team details:

Team Name: Dr Oz Said This Would Work!
Members: 71
Location: All Are Welcome 00000


Profile: This is a new team for people looking for an introduction to PEERtrainer's logging and group support. Log each day- it works and can help double your odds of losing weight.

Last posted: Monday, February 13, 2012, 6:16 PM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
I'm male, 42, married with 2 children. I am one of the founders of PEERtrainer.

Female, 44, married 25+ years, mother of 2 dogs and a cat, business owner

I am 42, a nurse with a desk job, a wife, a mother of 2 whose first grand-baby arrives in May 2012 and I binge eat. I started PEER trainer in April, but I fail more than I succeed because I "don't" more than I "do" the right things. My goal, is to run, but I have yet to start running daily. However, I did ride over the summer and take cycle classes now that it is cold.

I am 67 years old love to walk 2-3 miles a day 5 times a week do weight training.

Triage RN, Age 65, maried 45 years, 2 daughters and 2 granddaughters. Have hiked 1/4 of Appalachian Trail over the past 10 years. Gluten sensitive.

43 years old, female, icelandic, very soon very thin :D

July 2011: Married, 39 yrs old, 2 kids (boy 8 yrs, girl 5 yrs). Love the outdoors. Work as a software engineer, living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Lived and worked in California for 5 years (1998 - 2002). Mar 2017: Still struggling with yo-yo-ing of weight... each trip to India feels like a set-back: gaining weight. Seem unable to control the indian junk eating urge, but trying new things each time to conquer the junk demons and be my ideal weight!

I'm 44, married 20 years, two kids ages 15 and 17. Just recently finished getting my Bachelor's degree in Accounting. Taking some time off before looking for a job.

I'm a legal secretary, 51, married mother of 3, grandmother of 9. Love dogs, digging in the dirt and being outdoors.

I am 61 and want to be healthy. I have been having difficulty staying motivated and getting back into a routine of getting my exercise in. I have had some medical issues this past year with having my thyroid removed in May and now being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Dealing with constant pain in my body especially at night. Told that exercise would alleviate some of the pain but getting to do any exercise is painful. I also don't like the medication that I am on and only take it at night so I can get some sleep.

Age in years, 50. But like you, I feel like life is just beginning and that I have so much to learn. I work from home and my schedule is stressed so sometimes I end up sitting to long, which makes me really not like blogging. I mean, I am not one to log in daily and share thoughts. But the evidence shows that this works, is it my missing link to success in overcoming food addiction?

I am a working mom and wife. I love people and relationship building.

50 year old woman, run a small farm in rural Montana.

I have managed to lose over 60 pounds on my own since 2010. Due to lack of motivation I am having hard time losing anymore pounds. My current weight is 185 pounds and I am trying to lose 25 pounds before summer of 2012. I am hopping joint. This team and using PT will give me the motivation to continue losing.

I am a teacher and a mother of 2 middle school girls.

I'm 33 years old and the mother of two young boys. I am looking to lose the weight that I gained from my two pregnancies and overcome my food obsession.

I'm 53, married, and have two boys, ages 15 and 12. I was on PeerTrainer in 2012, diligently did Point of No Return, and lost 15 lbs, then I injured my back (2 torn discs) in September 2012. With all the pain I was in-- and the fact that I couldn't get to my refrigerator for a lonnnng time-- lost another 5 lbs, for 20 total. I've been in physical therapy now for almost 9 mos and have realized that 10 of the 20 I lost have now crept back on. I refuse to go back to my "fat clothes"-- in fact, I think I got rid of most of them, so this is do or die for me. I lost my job due to my injury too, so we are living through a very stressful time but need to stay healthy through it all. Stress and menopause are wreaking havoc on my body as what use to be my body's "favorite weight" of about 150 over the past two years has crept ever upward, despite exercise. Bottom line is I need to lose 20 lbs-- but most of all I want to stay healthy and strong so I can be chasing my boys around for another 10 years. I play piano, love knitting, enjoy gardening, quilting, photography, love to read and follow politics. Oh... and I have that COFFEE thing going on as well.

As a single mom, I feel like I've been in survival mode for the past decade -- putting myself through college, launching a career, providing for my son. I'm finally at the point in my life where I can take a breath. Breathe. Om. Aaaaaaah . . . I've done a lot of spiritual and emotional work to get to where I am today and I'm ready for my outside to match my divine inside.

I've lost 120 pounds (not through Peer Trainer). In the past month I've put 10 back on. This has got to STOP! Not only have I given all my big clothes away, I don't want to go back to 300 pounds. I'm 62, single, feeling like I'm starting my life all over again. And my weight is a key factor. I went dancing Thursday for the 1st time in years and loved it! I used to love dancing. I think dancing is the incentive to get me back into exercising. I stopped that a month ago. I want to get back on that road I was following and need help and comradery.

I'm a junior in highschool, and I think possibly one of the youngest loggers on Peertrainer! That I've met, anyway.. I'm 5'4" and I think average sized? I joined this group, because I'm looking into fitness and the human body as a career path. And I noticed as a teenager my horrible eating habits and that I was going downhill. Peertrainer is not only helping me reach my goal, it is a teacher to me!

I've lost almost 40 pounds over the last 10 years - sometimes the same few pounds over and over. At 73 it gets harder and harder. I'm very active, and really have to start journaling my food to stay on track.

57 yr old accountant, diagnosed with Type Ii three years ago after quitting smoking and putting on 20 lbs. No meds yet, and I want to keep it that way so I really need to lose some weight permanently.

55 years old * Breast cancer survivor - 11 years! Workaholic * I love to quilt * 3 beautiful grandchildren

54-year old female, former bodybuilder. I work 9 hours a day and moved to a city so I don't have the opportunities to hike and bike as I'd like. Recently changed to a vegan lifestyle because I want to live to be a healthy 100-year-old, and I love vegetables!

45-year-old mother of 3 (ages 9-17); married for 18 years.

Married to wonderful man for 27 years. 4 beautiful children and 1 amazing daughter-in-law. Want to be heathy and fit when the grandchildren come!

I've had 2 spinal fusions in my 46 years and have had asthma for the last 25. The combination of chronic pain and trouble breathing has made it very hard to excercise regularly, and my habit of eating what my husband and son eat instead of what I should eat has resulted in about 50 lbs more than my 5' frame should carry. Recent diets have been effective, but pure torture for me to watch my family eat the ice cream, etc., while I'm stuck with a nuked cinnamon apple. I've lost and regained the same 30 lbs for the last 2 years and my willpower is the weakest it's ever been. Actually, I've developed a habit of binging and purging, which I can't seem to control.

Too close to 50, work full time, fighting age with exercise, 5'6", 134 lbs Married 26 years.

I'm a 48-year-old woman who has eaten healthy organic foods, emphasizing vegetables, with some grains and meat, for 20+ years. I ALSO have never successfully conquered my food addiction, which involves regular bouts of eating lots of sugar and crappy foods. These things seem incompatible, but my body shows the evidence! No children, sadly, but several beloved godchildren. I have hypothyroidism and don't feel I ever get decent medical treatment for it, so I'm adding seaweed to my daily dose of synthetic thyroid. -------------- 19 Feb 2011: I wrote the above a couple of years ago and, other than updating my age, I've left it alone. However, upon reflection, it seems to me that I currently would not call myself a food addict. I am not yet rigorous enough with my diet to only eat as much as I need to lose weight; however, food is NOT my obsession. I still reflexively move to it when I am uncomfortable either emotionally or physically -- but with increasing awareness, that too is falling away. I like how Jackie says that this is a five-year effort -- I'm now on year 2 of my relat. with PeerTrainer and, while I've been away during that time more than I've been here, clearly I see benefits.

65, married, 3 adult 'children', 5 grandchildren

I am 45, a mother of two (7 and 13 years old) with a full-time professional career in science. Love my work, but insecure job and funding has me stressed a lot of the time. I have a lifetime history of being moderately overweight, have been fairly active but some health issues in recent years (Crohn's disease). The past few years I've successfully lost 40+ lbs, maintained this loss, and managed my Crohn's mainly through diet modifications and use of Peertrainer support. I continue to want to improve my eating and lifestyle, and head into mid-life s healthier person.

For the past 10 years I have struggled with 10-15 pounds and have lost and regained weight. Jan 7th I started The 4-Day Diet and felt great, lost 4 lbs in 4 days, continued and have lost 7 lbs over the past month and 1/2. Bad habits are creeping back into my life.

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