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Tuesday, January 29 
jessicaw's daily log

 Last posted Tue. Jan 28, 2:23pm

115 is my ideal weight, but more importantly I want to get control of my eating. I'm now 120 and look a little chubby for my small size and frame.

Long.term goal: Develop a healthy relationship w. food--one where I don't base my day around my meals and succumb to binges.

Short.term goal: Return to a healthy lifestyle after a summer of less than stellar health choices...

my notes
Annoyed with myself for staying up too late last night. Happily I could sleep in today (8.30), but my body was asking me to rest, and I ignored it. I vow to treat myself better/with more respect today.

Sleep deprivation and feeling less than stellar lead to poor food choices/overeating. I've read about Evalynn's response to too few hours of sleep, and I definitely confirm the same happens to me. Not enough sleep tends to lead to an "oh well, I"m already unhealthily tired, so let's be unhealthy in other facets of my life as well". Not cool.

Not sure about this one. I'm achy and muscle sore as well.

Took some drugs and felt better in the afternoon. Still a lot of muscle soreness…

15 min cycle (to/from work)-windy!
60 min dvd (P90X-Core)
12 min post-dinner walk

2 slices ww bread w. almond butter
Hot tea

Oatmeal w. prunes + cinnamon (thanks, Reb)--sm dish because I left it in the microwave too long and half exploded out of the bowl…
1/2 same bowl filled w. All-Bran + touch of lf van yoghurt
Hot tea

2 tiny golden kiwis

Spelt burger
Basmati rice
Steamed green beans
Salad w. vinegar + leftover lima/beat/fake bacon/balsamic dish

2.5 glasses white wine
Hot tea
2 squares 86% choc
Greek yoghurt w. mixed berries

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I'm a 35 year old teacher living abroad in the Netherlands. I tend to use ... more >
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12/20/2016 9:33:51 AM

Hello marry Christmas to you . i wish we could be friendly in good lovely relationship,if you could ... more >
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