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maddysmom's profile



Member: maddysmom
Member Since: 5/13/2005
City: Carmel, California

Not a "before" photo
Not an "after" photo

My Goal:

1. Log every day for the month of August 2015. Print out daily logs and at the end of the month, analyze logs and figure out where there is room for improvement.

2. McDougall Diet principles with an emphasis on raw vegetables and fruit. Aspire to have one big salad every day (lunch or dinner) or supercharged green smoothie (goal is minimum 3 cups greens daily)

3. No late night eating (nothing after 7:00)

4. Focus on keeping hydrated and drinking lots of water

5. Walk 20 miles per week

6. Lose 10 pounds between now and December 31, 2015 (from 140 to 130)

About me:
I am a Certified Instructor for the McDougall Starch Solution and also hold a certificate from Cornell in Plant-based Nutrition from the T. Collin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies. In 2016 I completed the Rouxbe Plant-based Chef Program. I love to cook (and eat!) plant-based foods. I became a vegan in 1989 after reading John Robbins book A Diet for a New America and have been a peertrainer member since 2005.

Diets I like:
Whole Foods Plant-based following the principles of Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Michael Greger, et al.

Workout of choice:
I am a strong hiker. I hike at least 5 days a week, but would like to start integrating other exercises into my routine (biking, swimming). I would also like to start incorporating some upper-body weights into my routine.

My plan:
Plant-based Whole Foods Diet following the work of Dr. John McDougall as well as recommendations from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (, Dr. Michael Greger and others plant-based pioneers.

I need the most help with:

Additional Info: