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The treadclimber at the gym (the treadmill that is split down the middle and elevates, alternatively from side to side) claims to burn more calories than some of the other machines. Ive done it. Its not super easy, but is this fact or fiction?

Wed. Apr 16, 2:03pm

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i don't know if it works any better than walking up hill as fast as i can on the treadmill, but i feel like i'm getting more of a workout. and i've lost a lot of weight using it. i'd say keep at it, if it's working for you just like any other cardio machine.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 2:41 PM

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I just discovered this machine at the gym and am in love with it. It would make sense that it would burn more calories since you are constantly on a varying incline making your legs work harder. I know that I break a sweat quicker (I know, this is not an indication of burning calories, just means I am working harder) and am more out of breath than on a regular treadmill.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 2:51 PM

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Is this is the bowflex treadclimber your talking about? If so in there ad's where they claim that they are comparing 3mph at 0 incline to 3mph at like a 15 incline or something. So it isn't a fair comparison.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 4:34 PM

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If you compare a treadmill to a treadclimber, you can get a better workout on a treadmill. As the PP mentioned, the treadmill workout the ads compare it to is a 0 incline workout.

I sold treadclimbers while working in a fitness store during university. *IF* I remember correctly, it has a top speed of 4mp and incline of 11. You can do the same on a treadmill. But you can do more on a treadmill. Many commercial treadmills have 15% inclines. You can go faster than 4.0 on a treadmill.

So, a treadclimber is a better workout than a walk on a level treadmill. But there's nothing stopping you from getting the same or a better workout on a treadmill.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 7:14 PM

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I love the treadclimber. They don't have one at my new gym and I miss it horribly. I just feel my legs burning more when I'm on it. And I feel like I'm getting a more intense workout faster. I don't know about the claims or anything else, but I definitely feel it more than working on a treadmill.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 10:26 PM

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I love it, too!

Thursday, April 17, 2008, 3:56 PM

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has anyone had better results from switching to a treadclimber than their original treadmill provided?

Thursday, October 28, 2010, 11:05 AM

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