There are roughly 110 Calories in an Apple.
If you are looking up calorie information of an apple, it is likely you are looking to lose weight. A key question that we see from our members is that they want to know just "how much" good food they can eat.
As you will see below, apples have powerful and proven health benefits.
But one does want to keep a careful eye on overall daily sugar consumption. Most vegetables, especially green ones are much lower in sugar.
Additionally, one wants to keep a close eye on the overall "nutrient density" of foods. According to this article by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, on a scale of 1 to 1000, an apple has about 9% of the aggregate nutrients that a serving of Kale has.
In contrast, strawberries have 25% of the nutrients that Kale has.
For those of you following the PEERtrainer Cheat System, note that most berries are unlimited, but that any regular piece of fruit after the first one is counted as a "cheat."
This has been controversial, but if you understand the basics of nutrient density, you'll realize that we are guiding you towards the highest nutrient foods there are.
We are also making sure that people do some level of portion control. A lot of people have this idea that they can eat all the healthy food they want.
Often we see people who are vegans or "health nuts" and they are 15-20 pounds away from where they want to be. They have not made the connection that they need to get the calories and portions under control.
When they encounter the Cheat System, they often grumble because it does take some work to get your handle on portions. Especially when you have been thinking that you don't need to.
Bottom Line:
We want you to eat really well, but you have to keep the sugar, fat and calories to a manageable level if you want to lose weight or get your health back in equilibrium.
If you have not yet downloaded your free copy of the cheat system, you can find out how to do so right here.
Apple Health Summary:
One medium apple contains 150 mg of potassium, essential for optimal heart function.
According to the latest research, the old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," is fact and the latest research shows this.
According to 2008 study: "Apple products have been shown to prevent skin, mammary and colon carcinogenesis in animal models. Epidemiological observations indicate that regular consumption of one or more apples a day may reduce the risk for lung and colon cancer."
Apple Health and Nutrition Highlights:
- Apples are high in fiber, with the average apple containing 3 grams providing 10% of daily intake.
- The fiber in an apple can reduce your cholesterol
- An apple a day can reduce your cholesterol roughly 10 percent. This is critical in helping fight heart disease
- The Pectin in apples helps to remove harmful toxins and get them out of the body
- Apples keep you regular and help fight certain forms of cancer
- Recent study shows that apples, tea, onions, and broccoli—the richest sources of flavonoids—gained a 20% reduction in their risk of heart disease.
- Apples bolster the immune system
Fuji, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, and Granny Smith apples all contain health promoting compounds.
- Apples help keep blood sugar levels stable
- Help prevent kidney stones
- Provide protection against breast and colon cancer (source)