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Cathe Friedrich dvds

I have seen Cathe Friedrich's workouts on FitTV, but unfortunately they are never on during my workout time. (I workout at 5 am.) I really like her as an instructor - she is great at directing the movements, providing cues, and describing how to maintain perfect weightlifting form.

Does anyone have any recommendations to purchase one of her dvds?
She has so many and I am not sure which one to get.

I know she does step aerobics and unfortunately I don't have a step, but I really like workouts that include regular aerobics and weightlifting. Or any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Mon. Feb 19, 2:04pm

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Cathe's workouts are very popular among folks who do exercise videos. There are 2 websites catering to home video exercisers and both websites have public forums, as well as reviews of videos. I believe you will find lots of good fellowship and advice at either or both of these:

Since I can only include one link, I'll include a link to the site that is easiest to use. Good luck!


Monday, February 19, 2007, 2:53 PM

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Cathe's workouts are very popular among folks who do exercise videos. There are 2 websites catering to home video exercisers and both websites have public forums, as well as reviews of videos. I believe you will find lots of good fellowship and advice at either or both of these:

Since I can only include one link, I'll include a link to the site that is easiest to use. Good luck!


Monday, February 19, 2007, 2:53 PM

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Cathe's workouts are very popular among folks who do exercise videos. There are 2 websites catering to home video exercisers and both websites have public forums, as well as reviews of videos. I believe you will find lots of good fellowship and advice at either or both of these:

Since I can only include one link, I'll include a link to the site that is easiest to use. Good luck!


Monday, February 19, 2007, 2:53 PM

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my favorite cathe dvds

I don't have the space for her step moves, but here are my favorite strength
DVD's. You can find them used usually at a pretty good price on ebay-her stuff is pricey but worth it, (in my opinion).

Muscle Endurance
Legs and Glutes
Muscle Max
Supersets/Push Pull (shorter all body workouts whenyour short on time)
Step Jump and Pump

Her workouts are intense enough that you will raise your heart rate while doing the lower body work-for the strength exercises done on a bench (step) I substitute a fitness ball (also needed for supersets/push pull) ans I use my step stool for the leg raises and leg presses.

Monday, February 19, 2007, 11:04 PM

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my favorite cathe dvds

I don't have the space for her step moves, but here are my favorite strength
DVD's. You can find them used usually at a pretty good price on ebay-her stuff is pricey but worth it, (in my opinion).

Muscle Endurance
Legs and Glutes
Muscle Max
Supersets/Push Pull (shorter all body workouts whenyour short on time)
Step Jump and Pump

Her workouts are intense enough that you will raise your heart rate while doing the lower body work-for the strength exercises done on a bench (step) I substitute a fitness ball (also needed for supersets/push pull) ans I use my step stool for the leg raises and leg presses.

Monday, February 19, 2007, 11:04 PM

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my favorite cathe dvds

I don't have the space for her step moves, but here are my favorite strength
DVD's. You can find them used usually at a pretty good price on ebay-her stuff is pricey but worth it, (in my opinion).

Muscle Endurance
Legs and Glutes
Muscle Max
Supersets/Push Pull (shorter all body workouts whenyour short on time)
Step Jump and Pump

Her workouts are intense enough that you will raise your heart rate while doing the lower body work-for the strength exercises done on a bench (step) I substitute a fitness ball (also needed for supersets/push pull) ans I use my step stool for the leg raises and leg presses.

Monday, February 19, 2007, 11:04 PM

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My faves are

Kick punch Crunch/legs and glutes
Step jump pump/Step blast
Body max 2

I did NOT like the hardcore series. The music was hard to hear in comparison to her voice - something odd about the audio mix in that series. A lot of people over a had this same problem.

I loved the Body blast and the latest series.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007, 7:08 AM

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My faves are

Kick punch Crunch/legs and glutes
Step jump pump/Step blast
Body max 2

I did NOT like the hardcore series. The music was hard to hear in comparison to her voice - something odd about the audio mix in that series. A lot of people over a had this same problem.

I loved the Body blast and the latest series.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007, 7:08 AM

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My faves are

Kick punch Crunch/legs and glutes
Step jump pump/Step blast
Body max 2

I did NOT like the hardcore series. The music was hard to hear in comparison to her voice - something odd about the audio mix in that series. A lot of people over a had this same problem.

I loved the Body blast and the latest series.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007, 7:08 AM

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