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Thursday, January 24 
sushan's daily log

 Last posted Wed. Apr 10, 11:09am

Eating goal: Lots of immunity-boosting foods. No late eating. No going to bed full.

Goal weight - 51-53 kg

Fitness Goal: Chongqing Marathon, March 17th 2013

September 2009 - 76 kg (starting tip of day)
June 01 2010 - 65 kg, starting daily logging and adding one gym session/week
September 27 2010 - 60 kg, began running october 1
October 24 2010 58 kg
Dec 1 2010 back up to 58 kg
Feb 21 2011 - 54 kg, or 119 lbs. I'll take it!
July 18 2011 53 kg hey, hit goal range!
Dec 24 2012 58
Jan 5 56.5

My Feet Hurt From Kicking So Much Ass (aka: MFHFKSMA) challenge DAILY GOALS!

1. Half an hour of heart-pumping exercise, at least.
2.Three big servings of fruit and veg every day, at least one of green stuff
3. No to sweet drinks and sweet processed snack food (quality chocolate ok)
4. No more than 200 cal consumed after 7 pm, except on work nights

my notes
Day 2 of my flash trip to HK. I cracked my laptop monitor the night before this trip, but I can make out my screen through a black splotch and several coloured stripes enough to log.

Pluses, the cold is not bothering me as much today. I might still go to the doctor when i get home. Will see how I feel tomorrow. Minuses, some digestive distress.

Not going to log food today, since much of it came back up anyway.

LOTS of walking, on feet with backpack from 8:30 am til 3:30 pm, then on train for two chilling in the airport





About Me

30s, teacher, living in China. Love food and eat out a lot, so need to exe... more >
Recent comments
Hi Sushan! I just needed to pare down the number of groups that I'm in! My new job is keeping me busier t... more >
Posted By: fab46lori
6/12/2012 9:12:49 PM

Great race report for Chongqing International Half Marathon! You are 13.1 miles stronger! You are a Half ... more >
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