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eftr's profile



Member: eftr
Member Since: 3/3/2009

My Goal:
Get motivated: Exercise and no sugar will make me stronger. At least do it for that reason.

- Exercise (via running or gym) most days of the week.
- Pile the vegetables.
- Limited sugar and flour intake.
- Sleep for at least 7 hours per night.

Treat your body with respect to be healthy and happy. And maintain a sense of balance.

If you want a pick-me-up:

Weight goal to start 2013 - pounds in the 130's (reward @ 130: tattoo). Please?

I started something, if you feel like reading:

My 21-Day Sugar Detox: November 26th - December 16th DONE. I still might want to loosely follow this though.

Yes - all meat and fish, eggs, vegetables, fats and oils, coffee and tea, nut milks

Limit - beets, butternut squash, pumpkin, green tipped banana, green apple, coconut juice/water, kombucha

No - corn, sweet potatoes/yams, white potatoes, winter squash (acorn, delicata, kabocha), pretty much all fruit, cashew, peanut, all grains and beans, refined carbohydrates, all dairy, alcohol, juice, rice milk, oat milk, soda, soy sauce, bottled dressing, gum, UPDATE: nuts/seeds and butters

About me:
I am a 25-year-old that works in child and adolescent psychology. I am hoping to join the Peace Corps. I would like to work in Global Health one day. Or maybe counsel adolescents and young adults. I am really into the arts and the crafts. Hobbies of mine include spray painting, soccer, music and coffee. But mostly coffee. My weight has always gone up and down.

Diets I like:
My body seems to like low-carb meals. Lots of vegetables and protein. I am a former sugar addict. I don't think I can handle sugar so the less I eat it, the better off I am.

Workout of choice:
Elliptical trainers and weights are good. I really enjoy cardio and working up a good sweat. I don't really like to run but the after-effects are quite nice. Soccer helps me with this. Yoga is a nice way to force me to stretch and listen to my body.

My plan:
To go to the gym or for a run most days of the week. Soccer and sometimes yoga. To consistently eat healthy.

I need the most help with:
Foods-wise: sugar! Exercise-wise: strengthening my core.

Additional Info:
I am ready.