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Member: eharvo
Member Since: 9/4/2007
City: Yakima, WA

May 2015. 76 lost. 204.
140 pounds (ish)

My Goal:
current GOALS

1. Low carb- lean protein, tons of veggies.. sparing oil, etc
2. Exercise- walking and hiking locally. Mostly w. Friends. lovely! been doing this lots! So good for my soul!! Next goals here are to get a pedometer to measure my mileage.
3. Food- log it!
4. Spend TIME cooking. Lots of savory Veggie/lean protein dishes = a happy satisfied me... then I stick to my plan! And I enjoy food!
5. make tickers for my low carb goal of 12 weeks. (no weighing, DH has hidden the scale.. because it messes with my head!)
2 12 weeks sessions accomplished already = 42 pounds lost = approx 20 lbs/session. :)

Thurs =
Fri =
Sa =
Su =

2007 joined PT 220 lbs (post baby #3) got down to 188- see you can do it, girl?! Felt really good at this slim/trim weight! lol
2008 husband retired AF, moved cross country, got distracted. Weight up to 220.
2009 Started homeschooling, still in shock from move and so overwhelmed weight hovered @ 220-230
2010 Moved again... ugh...?why?! weight got up to 249.
2011 Moved again (?!really!?) Lost lifelong BFF, Grieved all year, horribly depressed and isolated this year. Weight got up to 265 (starting #4 pregnancy weight)
2012 Baby in May, top preg weight 299
2013 Another MOVE...(gulp)...more weight too! 270 most of this year
2014- the year she wakes up... the year she kills it. Its gonna be good!
- so far this year, have lost 42 pounds! As of June 28 228 lbs.

WEEK 1-12!!! killed it!!!! Did NOT end up weighing so I don't know how much I lost. I feel like I have lost 20-30 pounds!!

June 28 th first weigh in for the year = 228 = 42 pounds lost this year = it's a start. Sigh. So far to go still.

Session 2,
Week 12 weeks = done = :). It's going well so far.

Session 3: weeks 1-12
August 15th is a benchmark of sorts. Will be reunion ing with some buddies. Would like to look....Hot/Fantabulous for this weekend!! (Fingers crossed) ! Goal is size 16 for this weekend :)

Sept 20th 3rd 12 week session = started @ 228. Goal/hope is to be down 20 lbs = 208. Sigh. Sloooooow going. Meh.

Sept 20 - ???? 4th 12 week session. 188 wd be on the 12 week/20 pound type of time frame. Which seems to be how it is going for me. Sigh. TOOO SLOW!!! I'm an impatient brat. Slow weight loss pisses me off!!!

Session 5. 12 weeks = "should" be my last one. . . Start at 188. Finish at. . . 175! SUCKA !!

Would put me at approx. 175. So for 2014... that would be a total loss of approx. 95 pound loss this year.... Hmm that sounds pretty rockin to me!!

About me:
I am motivated to be in losing weight mode and feeling pretty happy about that.

Diets I like:
I like Low carb! It gets me cooking..gets me in love with vegetables... then I like to add my elliptical plus meet w. friends to work out! I'm so social!!

Workout of choice:
Walks with friends or elliptical to good music work best for me. Home exercise equipment- elliptical, recumbant bike, weights, and treadmill. All in storage currently. Sometimes I get in a habit of long, sweaty cardio to good music... it is so good for me. Want to be like that again!

My plan:
Plan is whole foods/low carb and adding intense exercise. No obsessing w. weigh- ins! Weigh ins are every 12 weeks or so... otherwise my head gets crazy with the scale. I need to remember what works for me and stay steady. current GOALS 204 may 2015. get it back. 1. Low carb- lean protein, tons of veggies.. sparing oil, etc 2. Exercise- walking and hiking locally. Mostly w. Friends. lovely! been doing this lots! So good for my soul!! I need to start hopping on my indoor equipment for training for 5K/10Ks. 3. Food- log it! 4. Spend TIME cooking. Lots of savory Veggie/lean protein dishes = a happy satisfied me... then I stick to my plan! And I enjoy food! 5. make tickers for Goals 2014 = 60 pounds lost = yippee! Start 280. Ended 220. 2015 = down then up ?? December 2015 update = 238. Oh **** ?!what now!? Mon- plan exercise just do something Tues= Exercise/something Wed= Exercise Thurs = exercise please Fri = Sa = Su = 2007 joined PT 220 lbs (post baby #3) got down to 188- (32 pound loss) 2008 Weight up to 220. 2009 220-230 2010 250 2011 265 (starting #4 pregnancy weight) 2012 Baby #4 in May, top preg weight 299 2013 270-280 2014- the year she woke up - lost 60 pounds! Went from 280 to 220 lbs. 2015 - Session 1 2015 WEEK 1-12 Started at 220 end 209 . 11 pounds lost!. . . Session 2, Week 12 weeks = beg weight of = 209, ended at 204

I need the most help with:
Encouragement! Lets do it together!

Additional Info:
I've been up and down lots. But it just feels better to be at a healthier weight, so I will keep trying and not give up.