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dana1318's profile



Member: dana1318
Member Since: 5/17/2007
City: Canada


My Goal:
I'm focusing on those last 10 pounds - not in terms of weight loss, but in terms of shifting that weight from fat to muscle. I'm less concerned about the number on the scale, and more concerned about muscle tone and about how I feel (and how I look in my jeans!).

About me:
I'm 30 years old and recently engaged - we're getting married on September 16th, 2017, so that's a huge motivator to eat right and exercise! I'm a full-time educational assistant and part-time student, working towards a Master's in school psychology.

Diets I like:
Eating healthy, nutritious food while aiming for between 1200 and 1700 calories per day.

Workout of choice:
I can most often be found working out at home - I have quite the collection of Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, and Jackie Warner DVDs, and I'm pretty sure I own the entire Biggest Loser series to-date. I'm also a huge Tony Horton fan, so I'll pop in a P90X DVD every once in a while. I also go to a yoga class once a week, and I'll give any kind of class a try at least once - spinning, kickboxing, TRX, rock climbing, you get the idea. If I find myself at the gym, I'll get in some time on the treadmill running interval sprints to improve my cardio endurance using Prevention's 2-Week Turnaround as a guide (, or I'll run a 5K aiming for a 25 - 30 minute finish. I also like to make use of the dry sauna at my gym to sweat it out, not that this really counts as a workout...

My plan:
To get in at least 30 minutes of high intensity exercise daily - ideally with some supplementary cardio, in a perfect world - while also counting calories, aiming for my BMR.

I need the most help with:
Emotional binge eating and a crippling sugar addiction! I tend to turn to high-fat, sugary foods when I'm stressed, tired, or anxious.

Additional Info:
I've been on and off PT over the last 8 years, and while I know that I have more success when I'm logging, it's become increasingly difficult to find a group that sticks and clicks.