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5 Weight Loss Trends For 2012

November 9th, 2011

By PEERtrainer Founder

We recently asked the members of the PEERtrainer community one simple question. Out of all the health and weight loss advice you are hearing about, what is one thing that you are actually doing?

So far over 1,000 people have answered our question, and we found some very interesting trends that we'd like to share.

Our observation from the years running PEERtrainer is that there is often a large gap between what people "know" they should be doing, and what they actually are doing.

And as we know, all the advice in the world is meaningless until you put it into action! A lot of the things that people have been doing are fairly common. Things like drinking less alcohol, eating less and moving more. Lots of you are drinking less soda, which is great to see.

However, there are some trends that we are seeing emerge, things that PEERtrainer members were definitely not doing as much several years ago.

1. The most dominant new trend we are seeing is people cutting foods that contain wheat and dairy out of their diet. We have been watching this particular trend for many years now. (And in some cases actually encouraging it.) But it has never taken hold the way it is now.

2. Whey protein is out, plant protein is in. One thing we know at PEERtrainer is that protein shakes are and will always be popular, especially at breakfast. But we are seeing that people are realizing they need to up the plant protein when possible. Switching to plant-based protein is a very simple adjustment.

It is likely are seeing more plant-based protein shakes on the shelves of your favorite health and nutrition stores. If you don't believe us, next time you are in Whole Foods, ask the knowledgeable people there about the new offerings.

3. A third trend we are seeing is a widespread focus on natural health. We are seeing a much greater awareness that synthetic additives in foods are correlated with poor health. For example, many respondents to our survey said they had removed aspartame from their diet. Other people stated that they have been looking for doctors with a more "integrated" approach to care.

In the comments section below, one person added that they have been removing foods with artificial colors, with the intention of helping their hyperactive son.

We would classify this as an "emerging trend." People appear to be very interested in this subject, and respond strongly. What is most interesting is that people are taking action, based on the responses we are seeing in this survey, as well as the questions we are sent directly. PEERtrainer often has a strong editorial stance, but we don't address subjects that people are not interested in. This is one area that we will be focusing a lot more on.

4. The fourth trend we are seeing is an accelerated shift towards more plant-based foods in the diet. All of the top rated diets now feature a strong focus on adding greens and vegetables. People are taking this advice and putting it into action.

In fact, we recently surveyed 99 participants in our coaching program, and asked them if they have been able to significantly increase the amount of vegetables in their diet. 94 of the responses were affirmative.

What is interesting about this trend is that everyone "knows" that vegetables are good for them. We are seeing more than ever before that people are actually putting this advice into practice. Given the strong correlation between plant consumption and lower risk of disease, this could be a positive indicator for the future of the US healthcare system.

5. The final trend we are starting to see is a shift in the way people define breakfast. People are beginning to turn away from a heavy focus on sugars, carbs and grains. They are open to the idea that they often are eating "dessert for breakfast" in the forms of muffins, high sugar yogurts and syrupy lattes.

We are seeing that some people are struggling with finding good ways of getting protein, fiber and veggies into their breakfast. Some people are opting to add vegetables to their breakfast. For example, Onions, Spinach and Mushrooms Suateed with scrambled eggs give you plenty of protein to start your day. And the vegetables give you critical micronutrients.

We also see that more people than ever are drinking green juices and green smoothies as a part of breakfast. Because PEERtrainer places such a heavy emphasis on adding greens to the diet, it is likely that we are skewing some of these results.

However, as we state in the beginning of this article, all the advice in the world is meaningless unless people are willing to take action. These 5 trends definitely represent things people are taking action on.

[Editorial Note: For maximum weight loss results and overall better health, cleanses are often used. This aids the body with detoxification and balance, but also helps with weight loss reduction. But there are some things to be aware of before you cleanse. Nutrition, health and weight reduction expert, JJ Virgin PhD, has spent the last 15 years educating doctors and patients on how to cleanse properly.

She recently held an extremely popular webinar for the PEERtrainer community, sharing the "real deal" on cleansing to overcome weight loss resistance and more. To get this webinar, plus a free report containing JJ's top tips for cleansing, detoxifying, and dieting as well as the free PEERtrainer Cheat System, illustrating which foods to avoid when cleansing, please click here now]

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PEERtrainer Newsletter Subscriber Feedback

"Hi Jackie, I completely agree with ALL the trends you identified in this article. I signed-on to your e-mails recently and I love them. Keep up the good work. My input is 100% related to eating a more 'plants based diet'. Significant reduction in red meat has made my body feel different & I still stay strong when I train at the gym. I'll keep up the good work & I'll keep following PEERtrainer. Nice job!"

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