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Butter/vegetable sprays, Who knew?

So I was watching The Biggest Loser the other night and Jillian says a 1 sec spray of pam is 7 calories.
Now I didn't assume that it was calorie free as they say on the label considering they are made of fat but I couldn't believe it.
So I went searching on the net and the information I found was astonishing.
A cooking spray like pam has 1638 cal for the entire can.
I was using a can a week. I use in to cook everything, and I wasn't being too careful.
Then there's the I can't believe it's not butter spray. According to one source there is 20 cal per teaspoon AND 2 grams of fat. For one teaspoon!
The whole bottle has 900 cal and 90 grams of fat.
Now I can't verify that they were accurate but the sources seemed reliable.

I feel like I have been lied to. Like I said I didn't expect no calories but THAT many. Unbelievable.
I won't quit using them but I will be much more careful and mindful of how much I am using them.
Man it pays to look for hidden calories in your diet.

Was anyone else as shocked as me?

Thu. Mar 13, 3:32pm

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It says it on the can of Pam.

Thursday, March 13, 2008, 3:39 PM

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Holy crap! I had no idea - thanks for the info! (And GOODBYE, Pam!)

Thursday, March 13, 2008, 3:46 PM

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I only use olive oil, love it !

Thursday, March 13, 2008, 4:57 PM

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OP here. I don't use pam cuz I don't like the taste. I use a store brand and they don't tell you.
What I have understood is that if it is under .5 grams of fat per serving they can call it fat free. But how good is that when a serving is like a 1 second spray.

Thursday, March 13, 2008, 5:57 PM

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I cannot even imagine what kind of cooking you are doing to use a can of Pam in a WEEK. You need to adjust your cooking style.

Thursday, March 13, 2008, 6:09 PM

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I think the thought is that you will just use one spray.

Thursday, March 13, 2008, 8:44 PM

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Cooking sprays are oil, and have calories like oil. They are nice b/c they are convenient, and it is easy to use just enough to make the pan not stick, but not as much as if you actually poured in oil.

A can lasts my husband and me about 6 months, I'm guessing. Seems like forever.

I LOVE the new "high heat" PAM, b/c it doesn't burn if the pan is really hot, which lets us "fry" eggs and all sorts of other cooking styles that we couldn't do with regular PAM before!

Friday, March 14, 2008, 2:20 PM

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OP here
I think the brand I was using, a store brand, was wierd. I have a different store brand right now and it is way different from the original. The one I have now I can use a couple second spray and get a good coating on my pan. The old one took more. It was very foamy.
I use it to saute my veggies and I eat tons of veggies. And make meals in advance. So though I may use a lot at one time it carrys on.
I am going to see exactly how long it takes to go through a can now. Put a date on it. I am curious exactly how long they last. so far I am 5 days into my newest one and it is still almost full.
Then when I use my old one that I have a couple left of I am going to see if it just doesn't have the same properties.
anyway I was shocked.
Also I know that when I use it you don't ingest all of it.
But much of it.
So anyway I just wanted to make others aware of it.
Oh and not all the pam containers tell you the calories. I had to search through 4 differernt types of pam to finally find one that did have the calories on it.

Friday, March 14, 2008, 4:16 PM

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Well, a 5-second spray (35 cals) is still better than a tablespoon of oil or butter (130 cals).

Friday, March 14, 2008, 4:20 PM

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Better than PAM:
Get a pump-sprayer. You can get them at anywhere that caries cooking supplies... I fill mine with olive oil.. so healthy and you only get the thin coating you need! Of course they can be filled with anything. :)

Friday, March 14, 2008, 6:12 PM

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I do a quick spray, get wax paper & smear it around, then I don't have to use the whole can to coat something.

Friday, March 14, 2008, 6:27 PM

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thsnks for info op it is always interesting to see where all the calories are that I may just overlook and not even record on my log

Saturday, March 15, 2008, 9:35 PM

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I never would have guessed that there are so many calories in spray butter. I was using it to cook all kinds of food and just dumping it in the pan.
Thank you for enlightening me on this product!

Sunday, March 16, 2008, 11:59 AM

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So was I, that is why it came as such a shock.
I am much more careful now and count as I spray.
It is scary to me that they can we so illusive and we pay for it.

Sunday, March 16, 2008, 2:03 PM

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We're like 2:20 when it comes to PAM. 6 months or more. But I believe cooking with butter or ghee is just fine, and that is not what is fattening people. Processed food and too-abundant sugar are the culprits. I use a mix of xyitol and stevia, natural vegetable sugars, and most of the time, ghee as a butter substitute, because I have a casein intolerance, something that is in all dairy foods. Ghee is expensive, but what a sophisticated, nutty taste!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008, 4:14 PM

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