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Monday, May 20 
cheryl's daily log

 Last posted Sun. Jun 25, 8:09pm

1. Eat at meals until I am 3/4 full
1.a. 600 calories through lunch, 450 afternoon & later
2. Eat mostly plants (including reasonable amounts of whole grains, red wine, & dark chocolate!)
3. Only eat half of any meal that is "dinner" (go to bed empty)
4. Fully enjoy three bites of anything that is a treat
5. Lift weights

Abbreviations: WW-whole wheat HM-homemade LO-left over dd-dear daughter (dh-dear husband, and so on)

my notes
went off my eating plan today.
two days of really babying my arm/shoulder have really made a difference, I am starting to think again that it is going to heal -- but this time no yoga classes until it is 100%

garden work (carefully)
a series of of my favorite yoga asanas which are done seated or laying down





About Me

The typical story as many here, 59 years. Recently found a notebook that ... more >
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