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Thursday, January 17 
cheryl's daily log

 Last posted Sun. Jun 25, 8:09pm

1. Eat at meals until I am 3/4 full
2. Eat mostly plants (including reasonable amounts of whole grains, red wine, & dark chocolate!)
3. Only eat half of any meal that is "dinner" (go to bed empty)
4. Fully enjoy three bites of anything that is a treat
5. Lift weights

Abbreviations: WW-whole wheat HM-homemade LO-left over dd-dear daughter (dh-dear husband, and so on)

my notes
Ok so I skipped 2 days log. Tues was a travel day involving a delayed flight & horrible lunch & dinner choices. Enough about that.
Yesterday was weird. I craved sugars and starches all day, and I really don't know why. Oh yeah, and I gave in to most of those aforementioned cravings.
Well, today is pretty much normal. Still a bite of chocolate or a WW cookie, (okay, both) but not mindless cravings.

Just some crunches & bicycles this am - - Lucille you are setting a good example for me

half toast, 1 bacon, clementine, green tea

salad, half apple, 3/4 oz cheddar, olives, vinegar & oil
1/4 c. leftover mashed yam

10 gm chocolate
2 WW oatmeal cookies (1.5 oz)

3 slices fresh raisin-nut bread from bakery

oven roasted potatoes, onions, peppers
couple bites very lean sausage (1 oz?)
side salad
4 more cookies, but I made them & they are chock full of oats, nuts, etc.

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The typical story as many here, 59 years. Recently found a notebook that ... more >
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