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eftr's profile



Member: eftr
Member Since: 3/3/2009

My Goal:
Weight goal for 2013 - pounds in the 130's (reward @ 130: tattoo). Please?

I started something, if you feel like reading:

My 21-Day Sugar Detox: December 26th - January 16th (Round 2!)

Yes - all meat and fish, eggs, vegetables, fats and oils, coffee and tea, coconut/nut milks

Limit - beets, butternut squash and pumpkin (1 cup), coconut juice/water and kombucha (8 oz), green-tipped banana and green apple (1), nuts/seeds and butters (1 serving)

No - refined sugars, all grains and beans, refined carbohydrates, peanuts and cashews, juice, rice/oat milks, soda, soy, bottled dressing, gum, corn, sweet potatoes/yams, white potatoes, winter squash (acorn, delicata, kabocha), pretty much all fruit, all dairy, alcohol

About me:
I am a 25-year-old that works in child and adolescent psychology. I am hoping to join the Peace Corps. I would like to work in Global Health one day. Or maybe counsel adolescents and young adults. I am really into the arts and the crafts. Hobbies of mine include spray painting, soccer, music and coffee. But mostly coffee. My weight has always gone up and down.

Diets I like:
My body seems to like low-carb meals. Lots of vegetables and protein. I am a former sugar addict. I don't think I can handle sugar so the less I eat it, the better off I am.

Workout of choice:
Elliptical trainers and weights are good. I really enjoy cardio and working up a good sweat. I don't really like to run but the after-effects are quite nice. Soccer helps me with this. Yoga is a nice way to force me to stretch and listen to my body.

My plan:
To go to the gym or for a run most days of the week. Soccer and sometimes yoga. To consistently eat healthy.

I need the most help with:
Foods-wise: sugar! Exercise-wise: strengthening my core.

Additional Info:
I am ready.