Group details

Members: 4
Location: ANYWHERE, FL 32220

Goals: our goals are to get fit ,fiesty and full of vigor.we will hold our heads high when we slip and we will help each other up when we are down.REMEMBER ATTITUDE IS WHERE WE BEGIN.


Last posted: Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 1:16 AM

Other Info: We welcome anyone that is sincere about changing old habits.Diet is not a nice word so lets think of something more lasting such as lfe style change. ATTITUDE:MOST OF OUR HAPPINESS OR MISERY DEPENDS ON OUR DISPOSITION AND NOT ON OUR CIRCUMSTANCES.THIS IS MY MOTTO AND I HOPE IT WILL BE YOURS ALSO

Members profiles:
I am 61 years old.widowed for three years.need to lose some extrea weight that I put on thru the past couple of years.

I weigh 298 as of today. I have been up to 320 lbs before. I have a lot of medical problems and it is very hard for me to diet and exercise. I am going back to the weight watchers diet. I am not going to meetings. I will log on to peertrainer and see if you all can help me via support. I do have diabetes. I am 54 yrs old, a grandmother of 5 grandchildren, and many step grandchildren. I am a christian. I love God with all my heart. I believe with his help, and my friends I can do this. my user name is mustwin, and that is how I feel. I must win this time. Please help me do that. I will try to help you by being supportive to all of you as well.

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