What Dr Oz Says About PEERtrainer

(A Tip To Double Your Odds Of Success)

January 24th, 2012

By PEERtrainer Founder

In the January issue of Oprah Magazine, Dr Oz wrote an article where he outlined a 28 day plan to help people do a mind, body and soul makeover.

We are big fans of Dr. Oz because he takes a very broad view of health, and explores issues and ideas that most mainstream health figures will not touch.

At times, he provides sorely needed leadership, and effectively goes head to head with views he wants to challenge.

Dr. Oz has also been a long time friend and advocate of the work of Dr. Joel Fuhrman, who has had a strong influence on content and guidance we have developed. As a result of all this, we like to pay very close attention to what he is saying.

We are obviously biased here- but in our view Dr. Oz touched upon one of the most effective things for anyone looking to do a "makeover." He observed that "it's so easy to mindlessly munch" but that "people who track what they eat can lose twice as much weight as those who don't."

This observation is what PEERtrainer was based upon when the company was founded in 2005. We saw that people generally knew what to do, but needed help following through.

We quickly found that when our weight loss community members logged their food on the website, and had some support from a structured group of people, it helped them overcome the very common habit of mindless eating.

And we can confirm that people who log their food on our site and are active in groups and teams overwhelmingly lose weight. People find that when they log each day on PEERtrainer, it helps to change how they think. They start to go through their day and when they encounter a decision, they say to themselves "I will need to log this." This changes behavior.

In fact Dr. Oz specifically mentioned PEERtrainer, and how it can help you "boost your drive and find support when you need it."

Of course we have added a lot more to the PEERtrainer site over the years, to help people with the very broad battle of getting into shape. One recent example has been the development of the PEERtrainer Cheat System, which is a free weight loss program that helps people make healthy eating choices in an easy and forgivable manner.

We have also added premium support programs. Our Cleanse helps people get some quick progress in a short amount of time. And our Point Of No Return Program helps people master the mental and emotional issues that sometimes need to be addressed for lasting weight loss.

Conclusion and Key Point:If you are one of those people who finds that your mind wanders and you need some focus, please join this team and see if you find it easier to lose weight:

New PEERtrainer Team: Dr. Oz Said This Would Work!!

This team is free to join and you'll find that this might be one of the best habits you ever develop.


Related PEERtrainer Articles:

Why Low Carb Diets Can Be Effective
PEERtrainer 14-Day Fresh Start Cleanse User Testimonials
Should I Remove Gluten From My Diet?

[Editorial Note: For maximum weight loss results and overall better health, cleanses are often used. This aids the body with detoxification and balance, but also helps with weight loss reduction. But there are some things to be aware of before you cleanse. Nutrition, health and weight reduction expert, JJ Virgin PhD, has spent the last 15 years educating doctors and patients on how to cleanse properly.

She recently held an extremely popular webinar for the PEERtrainer community, sharing the "real deal" on cleansing to overcome weight loss resistance and more. To get this webinar, plus a free report containing JJ's top tips for cleansing, detoxifying, and dieting as well as the free PEERtrainer Cheat System, illustrating which foods to avoid when cleansing, please click here now]

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