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Work With Your Primary Care Doctor

Or Find One That You Can Work With!

The best primary care doctors (also known as General Practioners) can help you lose weight and should be considered as a key resource you can take advantage of. They can help you set a goal, usually 10% of your weight, and you will be informed about how this will help improve your health. Many primary care physicians know a lot about the practical aspects of weight loss, and have experience at helping their patients lose weight. They can also help you understand the health benefits of reducing weight. Sometimes hearing those benefits can help you bolster your motivation, and help refine your "why".

They also play a helpful and often critical role in maintaining health and preventing chronic illness. One of the most useful tasks they can perform is setting a health baseline, helping you figure out what your risk factors are. Establishing regular visits a few times a year also adds a layer of accountability that many people find helpful. Additionally, your physician can be an excellent source of referrals for different stages of your life, such as an OBGYN for pregnancies or a pediatrican for your newborn.

I Do Not Like My Doctor, He Does Not Listen To Me, He Rushes The Visit...

Many people have not had a good experience finding a doctor they are comfortable with, but it is well worth the effort to do it. It is important to know that the vast majority of primary care doctors care very deeply about the work they do, and many have passed up opportunities for lucrative specializatons. If you have had a bad experience, don't let that turn you off. Spend the time to find a competent primary care physician with a bedside manner that you work well with and most importantly, respond to; creating and nurturing this important physician relationship can be a critical component to your wellness plan.

Next: How To Get Back On Track, Because Slip Ups Are Inevitable
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If you are like most people, you know how to lose weight and get fit, but simply have a hard time following through. PEERtrainer was built to help you follow through, via daily logging and peer support. It is easy to get started--you log your food, exercise, thoughts each day. This takes about 5 minutes, and is a great habit to develop. You do this in small weight loss groups of 4 and larger "teams". The logging makes you much more aware of your habits. The group members read your logs and keep you motivated and supported. This tight integration of logging with free online weight loss support groups is very effective. It is also a unique and patent-pending process.

It is easy to get started:

1. You Sign Up. It is free.
2. Join Groups and Teams. If you don't find ones you like- Start One. Active Groups Fill Up Quickly, You Might Want To Start A Couple To Get The Perfect Mix of People.

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