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Wednesday, April 16 
sarah1234's daily log

 Last posted Tue. Feb 5, 9:43pm

My main goal is this: I am training for a 5K which has not been scheduled yet (in fact, it is probable that the race organizers have not even been born yet!), but it will be March 4, 2062, the first Saturday afterr I turn 100.

All of my marathons, all my workouts, all my good eating habits – all of this is directed toward that one goal – being healthy and in good condition to run this 5K.

And I will keep running them until I get an age group medal! :-)

my notes
Today is my mother's 75th birthday, so I got up at 3:30 am and drove to Iowa to surprise her with breakfast. (And drove back after breakfast, because I had to work!) I brought a large pan of raw vegetables to munch on while driving, because that's one of my problem areas. I think it kept me from overeating at breakfast, although I am not keeping track today. I've eaten a ton of vegetables today, though!

I couldn't get a picture of her that she liked. I kept saying, "this one is nice," and she would say, "no, that one looks a little fakey." So I said, "OK, let's have a *genuine* smile, then!" That's when she told me my fly was unzipped. And I took this picture. Genuine smile accomplished!

Yesterday: 4170 steps. 1.91 miles.

Birthday breakfast with Mom.

Bacon and 1 egg, grits with cheese (I've never had grits before; I brought that because of a comment she made the day before, as sort of a joke), coffee cake, apricot halves

Lunch at Schlotzky's with my son. California Avocado Artisan Flatbread.

And, weirdly, I brought the pan of vegetables into the restaurant. Gotta get them eaten.

Lots of raw veggies all day.

9 pm Dr. McDougall's Vegan Pad Thai Noodle Soup.
Two pieces Chris Elbow Chocolate
Zone Perfect Bar

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1) Hea... more >

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