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Thursday, October 30 
sarah1234's daily log

 Last posted Tue. Feb 5, 9:43pm

Upcoming running events:
10/25 Halloween Hustle 10k
11/29 Mississippi Coast Marathon, MS
New Years Eve and Day (thinking about) a 10k in NV, a 5k in AZ
1/11/15: Disney Marathon, FL

36 5ks in 19 states
21 10ks in 17 states
29 half marathons in 22 states
27 marathons in 27 states
(15 State "Bingos")

my notes
Feeling Bumgarnered this morning. But at the same time, I'm glad it's over, and now we can get on with things!

One thing I need to do, above everything else, is get back to my good Beck Diet habits. I think the key is that I need to be sure to plan, even if it's a vague plan (like "this # of calories," or "consume less than my calories burned")

So today I will go with the "consume less than calories burned" plan -- at least it's a start -- and tomorrow I'll start logging like I used to, and participating. Now that I'm not up til midnight watching baseball and then not sleeping well, I can make this a morning priority again...

Just walking, but I want to make sure I get 10,000 steps.

I had oatmeal and an orange.

Schlotzkys, small Turkey avocado sandwich
Chips 220
I'll figure it out later

Peanut MnMs, 250c


About Me

These are my motivations for getting to my goal weight (130s):
1) Hea... more >

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