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Wednesday, December 11 
creative1's daily log

 Last posted Mon. Jul 21, 1:08pm

Right now... somewhere... someone is doing what it takes to get what they want... and what YOU want.
Are YOU willing to do what it takes to get what YOU want?!?!

Start August 11, 2013
End Dec 21, 2013

Phase 1 (Aug 11 - 24)
120 minutes minimum of exercise per week and 3 mile long run (that’s without walking which I have not done for a long time!)
Following phases (4 weeks each):
Phase 2: 180 minutes per week and 5 mile long run
Phase 3: 240 minutes per week and 6 mile long run
Phase 4: 300 minutes per week and 7 mile long run
Phase 5: 360 minutes per week and 8 mile long run

my notes
Had my second session with the trainer this morning.
I had to go before work (!) because I wanted to do it today and he was booked tonight. It wasn't that it was that hard to get up and get myself there, it was all the prep I had to do last night and all the stuff I had to take with me! Since the gym is on the way to work it made no sense to come back home so I had to take my work clothes along, something to eat for breakfast after the workout and then of course my lunch. That meant I needed to figure out exactly what to wear last night and to get my lunch together which are 2 things I always put off till the morning!

So the first thing he had me do today was run some intervals on the TM. On an 8.0 incline! At 6 mph! At least they were only 30 seconds long but wow that was interesting so early in the morning!
Then we did some upper body stuff on the TRX trainer. Yikes! I have been wanting to try that so bad and finally got to and I laughed at one point and said to him see why I need this?! My shoulders were quivering a little and when he said I had to do a plank I almost died!
Then some ab work and we were done. I ended up getting to work almost an hour earlier that I usually do (which was really only about 30 minutes earlier thatn I am supposed to get here!).
I could almost get used to this routine but not sure I want to.
So we'll finish up with afterwork and Saturday sessions and I'll re-evaluate.

I keep thinking about that Spartan race and how far I have to go before I'll feel like I'm ready for it, but I guess that's how I felt when I first decided to start running and wanted to run a half marathon!

1/2 session with trainer





About Me

I started running in 2006, ran my first half-marathon in 2007 and my first... more >
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