38, Single Male living in Manhattan. Active in local and national politics.



I am 28, mother of a 2 year old and 4 month old. I just went through a huge move a month ago, and now that we're finally settled I want to focus on getting rid of the baby weight. I need the outside to match the inside.



I am a 49 licensed child care provider with a 19 year old daughter, I have been saying for years that this was fat from having a baby, but it has been 19 years and I cannot use that excuse anymore. I really need to loose the weight for health reasons, and because I want to look good again.



I'm Amanda. I'm 25, married and have a daughter. We live outside of Dallas Texas in a suburb. I'm living the suburband life and have steadily put on weight after having my daughter. I'm looking to lose weight and get fit so I can enjoy more of my life.

I live near Boulder, CO am 33, and am not currently working. I am looking for work as a nanny. My husband would love for me to find a job, but he also loves me being home during the day.

I am 33 and mother to a 3 year old and 1 year old twins. I work part time.

40 year old very busy mom with heavy duty job that leaves little time for cooking or working out

37 y.o. pediatric nurse. No kids...so I can't blame it on "baby weight."


I believe that weight gain/loss happens in the head first and then becomes physical. Having a confident feeling that I will mantain my weight results in weight loss for me. But on the flip side, feeling freaked out about my weight and obsessing over it i s a sure way toward even more weight gain. I want to reverse that process.




I am 59

I live in Montreal with my boyfriend. I work in schools with children with special needs. I am doing a bachelors degree in education to teach English as a second language.

I am 41 years old and have 2 girls one is 10 and the other is 6. I have struggled with my weight for years and now at 5' 4" and 183 lbs - I need to get help getting the pounds off.


I'm a single mom of three. I have one in college and two little ones at home. I just recently tranferred into a desk job after working in the ICU as an RN for 16 years.








35 yrs old female, BMI 36, no kids , so no baby weight, no reason/excuse for being over weight other then I am. Maybe genetics play a part.


I am 60 years old and feel like 100. Have a hard time walking and of course all the other health problems that goes with all the weight. I need to excrise but I just can't make myself do it. I have no engry. How do I change that?? I only want to sleep and sleep.



I'm 39, happily married and have a 4yr old son. I could only use the baby fat excuse for so long...So in the words of a "mean girl on TV "it's not longer babyfat...it just FAT baby!" I am formally one ot those girls that could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight. It was pretty much true until after I turned 30 and got married. I will admit I stopped being as active, and continued to eat hugh meals. I ended up gaining an average of 5 to 8 Lbs. a year until i peaked at 200lbs when i had my son. I haven't continued to gain since his birth but haven't lost any either. I created some very bad eating habits that I maintained for my first 30 years. I'm 5'8 I have gone from size 8 to 18. I never really exercised much but have always loved to dance and use to do it 3 times a week (thats how a kept slim apperently,back then I assumed i simply couldn't gain weight) You might say, do what i did before i got married, but I think going out with the girls to dance clubs in L.A. 3 nights a week and dancing til dawn may put a crimp in my marriage/work/life. let alone the fact that i will be 3 times the size of everyone and 2 times as old! So thats not an option. I just need to retrain my apitite, portion size and start exercising daily but need motivation and guidance. all advice is welcome.

Im a mom of an 8 year old little girl and a fiance to the best man in the whole world. I want to be around for them. I want to show my daughter a healthy life style.


I am a 36 year old wife and SAHM of a 2-year old and a 10 year old. I am also, and foremost, a Christian who loves Christ Jesus and seeks to glorify Him in spirit and in body. Visit my blog at: http://pro31woman.blogspot.com

I am a 35 year old single mom of three, work a very full time job in a very high paced corporate enviorment, I love baseball...obviously the white sox (hence the name). I love to bike and walk. I love to swim and miss it so much. It is one thing I long to do again, and will soon. I am a huge music fan (never anywhere without my ipod). I enjoy movies, cooking shows, well tv as a whole.

I am 33 yrs old and have been married for 9yrs. I have a beautiful 13 mo. daughter,ava.

I am a very busy mother of two trying to find a way to slow down enough to take care of myself!


I am 40 years old, a SAHM with two young boys, plus I tutor in the evenings. I am in an acapella trio, I love to do Improv and I am in the process of writing some Children's books that contain math concepts.



I'm a full time student and soon to be full time employee caring for women with disabilities. I have no excuse for being a chub, and am here to try to change that. Any advice is much appreciated.




I am 26 years old, I work in the service industry, so late nights, fried food and lots of drinking. I am 5'5 and I weigh 243 pounds. You would never guess by looking at me, but it's true. I am out-going and love to have a good time. I am usually the life of the party, but I want to be the girl with the hot bod, and life of the party at the same time!





I'm 40 years old-just finished grad school and am ready to start a new productive healthy life.

I've always been overweight. When I was a sophomore in highschool I lost 30 pounds. From the time I became a senior until now (about a year), I gained it all back, plus 20. I felt so much better about everything when I was thinner (but I was never thin). Even then I wasn't entirely happy, so I'd like to lose at least 70 pounds. I'm six feet and one inch tall, so my body can handle more weight, but not the weight I'm at.

I used to be skinny in highschool and from there I just gained weight.. after having two kids.. I packed on the weight.. My hardest part is staying away from coke..When I was pregnant I did and then I got right back with it.. I need to drink more water.

52-married for 32 years-adult daughters-too many dogs and cats-love to garden and read


After loosing and gaining back the same 10 pounds i'm taking a different approach. I'm erasing the word diet from my vocabulary and trying to create a healthy lifestyle with healthy foods and fittness choices.




Ten years ago, before marrying, I weighed 135. I'm now 183 lbs. and would be delighted if I lost 5 lbs. a month.


24 yr old Temple Grad that would like to look her age again.


43yr. old female-Love to cook & bake. I enjoy jazz music, writing poetry, enjoy life!

I am a 22 year old college student. I have a hard time making time to work out and if i get sick I slack off and can't get back into the groove again. I feel I would do better with a work out partner to keep me motivated.


I am 32 years old and the mother of 2 boys, 7 & 4; I am about 5'4 1/2 in. tall and weigh about 153 lbs. Before the kids, I was 125 lbs. It's just so hard now to get the weight off.

29 year old lawyer- just got engaged to a wonderful, very attractive man. I want to lose 20 lbs to fit back in my clothes and another 20 to be happy with my weight.

I am a 31-yr-old, fun-loving, christian mom of four children (all currently under the age of five!) who works full-time outside the home. I have three daughters, Caley (4), Brooke (6 mos) & Anniston (6 mos) and one son, Gabriel (2). I put on sssoo much weight when pregnant with the twins, which meant healthy babies (avg. 6 lbs each) but not so great for mommy! Now I'm having a hard time finding time to eat nutritiously and exercise. I'm married to a wonderful man who is so supportive. I know you should always do things for yourself but I also want him to have the wife he married back. Although my body will never be like it was before being pregnant with twins, I want to shed the unhealthy extra pounds and feel a little like my old self again.

I am 26 years old and I am a Nanny. I am also in school working on a Business Degree. I have been on Weight Watchers before and lost 20 pounds. I have recently put on about 15 pounds and need to get it off!

I am a 31-year-old wife and mother ofa nine-year-old and a 14-year-old. I work two jobs, and am away more than I am home it seems. My stress relief is food, especially anything sweet. I'm trying to overcome that, but it's not working so well.

Married female, 4 children
I have a terrible, terrible sugar addiction. Many years ago I gave up white flour, sugar, processed foods, etc. and had success. Gained 50 lbs. with each pregnancy and kept 20 on with each!

I am 46 years old. I work in food service in a high school kitchen. I also have my own waitress business on the side, so I am always around food. I have two girls that are 23 and 19. Now its my time to start taking care of my self



I'm happily married to a wonderfully supportive husband of 10 years and have one beautiful daughter who is 3.5 years old. I work at a very sedentary job and feel tired a majority of the time.

I am 35 mother of 2 girls ages 2 & 7.
I am a wife of 13 yrs
I was a school bus driver for 8 yrs
I am currently a daycare provider for 4.5 yrs.
I love my job, but it runs my life to much.
I am trying to leach myself to work out more and not make excuses and get out of it.

I'm 29, married and a mother of two. I lost 40 lbs after I had my daughter 7 years ago and kept it off untill I met my husband in '04. Then overnight I gained all my weight back and have been struggling to find the strength to loose it again.

i am 25 years old, 180 pounds 5ft 4


Mother of two boys, ages 6 and 2, I am getting back into the work force and would like to loose this weight first!



Active 39 year old mother of four. I love running, swimming, snowboarding and disc golf with my family. Would love to lose 15 pounds.

I am a stay at home mom. I have 2 girls, 5 yrs and 2 1/2.

I'm a 29 yr. old stay-at-home mom which probably contributes to snacking all day long. I have a 3 yr. old boy and 2 yr. old girl who are my everything. My husband is a plumber and works hard to provide for us. I need to lose this extra weight and get into shape because I've been feeling very lethargic and terrible. All my clothing is tight and it's been very depressing gong to any social events becuase of the comments and stares I get about gaining weight.


I am 44 years old I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren, I have 2 sons in Iraq right now so I am trying really hard not to be a stress eater ( very hard )



I love to exercise and love being a part of a team that helps me and hopefully I help them accomlish golas




I am 36, never married, no children, but I work in a very sedentary job, and I'm great at making excuses (such as, "but I want the cannoli, the pizza") not to stay on my diet or to exercise ("but I don't feel like it right now"). Consequently, I'm gaining weight. It's obvious I need to change my mindset, and I would like to talk with likeminded people to find out how they stopped talking themselves out of good habits and started talking themselves into good ones.

I feel like I'm addicted to food. I think about it so much. I wish I wasn't like that, wish instead I was "oh, how about that, I forgot to eat lunch" as opposed to "is it too early to start eating lunch yet?"



I am 25 years-old and I work 2 jobs. I work Monday through Saturday, and I am very tired all the time, and I don't have time to make very many healthly meals, I usually eat on the go, or not at all. I am trying to make life changes, not just to loose weight, but to make me healthly all around.

I'm an orthodontic assistant.



I am a 55+ single educator who has been struggling with weight loss. Since Thanksgiving 2005, I've gone from 172 lbs to 147 lbs. I had been attending Weight Watchers but with the price of gas, the cost of the meetings, and my job as an educator, it's been difficult to attend reguarly. I've been using the material and the point cards.

I am 35 mother of 3


I'm 45, have a 23 year old son. I enjoy the outdoors and travelling.

Married mother of 2 boys (13 & 2).



I STOPPED SMOKING ONE YEAR AGO, MAY 20 2005. I FEEL FAB. BECAUSE OF IT.Ii was prepared for the weigh gain, did not mind at all, just did not know it would be so hard at this time in my life to drop the pouds. if I can live with a smoker and not smoke, than I can enjoy my food food and not over eat!!!!

I am 21 and had a baby in the end of April. I am still 25 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. I am still breastfeeding so I know it is important to keep the calorie intake up, but I would just like to do it in a healthier way,

Young, single, mother of a 3 year old girl. Looking to lose weight I've been struggling with since high school. Full time student (nursing) graduating in October. Im going on a cruise in the bahamas as a graduation present to myself and I dont want to spend the whole time worrying about how I look.

When i went to college i weighed a meeger 144 pounds now after a year at school i've ballooned up to 165, i look in the mirror and it saddens me. All of my clothing will not fit and i am refusing to go out to buy clothes that will fit, so i basically wear the same things repeatidly. I will never wear jeans because i have a total of 2 pairs out of 15 that fit, i'm depressed with my appearance and my meltdown last night on my anniversary due to lack of clothing options has made me realize how out of control my weight has truly become.


Middle Aged Grad Student / Engineer with three and a lovely wife.


I am a 27 year old divoree. However I am fortunate enough to have a wonderful man in my life for the past 3 years. I have 3 children who are sweet, adoreable and a handful all at the same time. I am a stay at home mom with hardly any friends except my boyfriend whos my best-friend and my family.




i'm 29 female work full time and will start to go to school full time in the fall. i have been trying to lose weight for the longest, but i loooovee to eat!!!! HELP!!!

I'm 5'7" athletic but love meat & potatoes.


42, SWF who enjoys city living. I'm starting to take tennis lessons and need to take my fitness to another level. Big sweet and carb lover, so if I can break that habit, I'll succeed! Look forward to partnering with all of you!



I am 31, married for 7 years, no children. I do have 3 cats; Runt, Lucky and Sapphire. I no longer work. I am on disability for a lung condition I have.









I'm very unhappy with my body, and before you all say "you look good what are you worried about" well five years ago I was 110 - 115 and now am very unhappy that it won't come off.. I've tried everything and it's as if my metabolism is stuck on "STOP". I got pregnant and gained a tremendous amount of weight, one with the amniotic fluid I had twice the amount that your suppose to have, and two once the baby was born he was colicky so they put me on Paxil which
really made me bloom out.. once I got off of the paxil, it's as if the body is at a standstill.. lol so I need help, serious help.. I'm 5'1 and feel short and stubby..


I am a mother of two boys 51/2 and 4. I have been married for 10 years. I am 30yrs young, and would love some help with this transformation.





I am 37 with two girls, a husband, a house, and a new teaching career. I tend to put my health on the back burner if not off the stove all together. I started having back problems 3 years ago. Thats where the extra 20 pounds comes in.



55 y/o RN, married, fairly active (golf (walk 9 holes/weekly), walk 1-2 miles at work daily, gym work outs 1-3 x week. Since hitting the age of 50, the pounds are creeping up and staying on.

I'm a college student and mother of two. I'm interested in anthropology and astronomy, and I enjoy reading and playing real time strategy games.

Never had to be on a diet in my life, but about a year ago started gaining weight and didn't know how to loose it. I joined Weight Watchers and learned to eat healthier, and lost about 7 pounds.


Male, over 40 (age and waistline).



45 f 260 lb 5'6



I am 27 years old and the mother of a 2 year old son, and a 1 year old daughter. After i had my son, I did weight watchers and lost 72lbs within a year of giving birth to him. I wanted to lose about 15 more, and then I was pregnant again. I gave birth to my daughter July 2005 and losing weight has become increasingly difficult between, work, school, and home life. I have thyroid problems and also never seem to be on the correct meds now and I am going to a specialist. I want to feel confident about myself again.



I am married and have 2 kids. I am very involved in Church activities and work full time. I can't seem to organize my life enough to go to the gym. I wish I knew what was eating me up inside so that I could stop eating all the bad stuff.





I am 39, happily married. No kids, but a lovely pooch named Ashanti. I did the WW thing a few years ago and lost 78 pounds over the course of a year. I have maintained most of it, but have put on a few again. I can't afford the meetings and all the fees, but lack the discipline to do it all myself! I hope this will help me, because I know WW is the way to do it, just have to stay disciplined!


I'm 47 and single, a speech therapist. I gained a lot of weight in graduate school and now feel like I'm too busy to take it off.


Young Professor--interested in taking off the weight that I gained in graduate school. Married to a cutie-pie. No children yet.



I am currently staying home with my son who was born in January 2006. We live with his daddy and our two dogs in Prince Edward Island, Canada.

I'm a 45 year old stay-at-home mom with 2 sons.

My name is Brenna & I am 30 years old. I am a single mom of a wonderful 8 year old son! He is the ultimate joy of my life - wow such a blessing! It was a sharp realization a few weeks back at a waterpark that I really need to lose weight and get in better shape. I can't have extra pounds limiting my activities - there is just too much to do in life!


27 year old female elementary school teacher in TX (orig from NY area), have been up & down over 40 pounds a few times, but have been way up for the past 2 years or so. Weighed in at 165 this morning, but am only 5 feet tall. Really need to eat healthier & get blood pressure & cholesterol down.

I just turned 40. I am single (divorced) and just moved to Austin TX, which prides itself on being the a very "fit" city. I am single with no children, so I have no excuses for my poor eating & exercise habits. I would love to make this transition of moving to Texas a fabulous transformation of myself into a self-confident and slimmer me. I tend to procrastinate when it comes to everything, including my plans to lose weight, so here it goes. No more procrastination!

I am 51 yrs. old, recently remarried with 3 daughters who are 19, 21, and 24 and all in school. I live a pretty active lifestyle but have put on about 12 lbs. in the last six years and am finding it harder to take it off, due to a slower metabolism and a love of eating . . . I need the support and inspiration of a group to give me the extra push to stay motivated. Typically I lose a few pounds only to use it as an excuse to eat something fatening as a reward and I'm back where I started. Sound familiar?


