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Thursday, March 7 
rachspen's daily log

 Last posted Fri. Oct 31, 12:27pm

Stay under 120

My goals are exercise related as I have been maintaining my weight for about 5 years. Running, lifting, biking, anything active I can do! I try to work out 5 times a week (that's a good week!) but at the bare minimum 3-4.

Weigh Ins:
January 2006: starting point: 141(started peertrainer)
4/7/06: 137 (counting calories and running)
7/7/06: 134.5 (started ww)
11/11/06: 123.2, HIT MY WW GOAL!!!!!
12/23/06: 121.4 HIT LIFETIME WW GOAL!!!! Yay, now it's free!
1/20/07: 121.2
2/08: hoping to make a meeting this month for an official weigh in!
Current Goal: Around 117.0

~Bust: 37.75
Waist: 30
Hips: 38
Love Handles: 35

~Bust: 34 (-3.75)
Waist: 27 (-3)
Hips: 35 (-3)
Love Handles: 32 (-3)
Arms:10.75 (-1.25)
thighs (20.5)

my notes
117.6 today. Busy day ahead - I have a dermatologist appointment at lunch so I'll rush there and rush back to work. Going to the gym after work and I think I'll run and lift since I can't lift at lunch today. Tomorrow will be busy and I have an early appointment for work. We are expecting a big storm this weekend and it's my nephew's 3rd birthday party - I hope it isn't ruined!

PLAN: run and lift at the gym after work

english muffin, 1/2 a banana, coffee and vitamins

PLAN: Lean pocket and an apple

PLAN: 100 cal popcorn and carrots and hummus

PLAN: More chicken. It goes a long way with only 2 people eating it!

About Me

Hi I am an active 27 year old. I am 5'5 currently about 118 pounds. My goa... more >
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