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At Risk

My boyfriend is a landscaper and we live in Florida. He is outside most of the day and continually comes home with sunburn after sunburn. He is italian so his skin is very dark but he refuses to wear sunscreen!!! he thinks he will never get skin cancer and that nothing bad will ever happen to him! i'm so scared for him! i'm also getting really mad, b/c he won't sart going to the doctor for routine scans for it atleast! UGHHH what shold i do? Just wait around until he finds he has skin cancer? And even if he does end up getting a suspicious mole, he won't go to the doctor b/c he will clain he knows what it is and doesn't need to go.

Sat. Mar 15, 9:02am

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I know why you're nervous about it, men sometimes tend to ignore these types of things. I have known people who have lived in the sun their whole life and never developed skin cancer. The best thing you can do is continually look at the moles on his body, and if he does have something suspicious, find a picture like it on the internet and show it to him. He'll take it seriously after he sees it, not necessarily from his "hysterical wife" but from the "impartial internet".

Saturday, March 15, 2008, 11:05 AM

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I can relate to you ..My husband is the same way and we literally just had this discussion again while recently visiting you r home state where he brought back a bad facial sunburn from fishing all day, he claims it'll be fine it's only b/c he has been out of the sun for four months..I even have an aunt who currently has skin is not making a difference.
I'm curious if anyone else has a suggestion OP .

Saturday, March 15, 2008, 5:10 PM

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I totally know what you mean. My bf is the same way too, having grown up in So Cal. He loves his sun, He's pretty fair skinned so he burns easily. I definitely keep on the look out for suspicious moles. I'd suggest that when you go to the beach bring some sunblock and offer to rub some on his back. SPF 15 works well to protect his skin but allows him to tan a bit too.

Sunday, March 16, 2008, 1:25 AM

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