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Thursday, July 31 
16ocean's daily log

 Last posted Thu. Nov 19, 11:48pm

I will eat healthy. I am focusing on realistic portions and choosing not to consume, multiple deserts and/or excessive snacking/grazing.

In my heart of hearts I know I can do this.

Motto: “a healthy routine”
Word of the year 2013: Faith
a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust

Working on making eating and exercising a smooth easy part of my life style while simultaneously not obsessing over food and rarely feeling satisfied.

Some life goals:
1) Finish all the insurance paperwork for the summer trip so I can get some money back.
2) Update the apartment
a) pictures
i)buy one more picture and rearrange pictures in living room
ii)update/ add new pictures to the fridge
3) Plan a trip for Summer 2014
4) Regular savings for a new car currently there are over 200K on my car

my notes
wow -can't- believe it is already Thursday
off to Bakersfield to visit a friend






About Me

I am a 41-year-old woman living in Ca, working as a speech-language pathol... more >
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