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chayo's profile



Member: chayo
Member Since: 7/7/2008
City: Arlington, TX

My Goal:
To be fit and healthy by eating right, exercising regularly, and resisting (most of) the yummy temptations that come my way. At this point, that means i need to lose about 15 pounds, but I refuse to do that by being on a 'diet' - I don't want a temporary fix, but new habits that stick with me.

About me:
I'm a full-time wife, mother, and professor, and life gets pretty hectic on a very regular basis. I'm trying to be more active and maintain a healthy diet rather than letting the stress overcome my eating and exercising habits, but I really need to get back to my established habits in terms of food and exercise.

Diets I like:
I followed the WW Core plan successfully for a few years, but find that when I'm really stressed or away from home i have a tendency to not eat as healthy. I try to eat whole natural foods as much as possible, and with winter coming on, soup will be my power food. Right now, I am focusing on following THM and really loving it.

Workout of choice:
I'm a wannabe runner, and i enjoy yoga and pilates as well. Hiking is good, and i've rock climbed a few times. I've let my gym membership lapse because I was having trouble finding time in the day to get there, but I've recently re-discovered my love of running, and I'm going to try to do that as much as possible until life calms down a little.

My plan:
Eat healthy, exercise regularly, live life fully.

I need the most help with:
Accountability!! Without it, I lack motivation, have problems resisting temptation, and find it hard to get back on track.

Additional Info: