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poking fun at people

why is it okay for larger people to make fun at thinner people but nice vice versa? I dont think it's okay to make fun of anyone at all regardless of size, race, height, or anything else.

Sorry just got offended by someone who is overweight making fun of someone who has an eating disorder That's just not right, even if the person with the eating disorder is never going to hear you comment, it's just flat out wrong!

Wed. Apr 19, 5:49pm

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I agree with you on that!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 5:55 PM

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I agree with you on that!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 5:55 PM

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I agree with you on that!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 5:55 PM

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I agree! also why is it that once you lose weight people talk to you like you dont know what a struggle it is, or what its like to be overweight. I just reached my goal weight, and now all of my bigger friends make comments like " oh but you're so thin you could eat anything" ...or " you thin people dont get it". I explain that i DO get it..but shouldnt that be understood already? We ALL have issues with our body or appearance in some way!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 10:58 PM

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I agree! also why is it that once you lose weight people talk to you like you dont know what a struggle it is, or what its like to be overweight. I just reached my goal weight, and now all of my bigger friends make comments like " oh but you're so thin you could eat anything" ...or " you thin people dont get it". I explain that i DO get it..but shouldnt that be understood already? We ALL have issues with our body or appearance in some way!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 10:58 PM

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I agree! also why is it that once you lose weight people talk to you like you dont know what a struggle it is, or what its like to be overweight. I just reached my goal weight, and now all of my bigger friends make comments like " oh but you're so thin you could eat anything" ...or " you thin people dont get it". I explain that i DO get it..but shouldnt that be understood already? We ALL have issues with our body or appearance in some way!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 10:58 PM

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To the above poster - I think they must be envious of you; perhaps disapointed in themselves that they can't do what you did.

To the OP, yes, it's not right. Once I had two friend, one weighed at least 300 and one was anorexic. I remember looking at them one day walking down the street and thinking they both had a lot in common, in a strange way. I think it's harder for most people to relate to an eating disorder where one is too thin, but yes you're right, those people need our love and compassion - not to be made fun of.

Thursday, April 20, 2006, 5:44 AM

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To the above poster - I think they must be envious of you; perhaps disapointed in themselves that they can't do what you did.

To the OP, yes, it's not right. Once I had two friend, one weighed at least 300 and one was anorexic. I remember looking at them one day walking down the street and thinking they both had a lot in common, in a strange way. I think it's harder for most people to relate to an eating disorder where one is too thin, but yes you're right, those people need our love and compassion - not to be made fun of.

Thursday, April 20, 2006, 5:44 AM

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To the above poster - I think they must be envious of you; perhaps disapointed in themselves that they can't do what you did.

To the OP, yes, it's not right. Once I had two friend, one weighed at least 300 and one was anorexic. I remember looking at them one day walking down the street and thinking they both had a lot in common, in a strange way. I think it's harder for most people to relate to an eating disorder where one is too thin, but yes you're right, those people need our love and compassion - not to be made fun of.

Thursday, April 20, 2006, 5:44 AM

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I think that nobody has the right to judge another persons life like that. I cannot stand it when people said that about me and to top it off they were all really overweight. They made comments about me at work saying oh she probably has an eating disorder thats how she did it. But never once did i say to them or anybody man those two need to lose weight. They definetely don't know the struggle it is to lose weight and if you have the motivation you can take it off fast. I lost fourty pounds and it was very hurtfull to hear that was being said behind my back after i changed my eating habits and pushed myself to exercise 2 and a half hours a day. I find that it is crappy that there is a double standard on that!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006, 12:35 PM

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I think that nobody has the right to judge another persons life like that. I cannot stand it when people said that about me and to top it off they were all really overweight. They made comments about me at work saying oh she probably has an eating disorder thats how she did it. But never once did i say to them or anybody man those two need to lose weight. They definetely don't know the struggle it is to lose weight and if you have the motivation you can take it off fast. I lost fourty pounds and it was very hurtfull to hear that was being said behind my back after i changed my eating habits and pushed myself to exercise 2 and a half hours a day. I find that it is crappy that there is a double standard on that!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006, 12:35 PM

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I think that nobody has the right to judge another persons life like that. I cannot stand it when people said that about me and to top it off they were all really overweight. They made comments about me at work saying oh she probably has an eating disorder thats how she did it. But never once did i say to them or anybody man those two need to lose weight. They definetely don't know the struggle it is to lose weight and if you have the motivation you can take it off fast. I lost fourty pounds and it was very hurtfull to hear that was being said behind my back after i changed my eating habits and pushed myself to exercise 2 and a half hours a day. I find that it is crappy that there is a double standard on that!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006, 12:35 PM

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Interesting point -- I read an article that surprised me, suggesting that many people with anorexia ARE actually listening to their bodies, and their bodies are saying "you're full, stop eating". ie, they have a defect in the hunger/satiety circuit, just like some of us overeaters hear "you're hungry, eat eat eat!" all the time. It seems like it's really easy to tip the balance between those sets of neurons (the neurons are known, but not a lot of details about how they work yet, see -- and a little imbalance can really add on pounds (or subtract). It's not nec fair to ascribe the problem to willful misbehavior for either group, even if some behavioral strategies can help you deal with it... Sorry I couldn't find the article I read before, but this one is fascinating and addresses genetics in anorexia:


Friday, April 21, 2006, 6:00 PM

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Interesting point -- I read an article that surprised me, suggesting that many people with anorexia ARE actually listening to their bodies, and their bodies are saying "you're full, stop eating". ie, they have a defect in the hunger/satiety circuit, just like some of us overeaters hear "you're hungry, eat eat eat!" all the time. It seems like it's really easy to tip the balance between those sets of neurons (the neurons are known, but not a lot of details about how they work yet, see -- and a little imbalance can really add on pounds (or subtract). It's not nec fair to ascribe the problem to willful misbehavior for either group, even if some behavioral strategies can help you deal with it... Sorry I couldn't find the article I read before, but this one is fascinating and addresses genetics in anorexia:


Friday, April 21, 2006, 6:00 PM

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Interesting point -- I read an article that surprised me, suggesting that many people with anorexia ARE actually listening to their bodies, and their bodies are saying "you're full, stop eating". ie, they have a defect in the hunger/satiety circuit, just like some of us overeaters hear "you're hungry, eat eat eat!" all the time. It seems like it's really easy to tip the balance between those sets of neurons (the neurons are known, but not a lot of details about how they work yet, see -- and a little imbalance can really add on pounds (or subtract). It's not nec fair to ascribe the problem to willful misbehavior for either group, even if some behavioral strategies can help you deal with it... Sorry I couldn't find the article I read before, but this one is fascinating and addresses genetics in anorexia:


Friday, April 21, 2006, 6:00 PM

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very interesting discussion! i agree that making fun of people is flat out wrong and manypeople need to learn more manners regarding commenting on other peoples' looks.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 4:06 PM

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very interesting discussion! i agree that making fun of people is flat out wrong and manypeople need to learn more manners regarding commenting on other peoples' looks.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 4:06 PM

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very interesting discussion! i agree that making fun of people is flat out wrong and manypeople need to learn more manners regarding commenting on other peoples' looks.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 4:06 PM

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