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frmocha's profile



Member: frmocha
Member Since: 12/29/2012


My Goal:
To eliminate sugar from my diet and eat predominently gluten free.

To lose 30 pounds

About me:
Im a self-employed, married, mother of two active boys. Who up until recently would have described myself as a hardcore gymn enthusiast. A few months ago I felt the urge to stop, put all on hold (or as much as one can) and take stock of my whole life. I made alot of changes. One of the things I realized was that I was no longer working out for the sheer joy of it. I stopped going to the gymn. I decided that I needed to take authentic steps that really represented me and fed my soul and spirit. So after months of much soul searching ( which continues) I decided that I would do activities that I love and it would not be about killin myself on a treadmill. So I have taken up salsa, tennis, and yoga, returned to running and have just returned to the gymn but not with the same verasity I had in the past. Feels different.. we'll see.

Diets I like:

Workout of choice:
Dancing, all types. Running and creative plyometric strengh training

My plan:
So my sole focus is to cut sugar, and gluten out of my diet and dairy to an extent. I know that these three things are killing my body and affecting me.

I need the most help with:
hmmm everythiing.

Additional Info: