
douglas9's  log comments


I love the way you eat c*** and still lose weight. Way to go! If you ate better you would be scary - an awesome loser. Being British, I have had to look up Boombahs - seem to be vodka cocktails?
elaine1, 10/21/2012 2:39:15 PM
Thanks Carol-I will avoid these trigger foods. I guess too, it's how you respond to it the next day. Don't let 1 bad day or decision turn into two.
douglas9, 9/5/2012 7:03:13 PM

I couldn't tell you the number of times, I have ate way too many of a snack..that was meant to be a healthy snack when consumed one at a time .

That is why when those little chocolate puddings that are 100 cals each go on sale, I can NOT buy any. I'd eat them all that very night.

Hope today is better for you.

Love, Carol
Carol_, 9/3/2012 11:06:05 PM