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losing weight after birth control

I sarting taking birthcontrol for my skin this September. I stopped taking it while ago but while I was on it I gained alot of weight. Aside from still being bloated I've had trouble breaking the binge eating habits I developed while I was on it ( I was endlessly hungry all the time). I have a stomach pouch for the first time, it used to one of my best features. I've been excercising and eating better than I was but to no avail. I was the healthiest I've ever been before this(I'm 5'5 with a large bone structure and 145 I was 125) and I'd really appreciate some advice.

Tue. Apr 22, 9:27pm

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how old are you? I ask because I gained weight that I will NEVER lose around the time when I started taking birth control - and I never really knew if it was that or just the fact that i was "becoming a woman" and growing hips and boobs (I was 17). For years I tried to go back to my weight before that and then when I looked at a picture of myself at that weight I realized I was still in a kids body.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 10:19 PM

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i am in the same position. i stopped taking birth control in May and my periods were irregular and finally got back on track in December/January.. I was 156-160 when I finally realized what was going on. I gained a ton of weight (I used to be 135) and I have been working my butt off to try to loose it.. So far I'm at 145 but I want to get back to 135-130. I also need any advice that I can get!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 11:53 PM

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Evening Primrose Oil

I was on the the pill for 10 years (15-25). While I did gain some weight, I noticed my body just not reacting the same way to the pill and my periods were becoming stronger. I took the step of getting off the pill and switching to homeopathic methods. One of which is a daily dose of evening primrose oil. About 500mg a day, everyday and I no longer suffer from the heavy periods, the extreme bloating, and mood swings. I have some PMS symptoms, but hey, that's life. I know that I feel healthier, more balanced, and am not putting concocted hormones in my body.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 1:19 AM

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