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Healthy Recipes

Hey guys, I am looking for any healthy recipes I can get my hands on, I want to move away from the frozen dinners and canned soups since thats basically what I eat everyday. I need to find things I can make at night and keep in the fridge for lunch at work the next day, or any dinner recipes that are low in calories. Basically any healthy recipes you love, post them here!


Tue. Apr 15, 12:18pm

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Ellie Kreiger

check her out on food network, easy, healthy, yummy nutritious meals.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008, 12:36 PM

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Awesome site for recipe browsing, allows you to sort by whatever nutrient you want, protien, fat, calories, etc.....type in chicken, see what comes up!
I love this thing.

Also can get tons of healthy recipes in Oxygen Magazine.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008, 12:43 PM

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stir fry. I love it! I get my good oil, my veggies, and my protein all in one meal and i like it warmed up the next day for lunch.,

Tuesday, April 15, 2008, 1:51 PM

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I put a ton of chicken recipes in a thread called, does anyone have any healthy recipes.
Just put Healthy recipes into the search area.

Also I like to make enchiladas or lasagna or any type of pasta dish, I only use a little pasta and tons of veggies, and lighten it up any way I can, anyway that sort of thing and have it for dinner and freeze the left overs. Then vacuum seal the frozen food. Then it is ready whenever you want to heat it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008, 7:18 PM

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I have the betty crocker complete cookbook-I like having the book on the counter and making notes for later- almost anything in there is good.

You can tweak things to make them healthier- add 1/2 the oil, mayo, or cheese, double the veggies called for, add whole grains to breads, use applesauce or juice for some of the oil.

Another good trick is to use cooked cabbage in the place of noodles for things like speghetti or stroganoff- or do half cabbage, half noodles. I actually really like that.

Hope that helps!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 10:51 AM

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I stumbled across thhis website one day and boy are some of the reciepes in here good!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 8:52 PM

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Free Healthy Recipes

Here's another site with a bunch of healthy recipes, including tofu, zuchinni, stevia, oatbran and more.


Thursday, April 17, 2008, 3:49 PM

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