Group details

Group Name: Road Warriors Rule!
Members: 3
Location: AnywhereThere's a Bed, CA ?????


Profile: If you travel 90% for work, you know what a challenge it is to stay fit on the road. Well... I won't let the South deep fry me. I will find other things than cheese in the midwest. I can resist the sausage in Texas... Ok. Maybe not Texas.

Last posted: Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 2:04 AM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
I lost 22lbs the first time I was on Peertrainer, but for the past year and 7 months I've entered the consulting field and have far less time to go to the gym. I've added boyfriend weight too :( I'm getting back into the habit of logging on here every day, which was main reason for my initial success.

30's, married, 2 kids, run a business. I am really starting to get in shape and it took me a long time to get back.

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