ( I limit the amount ), sandwiches, and cereal!
Since I am pro health( and anti tobacco, just so you know ) I have decided to increase my overall health by eating well and doing exercise. SO... here I am. Looking for a bit of moral support... ( we all need it at times ) ...

I am 23 years old and have 2 kids. I am starting school this summer, either for radiography or dietetic, I still have to decide! I used to be very active and was always around 100-110 lbs. Ever since I had my second child I haven't been able to shake those last few pounds or tone up.

Musician, artist, in design field

I am a 21 year-old college student from Maryland. I am a sprinter/jumper on the track team. I would like to develop healthier eating habits and lose 10-15 lbs. I have gained 8 lbs this year (4 while trying to diet in the past 2 weeks!) and it has had a negative impact on my performance

I am an 18-year old senior in high school, weigh 125 lbs. and want to lose 10-15 lbs. before heading off to college. PLUS, I am getting married next year, so I need to lose a little AND keep it off! I'm very very busy, so it's been difficult to commit to changing my lifestyle. I've recently begun eating predominantly whole and organic foods for the most part and working out several days per week doing cardio on the elliptical, strength training, and yoga. I can't wait to get this thing underway and see results!

I'm a 20 year old female hanging around the capital of Australia, going to university and working part time from home. I want to take advantage of the excesses of free time I have as a student to build healthy habits I can take into my inevitably stressful working life =)

I'm 26 and currently have a very stressful job in the education field. I'm planning on making a major career shift soon. I love dance, photography, and hiking.



I turned 40 in May. I am married and have a 6 yo son. I work part-time.

I'm 19 years and a university student in canada. i want to feel proud of my body and be confident in tight clothes and swim suits

26 year old female. I am not quite overweight, but I would really like to look a little more slim and toned, and be more comfortable with my body. I haven't been wearing a bikini to the beach for probably twelve years, and I think it's time I do it this summer.


I love dancing and pilates


I'm a student, studying and partying all year doesn't leave me much time to stay in shape. I've tried taking up yoga, spinning, but the weight doesn't seem tocome off.

I;m a 34 year old female, mother to a 17 year old. I surf 3x a weekI work out 4 to 5 times a week. Mostly cardio and stomach since surfing takes care of my upper body. I eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. During that 'special time' i do tend to over eat. this may be the extra 10 15 pounds.


I am a Texan that lives in Alabama. I am married to a devoted man, Clark. I love the outdoors and being adventurous.
During college I put on at least 30 lbs. I have since lost it, but I am still not at a healthy weight. I am very much stuck on a plateau. 120. I have gotten below it for a bit but since Christmas have climbed back up to my comfortable 120.

30 year old PR assistant who has lost more than 30 pounds over 2 years. The first 20 came off during a two-month inter-office Biggest Loser contest (which I won... and came away with $700 and a renewed sense of self). Ten more pounds came off with a second two-month long contest.
I have since run the LA Marathon and am training for the SF 1/2 Marathon in August. My wedding is in September so I'm using that to keep motivated!
I exercise 3-5 times a week but have added 3 miles of walking daily (to and from work). I consider that a long-term benefit and it saves me some dough on gas.



turning 31 has been a milestone for me, I'd like to lose my relationship weight and look radiant for my wedding!

I would like to lose 10 to 15 pounds, and become more active. Being a mom, a wife and having a full-time career makes it tough to squeeze in time for myself. Recently joined the YMCA with my family and want to add gym time to my regimen. I want to feel great on the beach this summer!

I am 27 and live in OKC, I would love to lose 10lbs. and tone up before my wedding next month. I have put on some weight since high school. Since I am very small boned any weight gain makes me look more swollen than chubby.

I'm 21 and just graduated college with a degree in Environmental Biology. I grew up in Colorado and enjoy running, although I've always found it difficult to stick to a program consistently. However, I have just finished my final class and am ready to turn over a new leaf. My new place of residence has a complete set of dumbells and a weight bench as well as miles of high altitude trails to run on.



I am a part time working mom of two boys. I found that I love to cook but its the reason why I cant keep the weight off. two years ago I went on a diet and lost 35Ibs but since I started working part time its all coming back



I'm a stay-at-home mom when I'm not going to school full-time as a nutrition student. I have a 2.9 year old son and an 8.5 month old daughter. I just had knee surger 3.5 weeks ago from a sports injury from almost 2 years ago and it's been hell just sitting here doing nothing. I do try to do some housework, but it's better to keep still so my knee can heal.


I am 39 years old and am recenly divorced after 16 years of marriage. I am excited about starting this new journey in my life, not only as a newly single female, but as a healthy one as well.
I am currently 120 pounds and my goal is to reach 110 pounds. I am 5``3`.



I'm 27 and want to tone up and lose weight for good!

I'm a student at art school who works at a restaurant part-time, and has battled with childhood obesity up until a few years ago when I began running, playing sports, and going to the gym after a traumatic event in my life. Since then, I have lost over 50 lbs and now am trying to get rid of the last few pounds and tone up!


I am a 19 male that is currently a student. i used to powerlift and play football but decided not to further myself in football because the effects it would have on my college. i stopped working out because of all the working i do with school and have gained 60 lbs. some muscle and some not. i am very self concious about myself and it really effects me everyday so basically i want to feel better about myself.

I'm a university student and active athlete. I eat healthy, but have trouble with snacking a lot or trying to cut back but getting really hungry. I'm very active and have to study lots, so when I am tired it is hard to stay on track.
I really want to harden up because I am so close to where I should be, and have been there before.


51 yrs. old. Body changed when I hit 50, gained about 10 lbs, even though I've always had a fairly healthy diet, and exercise every day.
Since starting Peertrainer, my diet has become really clean, all the junk is out, and feel sooo much better. But still no weight loss. Keep telling myself to just be patient, change will come...
