Group details

Group Name: Daily food logging
Members: 2
Location: Anywhere!, WA 90829

Goals: Please, do not join this group unless you plan to make a COMMITMENT to stay active. That means logging in every single day, logging your food good or bad. And commenting to the group chat. You must say hi when you join or you will be automatically kicked out.

Profile: This group is for anyone who wants to log their meals daily (and honestly!) and comment and critique to help each other stay on track and motivated!

Last posted: Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 4:29 PM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
I am 36 yrs old. I have been married 10 years this past July. I have 2 children from my first marriage, and 4 with my husband, for a total of 6 children. I have been overweight my entire adult life. I have also struggled with depression since I was a teen. My depression highs coinside with my weight gain, and I do alot of emotional eating. My top weight was about 245. A few years ago my mom introduced me to a way of eating called Natural Hygiene. The book I read that introduced me to this is called Fit For Life by Harvey & Marilyn Diamond. I have always been a large eater. My family use to call me hollow leg because about 20-30 minutes after eating a meal I would want to eat again, which I now contribute to the low nutrient foods I must have been eating. Whenever I've done this diet I have gotten down to around 170. I will go all the way this time, and really will make this my lifestyle. Right before I got pregnant with my last daughter I ate vegan for 1 month and then raw vegan for 2 months. I really enjoy it, but my husband and children don't really join me in eating this way. So there are still temptations all around me.

Im 30 years old and trying to get back in shape. I lost 40 lbs with peer trainer about 2 1/2 years ago and I gained a little over half of it back. I want to lose it again and maintain this time!

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