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Thursday, January 19 
lorelei7's daily log

 Last posted Sat. Aug 16, 1:33pm

To lose at least 35 lbs. this year 2014.

Starting Core Rule Plan on PNP 6-7-14. Keeping CR that I have had below (the three) and will be adding one every two weeks, for a total of 26 different things in a year changed for the positive!

BASE CR (core rule) 1 : green smoothie every day, mix it up and try new stuff
BASE CR 2: 24 oz of water a day
BASE CR 3: No more than 48oz of pop a week
NEW TO CRP: CR 1: WALK AT LEAST 10 MINUTES 3 TIMES A WEEK(ouside of regular activity of course) Focus wks: 6/7 to 6/21/14

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About Me

I am 42 years old. Before I turned 40, I wanted to lose some weight I had... more >
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