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Bottled Water

I just thought I would share this information since I am sure a lot of us drink tons of water. A new study showed that chemicals found in the lids to bottled water have been known to seep into the water when the bottle is left in a heated car/area. These chemicals have been found to cause some forms of breast cancer. I just thought I would share as I am sharing with everyone I know.

Sat. Jun 16, 11:05pm

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I didn't know that, but I've read that the chems can seep into water bottles that you refill over and over again. Here is the article.

Recycle That Water Bottle - Don't Reuse It
Posting Date: 02/28/2000

I"ve often been asked if it"s okay to reuse plastic water bottles, and the answer is generally no.

The whole trend of paying money for bottled water is silly to me. I see people take their water bottles out and take a squirt when tap water is just as good.

If you do buy water in a bottle, what's the point of refilling it with tap water? In any case, some people do refill the bottles, which could be an unhealthy practice, according to researchers at a San Diego lab.

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For one thing, reusing the plastic bottles could create a bacteria-breeding ground. Also, non-food grade plastic bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate can break down or leach with the addition of water, light and warmth.

The litmus test is the taste. If you refill a bottle and the water has a plastic taste, discard it.

This doesn't mean you can't put water in a large-mouth sport bottle made for that purpose. Athletes often carry this type of water bottle with them and they're safe to use because they can be easily cleaned with soap and water before refilling.

When it comes to those thin, small-necked plastic bottled waters you get off the store shelves, forget refilling them and put them in the recycling bin instead.

Saturday, June 16, 2007, 11:19 PM

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I didn't know that, but I've read that the chems can seep into water bottles that you refill over and over again. Here is the article.

Recycle That Water Bottle - Don't Reuse It
Posting Date: 02/28/2000

I"ve often been asked if it"s okay to reuse plastic water bottles, and the answer is generally no.

The whole trend of paying money for bottled water is silly to me. I see people take their water bottles out and take a squirt when tap water is just as good.

If you do buy water in a bottle, what's the point of refilling it with tap water? In any case, some people do refill the bottles, which could be an unhealthy practice, according to researchers at a San Diego lab.

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For one thing, reusing the plastic bottles could create a bacteria-breeding ground. Also, non-food grade plastic bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate can break down or leach with the addition of water, light and warmth.

The litmus test is the taste. If you refill a bottle and the water has a plastic taste, discard it.

This doesn't mean you can't put water in a large-mouth sport bottle made for that purpose. Athletes often carry this type of water bottle with them and they're safe to use because they can be easily cleaned with soap and water before refilling.

When it comes to those thin, small-necked plastic bottled waters you get off the store shelves, forget refilling them and put them in the recycling bin instead.

Saturday, June 16, 2007, 11:19 PM

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I didn't know that, but I've read that the chems can seep into water bottles that you refill over and over again. Here is the article.

Recycle That Water Bottle - Don't Reuse It
Posting Date: 02/28/2000

I"ve often been asked if it"s okay to reuse plastic water bottles, and the answer is generally no.

The whole trend of paying money for bottled water is silly to me. I see people take their water bottles out and take a squirt when tap water is just as good.

If you do buy water in a bottle, what's the point of refilling it with tap water? In any case, some people do refill the bottles, which could be an unhealthy practice, according to researchers at a San Diego lab.

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For one thing, reusing the plastic bottles could create a bacteria-breeding ground. Also, non-food grade plastic bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate can break down or leach with the addition of water, light and warmth.

The litmus test is the taste. If you refill a bottle and the water has a plastic taste, discard it.

This doesn't mean you can't put water in a large-mouth sport bottle made for that purpose. Athletes often carry this type of water bottle with them and they're safe to use because they can be easily cleaned with soap and water before refilling.

When it comes to those thin, small-necked plastic bottled waters you get off the store shelves, forget refilling them and put them in the recycling bin instead.

Saturday, June 16, 2007, 11:19 PM

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Don't freeze them either. Once we left a case in the car in the winter and when they thawed out there were little bits of stuff floating in them.

Sunday, June 17, 2007, 1:04 AM

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Don't freeze them either. Once we left a case in the car in the winter and when they thawed out there were little bits of stuff floating in them.

Sunday, June 17, 2007, 1:04 AM

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Don't freeze them either. Once we left a case in the car in the winter and when they thawed out there were little bits of stuff floating in them.

Sunday, June 17, 2007, 1:04 AM

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