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Yeast infection!

Ive tried everything, and I even read someone elses thread..and..tried the yogurt thing, and still no results! I have been to the doctor twice, and the first one gave me an antibiotic. that didnt help. and the 2nd gave me some pills to take for 3 days! and i am using yogurt again! it makes it feel yucky though! i also tried a three day use of some kinda stuff to put inside, and that didn't help. and on top of everything else, i have a bladder infection! any other ideas i might not have thought of??

Fri. Mar 21, 8:02pm

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Sounds like time to go to your doctor. Diflucan sometimes requires a second treatment. One pill followed by another 1 week later. This drug can be toxic to the liver when combined with other medications, and avoid alcohol during treatment. Results unfortunately take a few days

Friday, March 21, 2008, 8:10 PM

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I agree I have tried difllucan or the generic of it and it has worked a couple of times. And if you have a bladder infection, UTI I think it is the same thing you definately need to see the dr if it isn't going away. they say it can go into your kidneys.

Friday, March 21, 2008, 11:07 PM

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You may even have Bacterial Vaginosis. It gives the same symptoms as a yeast infection but requires Flagyl to be cured. It occurs when the vagina's ph is off balance. Hope this helps.

Saturday, March 22, 2008, 12:20 AM

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LOVE diflucan. Any time I have to go on anti-biotics, my doc always gives me a diflucan prescription because invariably I get nasty yeast infections if on anti-biotics. (Which thankfully I haven't had to take for two years).

Saturday, March 22, 2008, 1:03 AM

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yeast infection

some time ago i thought I was getting repeated bouts of thrush. i had all treatments. also got urine infection as so sore down there. in the end i wondered if this was allergy. i stopped using fabric conditioner, used baby washing powder. perfumed soaps, in fact no soap for few days, white loo roll, and even wore no knickes in house for couple of days. Gp even referred me to hospital. low and behold within few days i recovered. it wasnt thrush but just felt like it. have had thrush so know what its like

Sunday, March 23, 2008, 4:29 AM

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I DID have a bladder infection that went to my kidneys b/c I didn't go to the doc - and the symptoms had gone away, 'cept that I felt like I had a yeast infection (which I did!) I eventually went to the emergency room when my side was hurting all day and I had a very high fever, and then started throwing up. My mom was convinced I had appendicitis, so she took me to the ER. Turns out, kidney infection from an untreated bladder infection, and also a yeast infection.

Go to the doc again.

Monday, March 24, 2008, 3:09 PM

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