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debf's profile



Member: debf
Member Since: 2/27/2013

2008 @ 268# to 2013 @ 233#
219 lbs

My Goal:
Take one moment at a time ... every moment is new and can present the opportunity to make better choices or learn something new. Every good choice leads to betterment.

About me:
I am 51 yrs old. Married & have three kids (19, 21 & 34). And my beautiful grandbaby. I started my first diet in 5th grade and other than a few years, I have been overweight to one degree or another and have tried too many diets to count ruining my thyroid in the process but was always very physical & active till a move 10 yrs ago. I am concentrating on healthy foods and cutting out processed as much as is realistic for my life. Trying for 80% or more raw foods I want to do the things I used to do... be active ... ride & train my pasture ornaments, hike & find a workout buddy again some day I Live on mini farm. I do not generally believe in western medicine practices that only treat but do not cure.

Diets I like:
mostly raw, no starches, with some animal proteins seems to be best for my blood sugars and my weight.

Workout of choice:
anything I can get myself to do ( zumba, turbo jam, hip hop abs, belly dancing, yoga DVDs) ... ride my recumbent bike as my fail safe.

My plan:
Eat at least 80% raw. juicing, green smoothies, salads, fruits & veggies. Try to greatly reduce grains even more than I already have ... yes, even whole grains. My blood sugars are greatly effected by grains & beans/legumes.

I need the most help with:
working out on weekends too, choosing well when eating "out"

Additional Info:
I want to feel better, look better & have more energy and control diabetes or cure it would be even better.