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Another 'foul' topic - bad breath

I never have a problem with bad breath but whenever I reduce calories, something seems to change ... I drink loads of water and I DO brush my teeth! Anyone else find this?

Tue. Jan 24, 5:37am

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You are probably going through ketosis

The scent on your breath is probably caused by ketones. I am guessing that you are on a high protein/low carb diet. To get rid of the bad breath, eat more carbs. Your body is doing this because it is buring ketones. Generally the body will try to burn glycogen (stored glucose) from the liver. Once it runs out of this, it switches to burning ketones. The good thing about the fact that you are in ketosis is that you are metabolising fat (and possibly a little muscle too, but ketosis is generally a muscle protein sparing process). The bad thing is that it generally means that your body thinks that it is starving - and you will probably plateau if you don't mix it up (e.g. up your calories by 600/day for a couple of days).

That said, I will usually experience this after a really hard workout (a 3+ hour swim) if I don't get enough carbs/eat enough. It actually makes my sense of smell different (everying smells a tad like ammonia). I generally try to get enough catbs to not experience this, because it is better/more efficient to train off of glycogen than ketones. Glycogen can be used almost directly, while ketones need to be catabolized (broken down)).

(spotlight Paris)


Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 7:56 AM

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Bad breath (bacteria) can also be a sign of many things and can be an indication of health. Have you gone to the dentist or doctor in a while?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 8:52 AM

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OP here

I can defnitely rule out the dentist/doctor, was in for a dental checkup & cleaning a month ago, and the doctor just last week to have some test done, which were all ok. Now, the ketosis sounds more interesting and hopefully not the case. I not on a highprotein/low carb diet, but i will defnitely check on it, and thanks for the interesting link!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 9:33 AM

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When you're hungry and haven't eaten for awhile, your breath tends to get bad. Are you eating often enough?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 10:11 AM

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