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Boosting Energy

I am just a low energy person. I exercise, take vitamins, including paying particular attention to iron intake, and I get really excited about spinach and garbanzo beans. I am just always sluggish. I seem to always be searching for a chair to sit in. Does anyone have suggestions for more energy? I avoid excessive caffeine but I do love sugar. What can I do? What do you do?

Sat. Oct 28, 9:27am

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I find eating healthy a balance alway have alot of protien and water or plenty of fluids

Saturday, October 28, 2006, 10:45 AM

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I find eating healthy a balance alway have alot of protien and water or plenty of fluids

Saturday, October 28, 2006, 10:45 AM

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I find eating healthy a balance alway have alot of protien and water or plenty of fluids

Saturday, October 28, 2006, 10:45 AM

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After I signifigantly reduced my carbs and replaced refined carbs with whole grains, I found I didn't really have more energy, just no slumps. I eat lots of lean protein accompanied by high-fiber foods and my energy stays strong and even all day. Previously I tended to swing from almost-hyper to complete sluggishness. I cannot tell you how nice it is to be on an even keel.

I also stopped sitting so much and really worked on my posture. I now stand for as much of my day as I practically can. When I sit I have very correct posture and I keep my abs tight and pulled in no matter what. At first it seemed like a huge effort, but over time it has given me more strength, energy and really nice abs. After reading the thread about sitting on an exercise ball I have been thinking about trying that. Daily exercise is also quite energizing even if you don't feel like you have the energy to go out and do it. There's an old saying that 'you have to have money to make money' - well with exercise you have to invest a bit of energy to get some back, but you really do.

Good luck!

Saturday, October 28, 2006, 12:04 PM

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After I signifigantly reduced my carbs and replaced refined carbs with whole grains, I found I didn't really have more energy, just no slumps. I eat lots of lean protein accompanied by high-fiber foods and my energy stays strong and even all day. Previously I tended to swing from almost-hyper to complete sluggishness. I cannot tell you how nice it is to be on an even keel.

I also stopped sitting so much and really worked on my posture. I now stand for as much of my day as I practically can. When I sit I have very correct posture and I keep my abs tight and pulled in no matter what. At first it seemed like a huge effort, but over time it has given me more strength, energy and really nice abs. After reading the thread about sitting on an exercise ball I have been thinking about trying that. Daily exercise is also quite energizing even if you don't feel like you have the energy to go out and do it. There's an old saying that 'you have to have money to make money' - well with exercise you have to invest a bit of energy to get some back, but you really do.

Good luck!

Saturday, October 28, 2006, 12:04 PM

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After I signifigantly reduced my carbs and replaced refined carbs with whole grains, I found I didn't really have more energy, just no slumps. I eat lots of lean protein accompanied by high-fiber foods and my energy stays strong and even all day. Previously I tended to swing from almost-hyper to complete sluggishness. I cannot tell you how nice it is to be on an even keel.

I also stopped sitting so much and really worked on my posture. I now stand for as much of my day as I practically can. When I sit I have very correct posture and I keep my abs tight and pulled in no matter what. At first it seemed like a huge effort, but over time it has given me more strength, energy and really nice abs. After reading the thread about sitting on an exercise ball I have been thinking about trying that. Daily exercise is also quite energizing even if you don't feel like you have the energy to go out and do it. There's an old saying that 'you have to have money to make money' - well with exercise you have to invest a bit of energy to get some back, but you really do.

Good luck!

Saturday, October 28, 2006, 12:04 PM

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Learning the zone diet, the combination of protein/carbs/fats changed my life. If I follow it, I have unlimited energy. If I don't, I feel sluggish. I combine it with other things (I call it diet fusion) but I highly recommend learning about the basics.

Monday, October 30, 2006, 8:09 AM

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Learning the zone diet, the combination of protein/carbs/fats changed my life. If I follow it, I have unlimited energy. If I don't, I feel sluggish. I combine it with other things (I call it diet fusion) but I highly recommend learning about the basics.

Monday, October 30, 2006, 8:09 AM

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Learning the zone diet, the combination of protein/carbs/fats changed my life. If I follow it, I have unlimited energy. If I don't, I feel sluggish. I combine it with other things (I call it diet fusion) but I highly recommend learning about the basics.

Monday, October 30, 2006, 8:09 AM

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In my experience, the above posts claiming greater energy on a low-carb diet are true. I like the book Protein Power by Michael R. and Mary Dan Eades, both MDs, for a sensible and moderate approach to eating low-carb. When I followed the Protein Power plan, I had far more stamina than any of the guys in my karate class, and I was a 45-year-old female at the time.

Monday, October 30, 2006, 1:33 PM

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In my experience, the above posts claiming greater energy on a low-carb diet are true. I like the book Protein Power by Michael R. and Mary Dan Eades, both MDs, for a sensible and moderate approach to eating low-carb. When I followed the Protein Power plan, I had far more stamina than any of the guys in my karate class, and I was a 45-year-old female at the time.

Monday, October 30, 2006, 1:33 PM

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In my experience, the above posts claiming greater energy on a low-carb diet are true. I like the book Protein Power by Michael R. and Mary Dan Eades, both MDs, for a sensible and moderate approach to eating low-carb. When I followed the Protein Power plan, I had far more stamina than any of the guys in my karate class, and I was a 45-year-old female at the time.

Monday, October 30, 2006, 1:33 PM

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