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Is steak really that bad for you?
I'm going out to lunch and I see a steak salad on the menu that I really want. Can you eat steak on a diet?
Tue. Mar 11, 1:52pm
I eat steak all the time. I make sure it's a lean cut (Tenderloin, Sirloin) and that my serving is appropriately sized. I tried cutting out red meat but I just feel fatigued and my hair and skin look dull so I think there was something missing that I wasn't replacing.
For the record I have had no issues losing weight while eating red meat and it's a regular part of my maintenance plan. Just educate yourself on portion size so that you can recognize an actual serving.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 1:57 PM
It depends so heavily on the cut that I wouldn't eat steak in a restaurant. Some cuts have a LOT more fat than others. It also depends on how the beef is raised -- a lot of commercial beef is fatty and full of antibiotics. OTOH, my bfs family raises all-organic free-range cattle and they are lean! That lean meat is high in protein, iron, and B-vitamins, and pretty low-cal considering its high nutritional content.
In summary, I vote for eating beef you buy (or raise) and prepare yourself, but eschewing mystery menu meat.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 1:59 PM
Try to eat the leaner cuts and are organic - free-range cattle (like the PP said).
Other good options for red meat:
I can't think of any more off hand.
Not sure if they're available where you live. Just make sure that it's organically fed.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 3:40 PM
Go grass fed. It costs more but it is definitely worth it for the flavor and your health.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 10:28 PM
Tenderloin (filet mignon) is a very lean cut of meat, not really fattier than a chicken breast.
I say, go for the steak salad, but get the dressing on the side (low fat/low cal if they have it) and skip any other salad-ruiners (cheese, etc.), or get them on the side so you can just put a bit on. It's not the steak that'll make it unhealthy!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 3:09 PM
Steak it up!
Protein is practically free - look at Atkins - My buddy lost 80 lbs eating meat and has kept it off for four years so far...
PP - Dressing on the side is right!
I got a salad at a fancy Italian place "Spinach chicken tomato pecan goat cheese Salad" the only healthy option...
I asked for dressing on the side and they baulked... but I insisted and a good thing too ! ! - the dressing was the tomatoes with some red onions floating in a huge bowl of balsamic oil of glucose gravy sauce - gross! That would have ruined that beautiful salad...I had to airlift those tomatoes out of there and save 500 calories.
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 6:07 PM
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