team details:

Team Name: Moving Forward!
Members: 34
Location: anywhere

Goals: To support and encourage each other that yesterday is behind us, there are no do overs let it go and Move Forward!

Profile: Moving forward with success leaving yesterday behind.

Last posted: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 11:46 AM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
I'm married with no kids but I do have two beagles which are what I consider "my boys". My husband of over 25 years is a chef and my best friend. He is as supportive and encouraging as any girl could want. Started the Freshstart Cleanse in August 2012 and continued a tight regimen for 2 years in which I dropped over 80lbs. Over the last 2 years I've slipped back into old habits and have put 60 lbs back on. I don't like it. I need the support of like minded people to help me modify all those bad habits I've begun again. I love the communities here on PEERtrainer. On Monday 04/25/2016 I'm starting the Cleanse protocol again. Long work days make exercise a difficult thing to begin again but I'm starting that process today as soon as I've "declared my intentions". There's nothing like accountability to keep me on track. So here goes... Peertrainer was a life saver for me. I know I can do it again as long as I stay focused and keep my eye on the goal.

I'm a 46 yearl old wife and mom. It is time to make a change. I'm tired of my stomach dictating what I can and can't do.

I am a 39 yr old teacher/wife/mother of 2 boys looking to shed 30lbs and feel better physically. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. Starting on the right track and then feeling too confident of my accomplishments and then slipping back into old habits. Growing up in the south and loving to bake and cook so that it tastes good is a challenge. I use to be really knowledgeable about nutrition and the how to's. I have felt out of the loop for so long it is overwhelming to even start. To look at me you would never know that I have run 2 Half-Marathons.

I am a 50 year old Wife, Mother, Registered Nurse and Wheaten Terrier lover. I have a fit energetic mentality being hidden somewhere again waiting to be let out. I have the knowledge of how to; but lack the consistency with any weight loss...I have the all or nothing mentality that has gotten me no where. I didn't get the best of my family genes and want to break the cycle.

Hi I am a 46 year old mother of a 5 year old and currently a education director for a NGO. I lost weight 3 years ago and became really fit but then broke a rib and gave up...literally gave up. I did a boot camp last year and completed it but was horrified at myselff. Now, a year later, heavier and out of shape more than ever, I went to the doctor in Feb 21012 and he prescribed 7 meds, lifelong for COPD, asma, etc. So, I chucked the meds in March 2013 and started a 30 day juice fast to kick my health back in! Goal accomplished! OH yes, and even as a Librarian and lifelong teacher, I am horrib-le typist, sorry. I get really motivated and then as soon as I start seeing results or start feeling better I tend to sabotage myself.(Point in fact, right after my blood tests and clear lungs, I stopped my juice fast..and ate EVERYTHING again!) I do well with mini goals and support AND accountability. When I was working with a trainer threee years ago and at my best physically in ten years, I used to receive daily and often hourly texts from him and it was enough to keep me going. Although guilt is my biggest motivator and I hope to get to a place where JOY replaces the guilt, Still working on the guilt and the feeling of entitlement!

I'm 59 and doing fine. Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. I Corinthians 10:31

Currently 49 and holding! I have struggles with weight my entire life and have losses and gained weight. I need to make permanent changes and stop the craziness of it all. I have 3 thin sisters and am tired of being the "frumpy" one. I like to have fun and keep a good sense of humor about life.

I'm 41 years old. I have three kids and 3 step kids. ages 8 to 24. I run my own cleaning business. I am the only employee. I like what I do but it is hard work. I have done it for 16 years.

I'm 28 and radically changed my life in the past year. I've gained weight the past few months and I'm looking to take it off, yet again. I'm also working on getting myself into grad school.

I am 39 years old and mother of 2 (11yrs + 8yrs). I am in a great relationship with my husband and keen to be a better role model for my children.

I'm 56, mother of two young adults, teacher. Need to loose 50 lbs and I'm happy to have found this site for motivation.

Wife, working mother of twins. I love God, my family, my sweet dog and the Texas Rangers!

I'm a 24yr old female. I have a a 2yr old son. I'm also fat

Very active mountain girl, but can't seem to shake this weight. Need to work on healthy, regular eating and exercise rather than on again/off again healthy eating and fitness habits. I want to do this for life, not for a few days at a time. Tired of starting over!

21 going on 22, single, no kids. Recovering "fat kid". (5'4" and 240 lbs at fifteen, my heaviest. I am now down to 150!) Hoping to discover the hottie in me, and get the amazing body I never had as a teeneager.

Semi retired

I am 44, sit way too much at work. I have lost 24 pounds since August following JJs plan and HCG drops off and on. I have once again hit a plateau, so thought this cleanse could help me move forward.

I'm an RN, working nights in the emergency room. I'm also a single mother to an amazing 14 yr old, who keeps me pretty busy. Since changing to nightshift I have slowly gained 35 pounds. Due to a work related injury and a car accident, I recently had my second back surgery. I used to be an avid martial artist and loved a good workout more than just about anything. Unfortunately, I will probably never be able to exercise that vigorously again. I'm now struggling with my weight, and all my old tricks just don't work anymore.

44. Married and mother of 11 year old boy. I am 5'3" and 137 pounds.

Happily married for 34 years, work full time and love my job, kids are launched but no grandkids yet!

5'6" Trying to do paleo, but give in too frequently. Frequent CrossFitter and former runner getting ready to start back up.

currently a binge eating- have binge eating disoder and weigh 250 pounds. i want to change and become healthy for life.

51 year old mother of 3 (15 yr, 13 yr, 11 yr), business owner learning to chill out

I am a wife and mother of two young children (aged 8 and 5). I work fulltime. I've had eating and weight issues ever since I can remember. I've lost weight numerous times but always put it back on. I am looking for way to lose the weight and keep it off for good!

I'm a freelance illustrator, female, 66 years old. I'm overweight and am really sick of it! I've lost and regained the same 20 or 30 lbs. over ad over.

I'm 65 years old, retired, and loving life! I have a husband, son, and 2 dogs (they are part of the family too!). My favorite sport is Pickleball, wonderfull because you get lots of exercise while having so much fun. My husband and I are currently using meals and doing well on it.

65 yo wife, mother and grandmother. Enjoy reading, sewing, spending time with family

NEW ABOUT ME: HEY!!! I'm melissa :) I'm a p90x ADDICT! I love it! I'm currently on my 3rd round, can't get enough! With p90x and clean eating I AM IN THE BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE! WANT ADVICE OR HELP? Message me! I'd LoVE to help you GET YOUR LIFE IN ORDER! ;) u can also email me @! OLD ABOUT ME (KEEPING IT FOR MEMORY JOGGING) My name is Melissa and I am very unhappy with my appearance! I am currently at my heaviest (i have ALWAYS been super skinny ..until college hit) I go into phases..i'll want to be thin and lose weight but I go about it wrong. I over-do it and excercise like a crazy person. then i end up getting sore and burnt out. I went from wanting to lose 10 pounds, to gaining 20! All because I hate working out and I have no motivation to work out because I think it's painful. REALLY painful. I want to start over and begin a NEW healthier LIFESTYLE....not diet.

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