team details:

Team Name: AUBURN WA Weight Loss And Fitness Support
Members: 26
Location: AUBURN, WA 98001



Last posted: Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 3:41 PM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
Anti Vitiligo Oil™ Vitiligo cure Company Our company is a pure therapeutic oriented organization consisting of expert consultants either to provide method of diagnose vitiligo skin disorder or to produce require medicinevitiligo treatment. All these medicines are formulated on our fore founders of these medicines. Our objectives are to meet the necessary ends of one specific requirement. Visit website vitiligo pictures also to view different conditions of vitiligo patients.

I'm a 30 year old mother of 1 beautiful daughter with my husband of almost 7 years. I'm currently dealing with some issues recently that I believe are partially related to the 20 lbs I've gained since having my daughter.

28 year old gal who is sick and tired of yo-yo dieting.

I am 31 and I have a toddler and a baby (both girls), two dogs, a cat, a husband and a full time job.

I have several health issues, limited on exercise due to needed knee replacements. Looking forward to doing this program.

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