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just read this in the NY Times about Sarah Palin. seeing the ny times take her this seriously is stunning. love her or hate her, she is here to stay and has a compelling personal narrative is the message of the piece.


Tue. Dec 8, 10:41am

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I like 80% of her. the 20% that I dislike of her scares the crap out of me and angers me. The anti-choice rhetoric sends chills down my spine.

The polarity of our poltical process is very discouraging. You have crazy leftist Obama on one pole and christian taliban Palin on the other.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 10:57 AM

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I like 80% of her. the 20% that I dislike of her scares the crap out of me and angers me. The anti-choice rhetoric sends chills down my spine.

The polarity of our poltical process is very discouraging. You have crazy leftist Obama on one pole and christian taliban Palin on the other.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 10:57 AM

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I like 80% of her. the 20% that I dislike of her scares the crap out of me and angers me. The anti-choice rhetoric sends chills down my spine.

The polarity of our poltical process is very discouraging. You have crazy leftist Obama on one pole and christian taliban Palin on the other.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 10:57 AM

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Oh sweetie! I am a crazy leftist and Obama is a HUGE disappointment. Heck, he's practically a Republican.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 1:12 PM

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Oh sweetie! I am a crazy leftist and Obama is a HUGE disappointment. Heck, he's practically a Republican.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 1:12 PM

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Oh sweetie! I am a crazy leftist and Obama is a HUGE disappointment. Heck, he's practically a Republican.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 1:12 PM

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maybe on the war front that is true, and he has thrown gays under the bus. But his approach to government takeovers of major industries, and his attempt to take over the health care system are hard left things. His support of Hugo Chavez is another indication of a very weird inclination.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 1:41 PM

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maybe on the war front that is true, and he has thrown gays under the bus. But his approach to government takeovers of major industries, and his attempt to take over the health care system are hard left things. His support of Hugo Chavez is another indication of a very weird inclination.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 1:41 PM

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maybe on the war front that is true, and he has thrown gays under the bus. But his approach to government takeovers of major industries, and his attempt to take over the health care system are hard left things. His support of Hugo Chavez is another indication of a very weird inclination.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 1:41 PM

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Obama is so far from being a Republican it's frightening. I pray for my country and what is happenign to us. And we go like sheep...!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 4:57 PM

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Obama is so far from being a Republican it's frightening. I pray for my country and what is happenign to us. And we go like sheep...!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 4:57 PM

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Obama is so far from being a Republican it's frightening. I pray for my country and what is happenign to us. And we go like sheep...!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 4:57 PM

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What is everyone afraid of? That he might find a way to get most American's covered by health insurance? That he might force insurance companies to compete for our business? That he might restore our country's reputation abroad? That he might help us to better educate our children? Or God forbid, live up to the principle outlined by our founders in the Constitution?

Admittedly, he hasn't been able to do it all, but heck, it's been less than a year. We haven;t even given it a chance. Especially given the state of this country when he took office. You can't repair 8-years of damage in 10 months.

I am not worried about the government overtaking health care. The heath care industry already rations health-care every time they refuse to pay for a procedure that my doctor wants me to have. If a government option constitutes a take-over, then why isn't the US Postal Service not a monopoly? We have the best parcel post service in the world and it's not just because of the US Postal Service, but also because of UPS and FedEx and others that compete with the US Postal Service. It makes them all perform better.

Thursday, December 10, 2009, 6:34 PM

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What is everyone afraid of? That he might find a way to get most American's covered by health insurance? That he might force insurance companies to compete for our business? That he might restore our country's reputation abroad? That he might help us to better educate our children? Or God forbid, live up to the principle outlined by our founders in the Constitution?

Admittedly, he hasn't been able to do it all, but heck, it's been less than a year. We haven;t even given it a chance. Especially given the state of this country when he took office. You can't repair 8-years of damage in 10 months.

I am not worried about the government overtaking health care. The heath care industry already rations health-care every time they refuse to pay for a procedure that my doctor wants me to have. If a government option constitutes a take-over, then why isn't the US Postal Service not a monopoly? We have the best parcel post service in the world and it's not just because of the US Postal Service, but also because of UPS and FedEx and others that compete with the US Postal Service. It makes them all perform better.

Thursday, December 10, 2009, 6:34 PM

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What is everyone afraid of? That he might find a way to get most American's covered by health insurance? That he might force insurance companies to compete for our business? That he might restore our country's reputation abroad? That he might help us to better educate our children? Or God forbid, live up to the principle outlined by our founders in the Constitution?

Admittedly, he hasn't been able to do it all, but heck, it's been less than a year. We haven;t even given it a chance. Especially given the state of this country when he took office. You can't repair 8-years of damage in 10 months.

I am not worried about the government overtaking health care. The heath care industry already rations health-care every time they refuse to pay for a procedure that my doctor wants me to have. If a government option constitutes a take-over, then why isn't the US Postal Service not a monopoly? We have the best parcel post service in the world and it's not just because of the US Postal Service, but also because of UPS and FedEx and others that compete with the US Postal Service. It makes them all perform better.

Thursday, December 10, 2009, 6:34 PM

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she is now more popular than Obama. she just keeps plugging along.

Monday, December 14, 2009, 3:38 PM

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she is now more popular than Obama. she just keeps plugging along.

Monday, December 14, 2009, 3:38 PM

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she is now more popular than Obama. she just keeps plugging along.

Monday, December 14, 2009, 3:38 PM

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It's amazing how popular this woman has become. She thinks Africa is a country. I think her popularity is a testimate to how poor the American school system is.

Saturday, January 2, 2010, 10:10 PM

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It's amazing how popular this woman has become. She thinks Africa is a country. I think her popularity is a testimate to how poor the American school system is.

Saturday, January 2, 2010, 10:10 PM

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It's amazing how popular this woman has become. She thinks Africa is a country. I think her popularity is a testimate to how poor the American school system is.

Saturday, January 2, 2010, 10:10 PM

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