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Need help "getting back on program"

I have lost 37lbs since June/05. I have done this on the Weight Watchers Core program. I was really disciplined. Since November I started letting myself have "a little bread" or a "little treat". I also felt that I was doing really well and stopped going to the weight watchers meetings. Now It has snowballed and I am completely off program. I am almost back to my old eating habits and starting to gain back some weight. How do I go back on the program? I joined weight watchers last week and it showed I gained. I was so disapointed in myself that this week has been a bust and now am scared to weigh in this week. How do I get back on track? Why is it harder to start this time? I feel I am alone in my weight loss journey. My fiance and friends are supportive but it's hard to talk to them because they are not overweight. Any support will be appreciated.

Thu. Jan 26, 1:17pm

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It's hard because you were well on your way and instead of having faith in yourself to keep going, maybe you got nervous (subconciously) that you don't know how to "not be overweight".

That you always have said to yourself, that once you lose the weight you would be happy, you would have a better job, relationship, ect....... And maybe deep down, you are scared that wouldn't be true and then where would you be? You spent so much time putting off your happiness until you lost the weight...... only to realize how much time you missed out on.

Thursday, January 26, 2006, 1:23 PM

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what was your motivating factor in getting started the first time? How did you feel when you first started? Revisit those reasons and feelings. I had the same problem. I lost 40 pounds last year from Jan - July. Then after that I just did my 'own' plan for the summer and fall months. Now I'm determined to start again and I have. I just needed to kick myself in the butt and ask myself if I really wanted this or the way I was. I really wanted this. Keep going to the meetings. There are more of us out there like you than you realize! You can do it!

Thursday, January 26, 2006, 1:26 PM

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Back on Track

Maybe you should get back to the meetings where everyone is in the same boat as you. If you ever need a buddy to talk to just let me know. I am considering weight watchers again myself. The core program is great.

Thursday, January 26, 2006, 1:27 PM

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Think Positive

Wow - 37 lbs!! Look at what you've accomplished. You should take a moment and think about that. You know you CAN do it, because you already have. A lot of people look at that and think -"i could never be that disciplined and lose that much weight.".

Be proud of yourself, and then get back to the basics. Maybe you could sit down and make a list of the specific things you did that helped you when you began losing weight, and even the things you did that didn't help so much. And then you can use that as a sort of road map for how to continue. Sometimes it can help to see it all in writing, in black and white. You might think of some better ideas and plans for your weight loss.

Don't think of it as starting over, think of it as building on your wonderful accomplishment. You can do it!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006, 2:41 PM

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