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Sunday, May 1 
grmakathy's daily log

 Last posted Sun. Jul 8, 1:23pm


my notes

None! i have exercised nearly every day for 6 yrs, but since i got the flu a week ago, not once! Tomorrow for sure.

Had to be at Torin's ball game early. and had Dustin's right afterwards. Made bkfst to take with me, but forgot the sandwich, so got a plain soft pretzel at the snack bar, and had that with the banana I brought. 2

egg sandwich 2
unsweetened applesauce 1 (I have eaten carrots and an apple for lunch every day forever, but somehow since I've had the flu they don't sound good to me, although salad vegetables are fine)


tuna sandwich 2
tomato soup 1
fruit 1

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I am a 76-yr-old retired child development specialist. Since retirement I ... more >
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Great to have such kind of content and I hope for more updates here on this article. You did such a great... more >
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