Group details

Group Name: Team NYC
Members: 4
Location: New York, NY 10001


Profile: I'm a seasoned dieter and a new member to Peer Trainer. I've been looking for an online forum of dieters in the NYC area-- and I found one! I'm working for this company that sells Hoodia that is frozen 24 hrs after harvest. It's called the Ice Cube Diet. We're running a study right now to test out the product. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in participating. It's FREE and you get to try out an awesome cool product! For more info email me at my work email THANKS!

Last posted: Saturday, December 11, 2010, 2:43 PM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
I am 33 year old woman who lives in Jersey City (Nj) and works in Manhattan. I quit smoking 3 years ago and gained 30 pounds. This is unacceptable. In January, I decided being in shape mentally and physically isn't an "option." Excercising is not to be done only when I feel like it, but of part of my daily routine. In March, a friend of mine gave me a copy of "The Art Of Happiness" and it really changed the way I look at EVERYTHING. I want to learn how to nourish my whole self, not just fill my tummy!

I am a 22 y/o female that just graduated from college and am beginning my first job in the P.R. profession. I am currently 5'5 and 158 pounds.

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